Puneți-vă în plin cu această reamenajare și încă nu vedem niciun semn de sezon uscat sau raiul ferește temperaturi sub 90 de grade Fahrenheit. Cu toate ambarcațiunile, structura este cel mai important lucru de păstrat în stare bună. Săptămâna aceasta, după ce am săpat prin dulapuri și cabluri, am găsit ceva în urma coliziunii care arată îngrozitor. De asemenea, vă prezentăm câteva actualizări cu privire la modul în care merg anumite zone ale navei. Cu atât de mult timp pe hard, va face stropirea pentru prima dată mult mai bună anul viitor! În timpul coliziunii navei noastre, când au avut loc toate avariile, balustrada care cuprinde în mod normal întreaga navă a fost distrusă de la mijlocul navei înainte. Săptămâna aceasta vin sudorii să repare și să monteze în sfârșit balustradă nouă. Le dau instrucțiuni să schimbe balustrada pentru a se opri înainte de prova, astfel încât să am acces mai bine la toate sarcinile pe care trebuie să le îndeplinesc la prova. Alăturați-vă echipajului https://www.patreon.com/SailingMerewether Patronii noștri sunt cei care fac totul posibil și fără ei, nu am fi acolo unde suntem astăzi. Când vă înregistrați, nu numai că aveți acces la toate videoclipurile noastre cu săptămâni înainte de public, dar aveți și o linie directă cu noi și încercăm să ne cunoaștem pe toți patronii noștri. Pune-ne o întrebare, dă-ne un sfat spune-ne ce vrei să vedem, ne place să vorbim cu echipajul nostru cât de mult putem. Mărfuri, cămăși și multe altele https://sailingmerewether.com Paypal https://paypal.me/sailingmerewether?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingmerewether https://www. instagram.com/neeisabelle https://www.instagram.com/kieranwyse Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingmerewether Sponsori și colegi UK Sailmakers – https://www.uksailmakers.com Predict Wind – https:// www.predictwind.com

20 thoughts on “DETERMINARE STRUCTURALĂ găsită, ce acum?!”
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Looking really good what you are doing I’m a gas engineer try cleaning the jets to the small burner looks low and if the flame isn’t on the thermocouple it will keep going out you can by a jet cleaning tool for all sizes it’s handy to have be safe
So much work to do. Best of luck.
@sailingmerewether _ FFS Stop with all these Sh!tty Drone Shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Unsubscribe!!! _
May seem a stupid question, but why spend money or time on anything like cushion covers etc.until you know you have the hull, deck and mast fully repaired? Just in case the boat can’t go back to sea as lots of waisted time and money then.
As for your steering cables our friend who has a 1995 SM got new cables from Amel. Not cheap and it took 6 months. I think he said Amel had 10 sets made, so try contacting Maud to see it she has any. However the ends were mot made correctly and did not un-screw. We had to cut them off, drill and tap the ends by that attach to the rudder then use a bolt.
The steering rack and gears are available from Amel, but first remove, clean out all the old grease as it goes like chewing gum. We have changed these for new rack and gear on 2 Amel Super Maramu yachts, only to find the old ones were just fine. It was the old grease that was the issue!
Are the masts ok? Or were they damaged? As the masts for the Super MarMU are no longer available
The thermo couple on the Eno stove is easy and cheap job. They don’t have to come from Eno as any will work. We got our new thermo couples from Amazon for a few euro.

Best of luck guys.
We are Jay and Hannah, live aboard for 8 years on PAOMIA, Amel Super Maramu, #97
Almost waterproof guys, rails look great

Great job guys, keep on keeping on!
interesting approach: a little bit here a little bit there…
I hope you r doing the GRP repairs with epoxy resin
, new & old poliester don’t tend to bond very good. Underwater body
you must sand all the old antifouling off before you apply new epoxy primers and antifouling
your best bet for tropicall water is Micron 99, get four coats @65 micros x coat and you should be good for 30 months.

Keep on pushing
I enjoy watching your "tube" but why soooooo many drone interruptions ?
A thermocouple is a valve that, when hot, allows gas to flow through it. Thus to start gas flowing one must keep it turned on until it starts to work. Once open, the valve will turn off if it cools, the preventing unturned, poisonous gas from getting into the room.
Please wear professional breathing protection. This types of renovation projects can make havoc on your health. Next video I will see you both in full breathing protection.
Hi. Remember that railings, pulpits, etc. are important safety features. In your case, you created a quite dangerous situation on your bow. Be careful.
I am enjoying your videos mostly but could I suggest not so many drone shots of the marina. Your boat will be great when it's done.
No cash no splash
From anxiety and despair comes knowledge and understanding par excellence that will be gravy going forward and technical/manufactures' future partners should be forthcoming a la Uma et al. Huge congratulation's to you both on your great news!
Do you guys use straight vinegar on the mould or you mix it with something else
Holaaa .. I'm one of the staff pangkor marina. I like to see your videos every time you upload them on yt. Very interesting. Good luck to both of you.