Sunt câteva lucruri pe care trebuie să le spunem… (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 205)

Sunt câteva lucruri pe care trebuie să le spunem... (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 205)

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30 thoughts on “Sunt câteva lucruri pe care trebuie să le spunem… (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 205)

  1. You guys are awesome and prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. With that, I have a question, when planning an making a huge crossing like the Pacific, do you have to plan to bring lots of extra parts for the boat in case of breakage, and how do you decide what parts to bring?

  2. "weird year" indeed Never been through ANYTHING like it : the worst of my Life BUT ALSO never Bounced back as much as I have, EVERY single time . . . . . (((covid 19))) changed the entire Psychology keep Your prayer life strong 💪💚🏊

  3. Congratulations. I’m so glad you made this decision. If you have second thoughts, watch a few videos from your friends who are already there.

  4. Thank you for this update. Prayers for your upcoming surgery, and for your sister. Enjoy planning for the big voyage!

  5. Sorry to hear about the bad run of luck with you or your sister. I appreciate you using your platform to share your experience with breast cancer. It is easy to think of it as an older woman's disease or for those who have not had children but it can strike at any age. My wife got diagnosed with stage 2B triple-negative breast cancer at age 37 and passed within 9 months despite aggressive treatment. Like your younger sister, mine was scanned as a precaution and was HER2+ BC a few months later. I'm pleased to say she is okay 10+ years and counting. Best wishes to you both!

  6. Thanks for the health and travel update. I was hoping you guys were going to have good news and get a green light to continue your adventures. Yeah! Grace, I wish your sister a speedy and full recovery as well.
    I am looking forward to your videos on how to prepare for a Pacific crossing. Some of your last video was shot in the Campbell River area just north of the Comox Valley where I reside. It makes me realize how small the world can be and how anything’s possible. Thanks for your sharing and your amazing videos.

  7. Thankyou 4 sharing your personal medical issues .. its soo important for women to know how genetic the cancer is. Its run thru as far as we know my my mother , my aunie , my nan, her mum, & not know b4 that but its all on 1 side, i worry my life since a teen im 45 now that with to older sisters this could still run thru, so i try to be vigligant, but my point is Please everyone even with tech saying we font need to check as much, please make ex use if have too to get tested cause it easy to test early then l8. I understMd fifferent countries health systems r mord expensive, since covid even australia has been adding costs that were always covered.
    I wish you well in recovery & live life the wsy u wsnt to as long as u can.

  8. Good to hear Grace is doing well, will keep her in our prayers for next surgery. My wife is a 7 year survivor of metastatic melanoma, so we agree with your advice to have screenings. Great to hear you are planning a Pacific crossing! Cruising was our plan before cancer happened 😢 and I have always wanted to make this sail. I wish you both peace and fair winds.

  9. Thank you so much Grace for the update on your Medical Condition. We are all praying for your sister and know, that with your help, she will meet the challenges that confront her. December 20th we wish you a good flight. This is certainly a HUGE development and one which we are so pleased of hearing, crossing the Pacific is certainly the last frontier for a 36ft Saber and yourselves. Please be safe and can't wait for further developments.

  10. I can't say that I'm happy to hear the news about your sister; but I'm ecstatic to hear about the news of your health, and the news about crossing the Pacific.

    May you have fair wind and following seas all the way❤

    I will be watching!

  11. I support your crossing 100%. If you don't do it now, you may regret it later in your life but … if I may suggest, maybe taking 1 or 2 crew members with you. Yes it will be crowded but it will also alleviate some of the load and responsibilities and take a load of your mind at the same time. All this from an armchair captain – lol –

  12. What a period in your life. I appreciate you all keeping us as up to date as you do. I am wondering if you all will consider some crew to cross over with you to share in the watches and chores? 21 days or so in a long time for the two of you to man everything. Sending you all the love in the world and I know without a doubt that whatever your idea of God is will be along with you every step of the way. HMMMMM step might not be the right word for this situation. maybe each nautical mile of the way. At any rate whatever guides you in your times of great contemplation will continue to do good work. much love to the both of you.

  13. Spend as much time as you can in the Tuamotus. This was by far our favorite area to explore. You’ll see plenty of sharks. South Pass Fakarava during the grouper spawn (June) will stun you.

  14. So glad to hear your plans and to see your optimism for the future. You guys have been through so much and it’s great to see you pulling through everything together.. Sending best wishes to your sister Grace – she is going to benefit so much from having your support. Are you going to pop into The Galapagos en route to The Marquesas?

  15. Go for it. I had a pretty good youth and don’t regret my choices except financial security. I’m going through prostate cancer recovery and just keep going on adventures, beats sitting on the couch.

  16. Hey ya all! First prayers for both you n sister Miss Grace. And yea I wanna see and know what ya learn to cross the pacific, and kudos for taking the time to make sure Calico skies is ready! Prayers for successful out come for all! Fair winds and seas !! Hugs!! Later!!

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