Scapa de gelcoat cretos

Scapa de gelcoat cretos

Telespectatorii obișnuiți ne vor fi văzut luptând pentru a menține gel coat-ul verde închis pe Fair Isle de-a lungul anilor. Am încercat tot felul de metode sau metode de restaurare și acoperiri de protecție, cum ar fi acoperirile ceramice cu nano tehnologie de vârf. De fapt, ne-am gândit că stratul nostru de gel nu mai poate fi de ajutor și ar putea fi nevoie să pictăm, o opțiune foarte scumpă! Dar veți fi uimit de ce se poate face cu echipamentul potrivit și puțină muncă grea. Acest videoclip vă va ghida prin procesul pas cu pas pentru ca stratul de gel să arate ca nou. DACĂ GĂSIȚI ACESTE VIDEO UTILE VĂ RUGĂM SIGURĂ-ȚI CĂ V-ați ABONA, NU COSTA NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CHIAR. STATISTICIILE NE SPUN CELE MAI MULTI OAMENI CARE NE VARDEAZĂ VIDEOCLIPURI NU SUNT ABONAȚI, ACESTE VIDEOCLIPURI NU VA RĂMÂNE DURABILE PENTRU NOI DACĂ NU SE ABONA TELEFECTATORII, MULȚUMESC!


20 thoughts on “Scapa de gelcoat cretos

  1. I follow different sailing channels and your boat is far the most beautiful one! And looking this shiny makes me melt! Btw, you guys are very pleasant to watch. I love the tourism and historical content you add to your videos. Yours and Project Atticus are two of the best on YouTube! Thanks! God bless you all and stay safe!

  2. Can I ask if you thought about the continuing with the use of the nano polish after all the cutting back, rather than reverting to wax? My own experience with the nano stuff has been good, and it seems to hold the gloss for ages with very little effort in getting it onto the gelcoat.

  3. Do you listen to audio books or podcasts whilst you grind and polish? Any lingering vibration disorders? 🫨

  4. Looks beautiful but not sure I would want to spend that much time and effort to go from looks good from 10 feet to looks good from 10 inches 😉 I think in my case, I will do more of a satin/flat finish…. but then, I am tied to the fisherman's wharf, so maybe that work boat look fits better anyway. I should add that you are making your home look good while mine is at best, the summer cottage.

  5. Great content as always, thanks! I am wondering if this is "only" a cosmetic thing or is it important for the structure of the hull?

  6. I have a fiberglass freshwater boat. Some companies offer a treatment of muriatic acid to remove oxidation. What do tou know about this option? Rick

  7. Nice work. I found that less compound and polish is better for working into a high gloss polish . I watched a professional boat Detailer doing the yacht next to ours and he used only a few dots each time but white is an easier colour that’s for sure.

  8. Hats off to you but christ Steve, you must have a very high boredom threshold! 'Lee Shores, Lazy Jacks & Lunches' recommends industrial floor polish (£30 for a tin), they reckon it works a treat as it puts a very tough polymer coat on the hull surface. You might need to try it in 6 months time… 🙂

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