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Sunete epidemic
isabella's face ?, she really looks into the camera, its like her brain just taking everything in then BAM
she will be talking, walking in her own time.. she's special, she's in no race in comparison to any other kid.. she's unique and she will be intelligent. her smile even lights up her eyes..
im a bible person and im amazed how many gods Greece has too.. it definitely looks like a beautiful part of this world too.. thank you for sharing this with us..
You guys rock! Such excellent videos! Entertaining, informative and astonishing views! Love every week.
Thanks for being so kind to my country
What a spectacular tour of the Aegean islands. Gotta say, those chops from the butcher and all seared up looked scrumptious.
Isa is such a lovely baby. It's nice to see everyone happy. See you next time.

I highly recommend Amorgos. You can tie up to the town jetty in Katapola which is an extremely protected bay. You visit the famous monastery and also swim on the shipwreck from the movie le Grande Blu with Jean Reno and Rosanna Arquette. I recommend Kapitan Demos in Katapola go in a day before and ask for the slow cooked lamb (it’s actually goat in the islands but they call it lamb for English sensibilities).
Love this episode and seeing parts of the Aegean. It's my favorite part of the world by far!
It's amazing to watch you all go into the Dinghy. I am still trying to get myself used to getting into and out of the dinghy without doing a faceplate. I did that a few months ago. You're an inspiration. Heidi
What a joyous little girl.
Thank you for the smiles and your courageous adventures. All of us need to pull our anchor up and leave the safe harbor and experience life to its fullest! Even
though I am a granny, and my anchor held strong during some recent operations, I’m hoisting my ‘sails’ more this coming year!
Very nice episode. The views were breathtaking.
If you could talk to dolphins, what would you ask about?
Hi guys your daughter getting older and least you have nice weather
Hey, I noticed your playlist is expanding… care to post some credits for the tunes? (said the songwriter haha!)
Along the coast of northern California, the first half of October is prime weather for visiting. No coastal fog, an Indian summer weather, no wind, and beautiful light. Chocolate croissant sounds like a must have.
Beautiful video. Adorable Isa. Oso so cute. Stunning Greece. All the great elements. Thanks. You are truly a blessing!
why don't you spear fish and catch lobsters and crabs?
How does one of the best sailing channels only have 255k subs??
Isabella is an absolute love, a happy baby. Well done.
Always great watching your videos. And adorable Isa is growing up fast! Such a beautiful family. Thanks for posting.
Living the dream.