Episodul Historsea la Cupa Americii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgv9YfWOGoI&t Ai nevoie de un consult? Faceți clic aici pentru a trimite un mesaj: https://ladyksailing.com/consults/ Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ladyksailing Sau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyksailing/ Săptămâna aceasta facem cele mai importante cinci sfaturi esențiale pentru cumpărături cu barca cu pânze – a face față cu brokerii de bărci, alegerea vechimii ambarcațiunii, căutarea bărcilor cu pânze de vânzare etc.
TOP 5 Sfaturi esențiale pentru cumpărături de bărci – Ep 252 – Lady K Sailing

43 thoughts on “TOP 5 Sfaturi esențiale pentru cumpărături de bărci – Ep 252 – Lady K Sailing”
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What month or months are best for buying a sailboat for the Caribbean?
Big help as usualTim. You helped me a lot with your consult. Looked at the boats you recommended. Made an offer and just lost out. I’m back shopping again using these tips. Thanks.
Always love the videos ! Thanks for the help and for the Discord channel. Waiting for the next one !
Would love to see more hands on practical videos, "how to" style if needed!
Thanks for advice
Thanks for the idea from the other video of using Facebook groups who are looking for crew as I am in Australia. I do not know why I had not thought of it before.
All the way from New Zealand, thanks for the videos, looking forward to you finding out boat for us next year.
Never miss an episode – even during Monday Night Football!! Sweating through the Bills game tonight! LOL
I am looking for a live aboard boat at a marina in Florida for me and my girlfriend. It must have a shower and bathroom and A/C. My budget is around 25K. I don’t really plan to sail it, but might need it move from time to time.
Love your videos Tim! Thanks for keeping them coming. Jerry
Tim, I do enjoy the Historsea channel. Very well done.
Purchased the Beneteau. Thanks Tim
Great video TIM, u are so pleasant to listen to.
hi – don't expect to buy a sailboat but still enjoy your thoughts – especially on fresh water boats.
Absolute perfect episode- thanks Tim
This is a great channel for sailboat buyers!
Good stuff Tim.
don't move from the surveyor's side and ask and ask . . . have owned 3 blue water sailboats and only one decent surveyor, the last survey was on a 47 cat in NY and several key issues he "missed." the broker wasn't any better. good surveys in newport and ft. lauderedale on monohulls. excellent info re depreciation, no doubt you make an excellent consultant.
Fantastic tips Tim.
Been a subscriber for years. Thank you, you have been my go-to channel. I especially liked your series on what to expect at various price points. I'm 68, took the pertinent ASA courses over the last few years, retired, sold my house and business and moved to Maryland Eastern Shore where I volunteered as crew at the local yacht club. I never miss your episodes, they gave me the confidence to purchase 2001 Ben 361 earlier this year with only 250 hours on the engine, autopilot, AIS system and even a heat pump. Found a great surveyor, Ed Wise, out of Galena, MD who was very thorough. Mainsail and rigging in great shape, could use a new jib in a year or so. I had no trouble getting insurance through State Farm (where I get all my insurance so there are discounts). Sailed every weekend this summer around the Chesapeake. I recently had the electric upgraded to lithium, added an inverter and high capacity alternator. Hauling it out now at end of season to inspect through hulls, inspect and service the engine and other issues on the survey. Ships log had descriptions of the previous owners significant voyages to the usual atlantic places and also some maintenance records. Next season I'll be sailing out of the Chesapeake and either up or down the coast.
Great examples loved the episode. Thank you so much
Great Video!
another Great and Useful video. Thanks
Could you help out, i know nothing about sailboats, but i want to sell everything to buy and live and sail on a sailboat.
The catch is that my health has been failing me by a lot, with COPD and lungcancer and still having this dream i need a boat that takes care of me.
I will have a budget of about 50.000eur and i think a rolling-furling mainsail is the way to go, but what other things make a sailboat a good sailboat for safety and good sailinghullshape?
Buy low, sail high…

Hi Tim, thanks for that. We agree with most of what you say – apart from the standing rig lasting 15-20 years. Try to find an insurance company these days who will insure a 15+ year standing rig – no matter if it is rod, dyneema or stainless. Almost impossible. At 15 years they will often outright refuse to insure the rig. At 5-14 years they will require a full rig survey. Standing Rig "very rough" cost estimate – use 1.5x mast height in meters for "rough" $ estimate. And engine – well – I think 4000 hours is where you need to budget with a replacement when you initially look at a boat. Most engines are not looked after as well as they should be. Be VERY careful with low hour engines as well. Diesel engines need to be run hard and long to stay in good condition – especially Turbo versions.
In your comparaison of boat devaluation with time, in my eyes, you missed on important category: catamaran. Cruising catamarans are not loosing so much value as monohull. The COVID Years were very special, with very excessives prices. Also generally, and specially after big typhon years, when all catamaran charterer lost they fleet: there are not that much catamaran on the market, except may be lagoon. So the price of used catamaran is not so vulnerable to depreciation as a monohull. I bought a used catamaran, and resell it years later for the same price, not covering maintenance and adptation. But try that with a monohull. Not so easy. And that is something that we can easly get a feeling too: Look at boats yards where you can find old boat slowly going to dust: you will find plenty of monohull, but no or nearly no catamaran. Functioning Used Catamaran can be sold again, as some monohull will not.
It may also be, because the price of ownership of a catamaran is higher. So nobody can afford letting a catamaran going to dust on a dry dock.
I m owner of my second catamaran, a Fountaine Pajot. And i think it is a good value. Well i hope so.
And you get me think in long term: what about in 20 years. I don t know. But you are roght, may be a better option to always sell an old boat, and buy a newer one. I ll consider the subject.
Right now i m investing in it for ocean crossing.
Same been sub a few years
Another interesting vid, thx man!
Some are predicting the boat market is going to tank by the summer fo you think this will happen? Do you think it will affect the Amels and IPs the same way ?
I’m in the UK we are certainly feeling the interest rate rises here my house will probably lose 50-70k when I try to sell after Xmas this means if the boat I want to live on remains the same I’ll have to offer a much lower price to get that boat or wait longer
Great video thanks
Hi Tim. Tha ks for the info on the Historsea America's Cup Video, even though I truly Loathe Sailboat Racing Personally, I'll probably watch it. Best Wishes. Bob.
Sold my ip380 in a week!
This explains a lot about searching online and the variations in pricing. Thanks heaps for this.
Well as broker for thirty some years, i kinda gotta laugh. Ok first I admit that I'm unusual in doing 80% sail and twenty percent power. But your comment about saying that your budget is higher slays me. My experience over the years has been I get a budget of 50k and do my best to stay close but a few weeks later I get the phone call that they dropped 120k a Wtf moment i would have showed a whole different level of boat. One thing I think you left out is concept of the buyers broker, where if you find a broker you like you can stick with him/her to find the right boat and feel like they are protecting your interests. Not every broker is up for that task but many are. Also never confuse a dealer with a broker. Dealers are focused most often on inventory and what trade-ins they own.
hi Tim! Good video and still sorry I missed saying Hi at the Annapolis show! Maybe if I get up there for a visit, Ill get to say hi then
Great video, very helpful. And so was McNally Yachts you mentioned who helped me buy my first sailboat.
Tell you more about my buying when I sell the one i have. Great episode.
Can't even get a broker listed on yachtworld to respond to my email.