Note de la mare: O privire asupra melodiilor personale ale navigației solo

Note de la mare: O privire asupra melodiilor personale ale navigației solo

Viața de marinar solo este departe de a fi singură! Îmi place amestecul de singurătate pe mare și legătura cu localnicii și prietenii de crucișător atunci când sunt la ancora. Vino și scufundă-te în melodia călătoriei mele solo de marinar! | Untie The Lines S6E22 ⇩ Susține videoclipurile mele pentru a obține actualizări video în timp real și acces la grupul UTL-Whatsapp! ⇩ ► PATREON ⇩ Vrei să-mi cumperi o băutură sau un răsfăț pentru Boga? ⇩ ► PAY PAL **** Bună, tuturor! Numele meu este Nike și trăiesc și navighez pe barca mea Karl din 2013. După un maraton masiv de reparații, în sfârșit am renunțat la linii și am învățat să navighez singur cu Reinke Super 10 de 37 de picioare pe care l-am numit „Karl”. Public clipuri video (momentan la fiecare două săptămâni) despre suișurile și coborâșurile de a trăi, repara și naviga cu barca mea. Din ianuarie 2022, am un nou membru permanent al echipajului: prietenul meu blănos Boga. Când am început, nu știam prea multe despre repararea bărcii sau navigarea solo. Din moment ce sunt încă acolo, sper că povestea mea îi inspiră pe alții, să-și urmărească visele, chiar dacă ar putea crede că nu sunt făcuți pentru asta. Întotdeauna există o cale, așa că ne vedem acolo! 👉 Urmărește-mi aventura de navigație solo de la început ⇩ Mai multe despre călătoria mea cu barca mea cu velier SV Karl @WhiteSpotPirates ⇩ ► INSTAGRAM WhiteSpotPirates ► FACEBOOK ► MY BOAT KARL ⇩ Urmăriți filmul complet „Untie The Lines” ⇩ Descărcați sau transmite filmul complet cu informații de fundal despre călătoria mea, interviuri cu prietenii și familia mea și filmări nevăzute la ***** Mulțumesc tuturor celor care au susținut crearea acestor videoclipuri și au împărtășit acest film aventură epică cu mine până acum. Nu ar fi fost la fel fără tine! Multă dragoste pentru ocean, Nike🧜‍♀, Boga 🐾 și KARL ⛵ #solosailing #sailorgirl #singlehandedsailing #soloadventure


40 thoughts on “Note de la mare: O privire asupra melodiilor personale ale navigației solo

  1. I sense this may be a (slightly) difficult time for you. Not that sailing is an issue… but a supporting partner is not in the picture. Honestly, you are so talented and so loving. I hope an adventurous soul mate enters the picture and the (three) of you lovingly bond sharing humor, adventure, and the richness of life's offerings for a very long and deserving voyage.

  2. Superb video, Nike. Enjoying so much your view of a warmer climate as I prepare to go out into an icy cold winter environment here in Michigan, USA.

  3. There are VERY few YT channels that present their subject matter in such a natural, genuine, relaxed, beautiful, never boring manner, no matter how routine the subject matter may be… Oh, by the way, women are almost always late and men are almost always early, just the way it is…I could almost taste that food looking at it and the music was a treat…till next time.

  4. sorry to hear you saying u r a chicken. absolutely not ! Reefing in time as precaution is always a very wise discision. Being overpowered is a dangerous situation. sailing is not always about speed. certainly not when cruising solo! safe sails and thanks for living your life and sharing with us .

  5. You can reef in strong winds with a cup of coffee in your hand, plus you don't have to head into the wind.
    You say how? With a junk rig of course. Check it out, you will be surprised.

  6. Jon Sanders said in an interview he prefers to solo sail in a sail config people would call "under canvassed. In winds up to 15kts with one reef in the sail and the jib flattened with a few furls. Stead progress, less load on gear". I guess he knows what he is doing, went around 11 times (one trip was three times non-stop unassisted), last time arriving at the age of 81. You are not racing, why push it?

  7. Every second of your videos … pure joy, thank you! And yes, singlehanded sailing goes hand in hand with prudent sail setting. 😊🎉

  8. I’ve watched your channel since the early days, it was always my dream to come and crew for a few months……..but I feel that opportunity has sailed into the distance 😂. One day.

  9. Mate I've said it before your not weak ( ie: not a chicken ) you have done something that most of us are to scared to do . That is to step outside the box and live a life away from mainstream life style . And yes your the best sailing going around at the moment. Fair winds

  10. I've heard "Iron jib" or "iron genoa" but had never heard "underwater genoa." That's great. And no question – it's all about taking the most conservative approach to things. Completely agree on the one reef in default.

  11. As you were talking about wanting to "sail" with sails, I was reminded of how important Big Red has been in your travels. So many years ago, it was such a struggle to watch you install him but, he has definitely delivered on the promise of a new motor! Keep sailing safely!

  12. I love your smile!
    You're a cute chicken… by the way.
    I'm not following you regularly, but I was under the impression that you and Peter parted ways. Perhaps this video is a montage from previous footage.
    In any case, your shadow against the main in the morning sun is great footage.
    One more comment: I love your choice of a music scores for your videos.
    I have not heard any of these artists. Educational for me.

  13. So funny. There's always instruments on sailboats. Not that much on powerboats. I never sail, or go anywhere else without my Takamine 6 string. I loved Paul playing harp and you on the ukele. Andy, from Sailing Melody, recently, a month ago, published a video in which he used an engine as a drummer and played with that on his….guess what….6 string Taka. Both worlds combined.

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