A treia oară NU este un farmec… [ep 92]

A treia oară NU este un farmec... [ep 92]

Momentul pe care il asteptam… RADARUL sa fie REPARAT!! dar nu este. Eu și tatăl meu luăm o mică pauză și mergem să facem o tură din insulă; cascade și maimuțe! Apoi se întoarce la treabă. Oferă puțin sprijin suplimentar 💞 Circumnavigarea abia începe… tot ajutorul tău se îndreaptă către mai mult echipament pentru a face videoclipurile puțin mai bune și barca mai sigură și mai funcțională pentru mine ca o singură mână (și poate un răsfăț suplimentar pentru Mako ) COMUNITATEA PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/laurenlanders Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/souldelamar Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/souldelamar Mako Treats: https: //www.buymeacoffee.com/laurenalanR Marfa: https://www.soudelamar.com/shop/ Lista de dorințe: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/WT5UKPG3ITDP/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_3 Lucruri pe care le folosesc & dragoste (acestea sunt link-uri afiliate și mă ajută puțin): Lumini subacvatice: https://www.lumiteclighting.com/ Protecție solară: codul www.Stream2Sea.com: „laurenalanders” Ochelari de soare: https://glnk.io /y31nz/laurenlanders Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/_laurenlanders Produse alimentare prin abonament Thrive: http://thrv.me/WzJrbh Robinet cu filtru de apă: https://www.acuvatech.com/shop/? ref=laurenlandersClothing: www.thesilkco.com cod: „Lauren Landers Sailing” Watermaker!! https://seawaterpro.com?sca_ref=1453027.5f7Jd5tSOL Hydrovane: hydrovane.com Instagram instagram.com/laurenlanders instagram.com/makoatsea


23 thoughts on “A treia oară NU este un farmec… [ep 92]

  1. Good to see your pretty face again !
    Glad your Dad came to help !
    He loves you and probably would give his life for you. He is good man. Looking forward to seeing you back on the water.
    Please show the boat splash, I love watching that.
    Another great video thanks for sharing.

  2. Mako is Home Sweet Home. Great video, lots of hard work but it pays off when your at those fantastic locations with the sun & the water. Take your time, get everything right so when you set sail your a fixed up proper. Thanks for sharing.

  3. As much as I enjoy watching you work on, in and under the boat, I would love to see pictures of the azure blue sea, colorful corals and sharks again …🐳😉

  4. Good work you don’t have nothing free to day hard work is the key to success I like watching you you are and inspiration to younger and holder like me 👍😜

  5. great job (I had a sailing boat myself, so I know the works), but you should definitively wear a protective mask Lauren !!!!

  6. I wouldn't trust using the clasp to attach to the bosun chair, they fail alot! Tie a knot and also have a second safety line! Thanks for sharing your videos.

  7. Only one word for you, AWESOME !!!,
    Amazing, unbelievable, no end to what you are capable of.
    Totally admire you Lady.
    Sure wish I could figure out how to patreon you and Mako.

  8. Please never trust a shackle for lifting a person , tie a knot or at least tape it off . They can open by accident . In addition use a second back up halyard as a safety line just in case , you can not see the line in the mast and may not see some chafe or a clutch may fail , .

    Too far to fall , be double safe .

    I typed all that before I saw the block you went up on – yikes , all it needed was the pin to have come loose. You trusted your life to a bunch of old hardware not rated for a person you could not inspect till you were right at the top of the mast .

    Please , a second back up safety halyard next time .

  9. Seems to me that simple on a boat is better . Much of the boat work is so often fixing luxuries . Not saying I don't like luxuries , just if you have them be prepared to live without .

    Her boat is not just complicated , but the access to repair stuff is shockingly bad . Access to repair for me is a big thing . I would prefer a vital thing in the way over hidden and desperately needed to be fixed .

  10. Hey Lauren, it's so nice to see how your daddy helps you with all this work on your boat. I would also be there immediately when it comes to helping. You are such a charming and loving personality. I saw how you had to go up the mast with difficulty. My tip as an arborist would be to get a DoubleRopeSystem. This allows you to get up on the masts in a very energy-saving and efficient way. With a so-called stair climb. Wish you a lot of strength and above all God's protection and blessing on the boat tour, wherever you go. Be blessed in Jesus' name, Amen 🙏🏽 👌🏽🙌🙌

  11. Never be pulled up a mast on a loose block fixed with shackles….only halyards running through sheves in the mast! You learn that early working on boats as junior deckhands….better you stop doing all of this diy stuff before you know how it's done….lots of channels here to learn it…..

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