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  1. That were some intense moments..but you survived😅 and even saw the boat and you two can handle a storm or two or more.🎉😂 Bravely forward and sail on the storm..uuhh..wind of today..or at least try..😅🎉

  2. Most of those flags are tied to nets that are fairly deep. We've passed by thousands of them without a problem. The moorings that are orange with a blue stripe or the larger yellow ones can be used instead of anchoring. Just back down on them first to make sure its in good shape.

  3. Some pretty rugged weather but, you two did well. Always wear PFD's in stormy weather. During an emergency you may not have time to find one and put it on. Can you imagine going overboard in bad weather and at anchor… even dragging? No easy task to find you or rescue you. Please be careful, we don't want anything to happen to either of you.

  4. A cool trick with that sou'wester is to wear it the other way around. Does a decent job of keeping the rain out of your eyes and will keep the rain out of the back of your shirt/jacket as well 🙂

  5. that storm looked intense, staying calm & knowing how to handle it worked out great!!! thanks for sharing with us & be safe out there!!

  6. Every day is part of our learning curve, I was taught by a yachtmaster to have one person on anchor watch during bad weather, far more reliable than technology which needs power. Glad you both made it through safely 👍

  7. Hallelujah ‼️ You both weathered the storms 🎉💨🌧️💦🎉 We made the decision to get an external bridle that uses the boat cleats and use stronger line. Or get the Mantus bridle. Good stuff. See you next time.✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  8. Thanks for not editing out the rough stuff as there is great value in others seeing what you face and how you resolve issues. I assume this is a November recording so you are seeing that November weather around Thailand can be rough. It can also be nice. It should get better as you move more into December. Be safe!

  9. Great experience ! Never seen Bikini & Sowester before !
    Surely your engine starter batteries should be entirely seperate to your leisure batteries. If not – that is a priority fix.
    Do you need a bigger, high holding storm anchor ? You have a lot of topside windage.

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