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Acesta este un iaht cu traulă din oțel de 585.000 EUR Hull 1, cu o rază de acțiune de 5.000 NM! (Și este DE VANZARE!)

31 thoughts on “Acesta este un iaht cu traulă din oțel de 585.000 EUR Hull 1, cu o rază de acțiune de 5.000 NM! (Și este DE VANZARE!)”
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Cool boat, thanks for sharing.

Hard to believe she's just 42' . It's kind of a cliche' ti say it but the boat looks and I assume performs like a much larger boat. I'll catch BoatBouy for your fav features but as for me the decks and that galley stand out. And the pilot house ofc.
Lekker man lekker
Great trawler.
Nice boat. There are many sharp corners in the interior. I want to update it..
How do they come up with a 5000 NM range?
From their specs, consumption at cruise of 6.3 knots is 5.1 l/hr with a 3132 l capacity.
That gives 614 hours at cruising speed, resulting in 3870 NM range.
Which is EXCELLENT range.
Just not 5000 NM.
Am I seeing right ships? The jack flag is a texas colors?
While not a fan of paravanes, rigging and no helm chair, I do like Dutch built trawlers and this could be a nice bachelor or bachelorette liveaboard. Would definitely cover all of those windows with panels when doing a crossing because she's really slow, which means extended periods in open ocean subject to finicky weather.
One engine not happy with that should have a wing engine otherwise looks a brilliant boat
HMMM I think I would like this for the Great Lakes!! /St Lawrence river !! It would be a great fresh water boat.
Was there an oven? For a long range trawler I’d need an oven. Thanks for sharing. Nice seeing a more affordable option for long range cruising.
Lovely "little ship" ! I would like to have seen a wing engine as a backup though, like you'd get on a Nordhavn. The range is exceptional though!
Nice for the Great Loop and ICW. Making use of the engines heat a great idea. Compact boat . Do you really need more?
Did they build any other hulls or is this a one off? Broker says it sleeps 6. Would be a bit crowded/comfy with that many people onboard.
nice lil ship
capable for sure, but it looks like a fat nordhavn.
very nice Yacht
Did I miss Air Conditioning as well Freezer ?
Price ?
I like steel trawlers, hope the superstructure is welded to the hull not bolted on. Yes potential ocean crossing vessel but you would be rockin’ and rolling‘ although the paravanes would help. John Deere engines have a good reputation in the US where I live but only one means of propulsion would make me nervous in a crossing which would take a while at 6-9 knots. When I was in the US Navy we did crossings of the Atlantic and Pacific at about 20 knots and it still seemed like an eternity. Overall though I like this boat and would prefer it to a Nordhaven. Thanks for the review.
What a beautiful boat.
Same design as my trawler.
The amount of space and the engine room on this size of boat, it's just amazing.
Lovely boat! Thanks for the great review.
Wish that it was closer to 60 ft. length. That would be a better live-aboard for 2 people
Sigh'n wtf, they never stop building awesome boats in the Netherlands, do they
Wow yes please, go anywhere whenever boat for an anti social type like me ))))))
Great tour of this beautiful trawler. I'd put a little freezer in the lazarette, upgrade microwave to a combi, put a double in the cabin, and a 2nd water maker for redundancy. I'd be happy to live aboard, doing a lot of costal cruising & inlandwaterways. I wouldn't probably cross the ocean, though. Dream on