Superyacht Exodus – Plecare în masă | Plățile către jurnalist ridică întrebarea | Sy News Ep276

Superyacht Exodus - Plecare în masă |  Plățile către jurnalist ridică întrebarea |  Sy News Ep276

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats 00:00 Jurnalist occidental plătit rus 05:23 Noul iaht Amels 80 Sosește pentru echipare 06:12 Îndreptați-vă spre vest? 07:40 YotSpot – Savannah 09:38 Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon! Link către videoclipul complet (în limba germană cu subtitrări) Cazul Hubert Seipel: Pentru ce a primit jurnalistul 600.000 de euro? I Cyprus Confidential I frontal Alăturați-vă clubului eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime Aboneaza-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


38 thoughts on “Superyacht Exodus – Plecare în masă | Plățile către jurnalist ridică întrebarea | Sy News Ep276

  1. The Amels 80 looks quite narrow for her height and there isn't a great deal of superstructure, hence a fairly low gt for her length. Her stabilizers might have to work quite hard in lumpy seas or anchorages with a bit of swell. I wonder what her GM is? Not withstanding, she will be very well put together coz she's built by Amels.

  2. I would not trust the complete and accurate report from any writer or journalist who received any funds or gifts from the subject or the subject’s representatives, family or friends or from anyone who had an interest in the outcome. No. I don’t know anything about the book, the writer or the awards he has received but any journalism awards he may have received could be forfeit for accepting payments or equivalent gifts as described in this video. Full disclosure, though – if the report of payments he received came from London’s Daily Mail, I am not sure I trust that source as wholly reliable based on some gossip they have reported on celebrities or ‘estranged’ royal family members. The Mail you referenced might not be the Daily Mail gossip rag. I truly don’t know. But I have come to trust the reliability of your reporting and cannot imagine that you would use a nebulous source for serious (or other) reporting. Just saying. Thanks for reporting this story!

  3. Actual journalists do not accept payments for producing their work. The New York Times will not even pay "X" (formerly Twitter) for a subscription, and thus does not have an account.

  4. Hahaha🤣 so that’s what Trump is up too, so that’s why he always building Putin up…..he’s trying to get Putin to give him some money. 😂 What a doofus.

  5. Thank you for the news. You always amaze me, it's incredible how interesting the superyacht world can be.
    Hubert Seipel receiving €600,000 from Pootin I would not trust him to be unbiased.

  6. Lots of conjectures without actual proof. But for argument’s sake let’s assume what you say is true. Why nobody (including yourself) investigates on Zelensky yachts and mansions?.’’

  7. 22 years aog I worked in one of the top 30 german comps in the M-dax.
    as a facility manager. I was a witness of buying journalists.
    One of the famous economical TV stations with its falous ankermen was the goal of the manipulation of the stockmarket like in "The wolf or Wall Street" spreading false informations..He got much money and in one live show he spoke about our company spread false infos. Next morring the price for one share rises 30%. Some hours later we all lost our jobs because the company was sold to the bigger one 🙂30% made ca. 300 million for the lovingley CEOs and founders of the comp.

  8. 30yrs ago as crew I did my first crossing to Holland of the North Sea on a Prout 43, It landed up being my first night watch as we tracked south of the sea lane across to Holland, like watching a small towns Bypass in slow motion on a quiet night, Happy memories,

  9. Indipendent journalist VS propaganda or PR tricks. 20 years ago I wrote my first book in German. Autobiographic. On one page I told the story of my mother how was sexually and phisicaly abused in the convent or the roman C. Cult called "Church" she sufferd from this tormenting momments her live.
    I startet my PR tour in Hamburg and months later a Bishop from a vatican group with conects to the Pius brotherhood came to me and offerd me this: If I take out that ONE page about the abuse of my mother, they will make me rich because they own the biggest publishing house that time in the USA and also in the EU. My publisher was a micro publisher. The bishop said :"If you support US we will support you and via big sale you get much money"
    I said "no thanks" I am not interestet in prostitution of my story.
    Later a Billionär "Friedhelm Loh from Loh Industrys" bought all publishing houses in Germany he where opposing the Vatican and then they clothes them all. Only Pro-Vatican books are still on the market.
    Politics in the west have an easy way to buy influencer power via "free Journalist" of "experts in whatever" The "free journalists write a book that is "Pro-Politics" in whatever position. The rich men rich companys behind that politic buy millions of books of "the free journalist" and make the titel to a bestseller.
    The book will be thrown in the fire. The same happend in Germany.
    Rich Lefits did it and all kind of ideas are pusched by "influencing" writers.
    Modern propaganda.
    What many dont know: The arabic worlds spend ca. 50 billion US dollars every day to make traveling into there country cheap. They say its mission cost. Millions love the cheap sponsord travel in luxury and they have a close eve because the sharia law- everyone does no that in germany sharia killing is not right but if the traveler gets a cheap travel support form such state? Moral? In such countrys the GOV produces nacket shows and all kind of fantasy stuff that is forbitten after sharia law but for the west media "they play the show"
    Moral? In Germany we have state owned and gov controlle Media called "Öffentlich Rechtsliches Radio und Fernsehen"
    The gov pusches Ideology of all kinds and how is not FOR it gats banned.
    Politics in Germany work also for the industry. Thats also propaganda.
    And if ONE is against the war in the UA where the NATO fights against Russia the most powerfull contry on earth (with partners) then the gov says "They are NATZIs"
    Journalist how are for peace are kiecked out of parties TV shows and media groups.
    The rest pushes pro US proxiwar.
    If you check out Russian YT canals you will find out that there is NO real embargo in Russia.
    The oposite is true. They have more then bevore also from US and EU country.
    As a NATO Veteran I have a position for peace.
    London and the USA are partners in this war against Russia.
    The european forgot that the NATO and USA was running away from Russias warpower in Syria. The USA and Nato has nothing like hyperschall rocket systems. They have nothing like the 2 turkisch outomaticl acting drons systems they even have no antirocket system against Russians war tec.
    The NATO has Mil Tec from the standart of the 80th. We warned to fight the Russians 2 years ago. In our GOV is NO former soldier. No one how is not in the propaganda show of the industrial war complex called "Democratie" in Germany.
    For me its not a deal when a friend of Mister Putin gets some money because he must live.
    In Germany the GOV has lists of names of journalists taht they call "Enemy of the state" like 80 yeras ago. A new party is foundet in this days. The NEW left "Bündniss Sara Wagenknecht" All new members are old lefties form the old kommunist LINKE and they are NOT enemys of Russia they are for peace.
    Stop the war. Make love not war. Make money and build ships for travel!

  10. Its fun to look at Marine Traffic (and others) and see the mass migration in the trade winds. Last winter we saw 4 other yachts and 3 freighters in our 16 day passage. Surprisingly, we tried to raise the other yachts on VHF to no avail even being within 3nm of each other, meanwhile all of the freighters hailed us first while out of visual range, wanting to make sure we were well and good. We also experienced some impressive atmospheric ducting of numerous AIS VHF signals in excess of 100nm distance, well over 10 times the expected range of the low power transmissions. But nothing will top swimming with two Minke Whales for 3 hours, halfway across in the bluest of blue, that was just special. The benefits of Sailing vs motoring.

  11. HI Esysman. Are you referring to DeVere or De Vere? DeVere are a Financial services company (Dubai) that has been banned in numerous countries due to flouting of local laws. Is this the same Co?

  12. Thanks for your informative video.
    Incidentally, I would naturally distrust any book, eg Putins [sic] Macht, that had forgotten an apostrophe.

  13. At first I was thinking good on him for getting paid but then he denied it. Nope, just another paid shill. He did not even need the money. What a shame.

  14. Seipel certainly has an "interesting" hair style, to say the least. He is probably a Russian propagandist. The Russians have fully infiltrated German society and its politicians.

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