Naufragiat (Salvarea Gărzii de Coastă)

Naufragiat (Salvarea Gărzii de Coastă)

Aceasta este scena în care am dat peste cap și cum totul s-a terminat cu o utilizare creativă a dronei și o salvare a pazei de coastă. Verificați frumoasele printuri din aluminiu de înaltă calitate pe care le ofer acum la . Această ediție limitată este disponibilă doar până la sfârșitul anului 2023! Începând de la 99 USD, livrare în întreaga lume la un tarif foarte rezonabil (sau livrare gratuită pentru 2+ printuri!). Acestea nu sunt piesele tale obișnuite de perete plictisitoare. Nu numai că obții o poză cool de admirat pe peretele tău, dar, în același timp, susții și crearea acestor videoclipuri! Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Nu în amprente? Căutați o altă modalitate de a sprijini crearea acestor videoclipuri? Patronii au acces la videoclipuri fără reclame, la un grup de chat WhatsApp și la o hartă de urmărire a bărcilor cu o listă cu toate ancorajele și porturile de până acum 🥳 Tricouri și hanorace organice + autocolante: https :// Instagram și Facebook: Întrebări de afaceri:


42 thoughts on “Naufragiat (Salvarea Gărzii de Coastă)

  1. Sooo JUST IN CASE someone missed it (not sure if it's possible), here is the link to the print store: . Only available until the end of 2023, starting at $99/92€, these prints ship worldwide (free shipping for 2 or more). Printed directly on the aluminum surface, these look aaaa-mazing! I promise!

  2. Sophia & Juho: Amazing, I've commercially fished the Alaska coast, ran commercial oil tankers with ARCO Marine to Valdez and did a 10 year stint in our US Coast Guard Rescue at Sea Division as a Commissioned Officer. It's my honor to view this truly remarkable episode and believe you both should receive a Metal of Honor for this dedication. Love the prints!

  3. It would seem they ventured out without basic safety measures, V sheet , Flares, bailing bucket etc. Don't Canadian laws require these?

  4. The response of the two vessels that had observed the group is so American: first myself, then myself and lastly myself. Maybe if they had considered it was a war party they would have intervened?

  5. Outstanding radio comms and PANPAN relay management, hats off ! Good thing your handheld was strong enough to ensure comms with MRCC Anchorage, what was your transmission power, 5 Watts ?

  6. Well done S/VLumi. As a long distance singlehander I had my share of situations where I had to standby without being able to interfer personally for my own safety, only to learn later how others knew about the situation but just did not care. Thankfully never had any situation myself where I wasn't able to do everything with onboard devices in terms of leakage repairs or rigging repairs/jury-rigging in safe distance from shore/surf. That definitely could have happened some time however, which makes me especially appreciative about Your steadfast standby until the chopper had spotted the beached party. Thank You! Also thanks for sharing, of course.

  7. Ok great job. Love the way you sent the message . I am sure they where surprised when they saw that land with a message too. Drones are really cool. Take wonderful pictures too.
    Been watching your series from the very beginning. Great job.

  8. Amazing thing is this that I have never seen this before till now. Super!
    Saw another channel will go nameless but he filmed this guy in a storm and didn’t make any effort to help was on an island anchor dragged leavening him get pounded on the beach. Lovely!!

  9. Having lived in Alaska, and having taken my small, open power boat into some of the most dangerous and rough, remote areas, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate what you did here! The 3 on the beach should have known better. They took foolish chances. I lost close friends, fishing mates, who knew better, who took foolish chances, and were lost to Alaskan waters. Alaska can be unforgiving and deadly in a single moment–without warning. You did EVERYTHING right. The bastards who talked about it but did nothing were nothing short of criminal. True Alaskans ALWAYS help. True Alaskans will risk their own lives, when necessary, to save other lives. Welcome to my home, Alaska. Count yourselves at home. YOU are true Alaskans! And please continue to be cautious. Enjoy this magnificent place. But survive it. Come home to tell the adventure. LOVE your channel.

  10. i'm glad they did not have to spend a night on the beach, between cold, wet and possible bears, things could have become serious. Better to intervene early and prevent problems. Your karma is in check (: hope the best for the boats that passed on the opportunity to help. Again, the drone seems to be a very handy safety tool on boats.

  11. Mariners assist other mariners in distress always. That is the law I abided by in the years on those very waters. If there are some there now that are not doing so, they need to rethink their profession and future. That is disgusting. Glad that you upheld the tradition of rendering aid.

  12. One thing everyone needs to know is there are few places in Alaska where you can land a boat on the beach. If there's a swell forget about it because it'll swamp the boat and suck it back out off the beach. If there's nothing to tie a line off to you can also say goodbye to your boat as you cant hold it forever. Also if you attempt to land plan on staying awhile.

  13. Instant subscribe, what a thoughtful video. Makes me want a drone for this reason. Kind of surprised a landing party boat would not have a waterproof handheld vhf somewhere, but I'd be willing to bet all three of the folks on the beach have already come to that conclusion independently. Great video, I just shared it with a relation who may have been one of the very first female coastie chopper pilots. Good stuff, and nice work!

  14. My only lessons I would offer would be 1/ use the 25w vhf mounted on your boat rather than the 5w hand held and
    2/ you could have possibly used wifi calling on your mobiles and starlink including images for the USCG sector station. But you guys did an amazing job.

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