Dă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Un nou catamaran ușor de performanță din aluminiu, care le va oferi lui HH, Outremer, Balance și ORC o șansă pentru banii lor. Super puternic și ușor, va fi, fără îndoială, un catamaran popular în anii următori. Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Vedeți câteva echipamente pe care le avem pe barcă: Invertor https://www. .amazon.com/Xantrex-PROWatt-Inverter-Model-806-1220/dp/B002LGEMOQ/ref=sr_1_5_mod_primary_new?dchild=1&keywords=marine+inverter&qid=1616102481&sbo=DFV0%2FVH2%2F2FV0F2FV0F2F2 %3D&sr=8-5 radio portabil https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Horizon-HX210-6W-Compact/dp/B07KN6LKVG/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=marine+radio&qid=1616102542&sr=8-6 Asociat de la achiziții eligibile și apreciez foarte mult sprijinul dumneavoastră!) Urmărește-ne și pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingintofreedom Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingintofreedom Site-ul nostru: https://www. .sailingintofreedom.comDă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky
NOUL ODISEA 48 – Un catamaran de performanță ca nimeni altul – spune arhitectul naval TUTUROR

36 thoughts on “NOUL ODISEA 48 – Un catamaran de performanță ca nimeni altul – spune arhitectul naval TUTUROR”
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There was kick up rudders but no prop protection?
Really like the new modifications, can't wait to see her start to go together!
Take good care!
Struth looks perfect dig aluminium
This is going to be awesome boat for you plucky , can't wait to see it…
Well done ole mate
After 40+ years of sailing, racing, cruising and delivering cats
This is one of the best new design cat I've seen
Designed to go out and even better …. come home safely
Again I say
Well Done Peter and the whole team
Q. Is there a dollar mark and timeline yet available?
If so, include any hint or info in your next clip
Till later
Top stuff plucky type person.
Brilliant. Good to hear a marine architect talk only about safety and Hull characteristics rather than interior design, 5 layout options & finishings
Air vents above the sun visor , for better air flow over the front windows etc
love the boat
Three hull are better than two.
Peter it looks good …i would have one raised mushroom or bubble hatch on the coach roof as high as possible .. these allow you to vent the interior even in heavy rain or spray
Conditions. They are common on coaches and RVs you can raise them so they vent all round but the inner raised collar keeps water sloshing around or being driven by wind from entering the boat.. even on the hard . You can also tilt them to block wind or spray and still vent on the downwind side or fore and aft . If you fit a no seeum mesh over the opening you keep little blighters out at anchor. Important given the spread of tropical Mosquito born diseases. Even now in Europe and S.USA.
If its about about a 150mm deep the collar you can also mount a removable slower quiet, big bladed solar/battery powered fan in the same roof recess to force or draw fresh air through the whole boat but away from the accomodation areas. When at anchor it doesnt have to be transparent so could be the same as the roof and act as a step up for shorter crew reaching for sail management at the boom neck etc. directly under that area is the most common shadow area for solar anyway.
Even more fire and heat preventing than Al is basalt fiber screening. Al coated basalt fabrics .. for fire risk areas its also when not coated an excellent electrical insulation. So wont react with the Al anywhere.. its also lighter how about the bridge coach roof.
With Al decks and with a priority on lightness -for sustainability comfort and heat insulation think about cork seadeck and flooring .

Its mould bacteria UV and fire resistant. Kind on you tootsies as well
Theres a possible change coming in materials…
Peter, can the average blue caller worker own one. I have been working in construction for 45 years and saved close to 7 figures, but I'm not there yet. Would I be able to afford one? If only we could owen for 400k.
What do they cost.. ?
Looking sharp Plukky!
Far Out!
She looks like a beauty, whats even more beautiful is great minds from around the world contributing ideas and experience.
Cant wait to see it!
GREAT ! Just great!
My concern with aluminum is the noise from waves hitting the hull, that and the temperature!
Shouldn’t the hulls be insulated with replaceable foam, or batting of some type?
Sail on
Solar batteries?
My new pet hates at the moment is being exposed to the element in bad weather and night watching
. The cockpit should be built in kind of U shape protecting the helm from the element and i mean fixed one with proper windows not a tent style which becomes hazardous during strong winds and storms …
Love the safety aspects of this cat so far but not sure about double ending like canoe. Lovely to see you again and congratulations
Legend has it that Plukkimedes once said “give me a tiller long enough and I can steer the world!”
What about skeg hung rudders for better protection?
I’m impressed Pluky, I’ll take one
lots of thought have gone into this and I can’t wait to see it come to life.
Wetted surface reminds me of a Dazcat 1495, how close are you to the 5500kg light, 8500kg heavy displacement of them? When I've reviewed video of them they've all hobby horsed to some extent. Sailing Supernova's 50' cat also has skinny transoms, but doesn't hobby horse. I believe this is because they've unknowingly overloaded it and the transoms are always buried, which also means more trailing turbulence, and because of the lower bridgedeck, wave slap.
Great explanatory video. It is hard to beat having a naval architect to answer queries. The kick up rudder and standard shaft drive are excellent too.
My question is on the skeg that the shaft comes out of. Could it have a small support that you attach when beaching to protect the prop and shaft ? I'm thinking a base plate and from each plate end some more plate that quickly bolts onto the skeg to give the base plate forward and lateral support.
I had a 48ft aluminum center boarder that I beached a couple of times and when the tide and waves pick up the boat can rock fore and aft.
My centerboard was aluminum with sand inside and had a draft of 10 feet when down and about 4 ft. when up. It did fatigue and broke off after 10 years of use.
On our Catana 472 we broke two dagger boards and I had 2 made that were supposedly 3X stronger laterally but the same original strength for and aft so as not to cut the boat in two from hitting something. We broke one hitting a big partially submerged log between Halifax and Bermuda. That is why we went with 2.5 ft keels on our Grainger 47 ft cat. But they certainly slow the boat down and the forces really build up sooner than on the Catana because the Catana just sped up. We have had the Grainger up to 16 kts a few times but it seems like she is about to explode.
Yay! Alloy is awesome! So excited for you!!
This is so exciting. I can NOT WAIT to see your first sail on this amazing new boat! Kick-up rudder feature and the dagger boards is great! Wonderful design considerations all-around.
That's a fantastic looking plan man.
I watched a documentary on the U.S. NAVY all aluminum motor catamarans, built in collaboration with Australian contractor/builders developing the EPF and the HSV 2 Swift. Really amazing technology.
But they found that aluminum suffers from stress cracks and fractures on load points of the hull/hulls due to vibration and load stress.
I know those vessels are fit for a completely different purpose.
I would like to know if you are using the same grade of aluminum?
What construction reinforcement is there to limit the stress fractures, micro fractures, stress cracks appearing?
Apart from corrosion there doesn't seem to be any other downsides to using aluminum for hulls.
Each to his or her own.
I think it's a great well thought out plan. Very impressive.
Nice looking boat; looking forward to seeing the real thing. Just one question Plukky, will you be wearing the goofy boater hat like the guy in the renders when you first take her for a spin?
What happened to the mumby?
Hobie made a great kick up rudder on the 16
The hulls are built with a “moment” frame like the northridge codes lol
Top stuff, Peter!
Great overview. You can tell that a lot of careful thought has gone into this design in response to a mass of real-world cruising experience (good and bad). I look forward to hearing more and ultimately getting to see how it all works out in reality. Particularly being able to take advantage of that shoal draft capability to get into places others are forced to avoid. And the speed and sea keeping to get to them.
It's very safe… But is it Plucky Proof?
i discovered this on google a few weeks ago tried sendiing email but it bounced back, are they taking orders
will this boat be electric propulsion with solar and wind /hydro generation