Greatcircle on Safari – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.323)

Greatcircle on Safari - Sailing Greatcircle (ep.323)

După sosirea în Africa de Sud, desigur, are sens să aruncăm o privire asupra celor 5 mari, mici și urâți


11 thoughts on “Greatcircle on Safari – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.323)

  1. On average around 5 people are killed by sharks per year. About the same number are killed by cows. About 500 people are killed by hippo's per year. Don't know why there haven't been any scary movies about cows or hippo's, but so many about sharks?

  2. You were fortunate to see so much of the wildlife on your visit. Look forward to the next installment. What a trip of a lifetime for both of you! You are doing such a fantastic job chronicling this journey.

  3. I am always amazed at GC's SOG. Now that La Vagabond is getting the F-1 version of a sailboat (Rapido 60) maybe they will come close to your SOG, no other channel seems to. Riley seems pretty keen about putting their new ride to the test.

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