4 zile la mare…

4 zile la mare...

navighează din Spania către Insulele Canare! Este vorba despre o navigație de 4 zile, câțiva delfini de-a lungul drumului plus un apus frumos 🙂 sper să vă placă! instagram – https://www.instagram.com/finnwhitakerr/ Muzica – totul a mea! Mulțumesc pentru vizionare, iubesc dragostea 🙂


34 thoughts on “4 zile la mare…

  1. Finn, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Always look forward to your great videos. Take care and stay safe. Loved seeing the dolphins. Leesh Goooo!

  2. Finn, enjoy every day sailing! I have wanted to live on a sailboat and sail the oceans, since I was your age. I’m 67 now and still hold on to the dream!

  3. Finn, you and family are living the dream! I would love to see and visit some of the destinations you have visited. Have fun and be safe.Lov you bro. Lee Crolley,lll Lexington S.C.

  4. great videos Finn, you are so good at your music with the guitar, hope you keep that going, also please tell your Mum she is fantastic at doing here videos for You Tube, always look forward to them very much,

  5. Nice video Finn. I fully understand how trying to come up with something new or capturing could be very difficult on the life you live with much time at sea in the confines of a boat. You do quite well. I also get a sense you are ready for another life. Not surprising your age and searching for life's meaning beyond sailing. You keep mentioning a van and land travel. Do it. it will satisfy a need in you. You had some great coverage of your family's land trips. No doubt wetted your appetite. You are a good man. Life will give you more opportunities. Perhaps the only thing more unpredictable than sailing the world might be life itself. Never know what is around the next turn. You will handle just fine and hopefully it will give you an opportunity. Nobody mentions Madeline including you. You and her hit if off it seemed but perhaps is just another life's event that shapes us all.

  6. VIDEO IDEA: Share with us your "van Life" idea. Plans for the actual van, build out, tour routes, how you are researching van life, etc. Thanks Finn. Keep being awesome.

  7. Thanks Finn your video's are great to watch with a mug of coffee on Sunday mornings.

    Btw the sticks if dynamite might be just the thing to stop the Orcas. I hope they don't get hurt, but these attacks have gotta stop.

  8. I think all the motorized sea-traffic is annoying the intelligent Orcas. If you have been under water with motorized boats around the sound is intense, annoying and travels very far.
    As civilization has “progressed” the frequency of noise pollution along with all pollution is reaching a tipping point. Most intelligent and aggressive will snap in profound ways.

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