Plecăm din Magic Carpet

Plecăm din Magic Carpet

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46 thoughts on “Plecăm din Magic Carpet

  1. This was actually a real relaxing video. Everything seemed at peace. Exciting for next week a potential buying for Magic Carpet hope it goes through. Glad you are able to get into your music it seems to sooth you and you don't seem as tired stressed out by doing the refit on Magic Carpet 2, Looking forward to next week's video.

  2. Guys, you’re boat life, your balance your music , all inspiring, love your channel is breathtaking and you’re love of all these things, love it!!
    Thank you so much for sharing this ❤❤👍👍🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

  3. I realize this seems very exotic to you out there, but to us, living and sailing in Sweden, it's just home. Let's keep our planet just as it is and not ruin it.

  4. Another video worth waiting for! Lovely to see how you take the time to relax and enjoy yourself. Surely our Sweden is beautiful? And yet I plan to go out into the world and sail, but when you show it so beautifully it almost makes me wonder if it's right.💕😄😀

  5. Maya can you tell us what happened during that time in Sweden ? Something is strange and abnormal … can you develop or is it a story for another time and you need some digestion time … I do get that it was hard for you and aladino to switch and hopefully it will be easier to switch back in project mode as you say with balance … we love you, the boat is the boat you will change it after, again as you growing a family … but tell us what went into your time off off in Sweden both of you xxx please

  6. Wow, math gu rìribh! Amazing! You are both an inspiration. I try to be as talented as Aladino when it comes to boat repairs and as talented as Maya on my cello. One day i will achieve it/both!! I can't wait to get back on the water like you guys are. Thank you so much 🙂

  7. Such a lovely setting, enhanced with beautiful music. The perfect setting for Magic Carpet I to continue the next chapter of her journey, while the two of you find yours. Very refreshing content and by far the best sailing YouTube channel . No pretentious intents, no need for audacious drama, just relaxing, honest, and humbled appreciation for your surroundings. Can’t wait to watch you in BC.

  8. Having experienced the giving up of a beautiful boat, I feel your grief. Of course, you have a new one, but it has not yet carried you safely to the places you want to go, as did #1. Happy memories!

  9. It was nice to see you return to your feminine Mya. I imagine you have an elevated appreciation for what Alidino does for you as a man, after helping him with the slog that is refitting a ship. If time wasn't an issue, I bet he would have done all the work himself to the sound of your beautiful music.

  10. I am going to carry your quote, "we love the extremes but we thrive in balance" with me for a long, long time. Probably as fine a video as you have ever produced! Thank you!

  11. IMO, your best video to date. Not sure if you edit for yourself but either way, legendary! The scenery, the music (provided and played), the scenes with Aladino, your voice, Magic Carpet, together made it so relaxing to watch! How you don't have a million followers is beyond explanation! Love the channel!

  12. Since 2020 I have followed your journey. Thank you for this, bittersweet contemplative, philosophic episode, Balance! Yes, leaving Magic Carper I will be a big step. Very best wishes…
    During the past couple of years, I have learned that my northern European heritage includes Swedish, which I never knew. Tonight I looked up the iconic red Falu paint. Quite a story.

  13. I started watching your channel when you were navigating inland channels in Europe. I'm not a fan of sailing or boat building in general but have continued following and staying as a subscriber in anticipation of future creative videos, with fiddle tunes and amazing scenery. The bit with the leaf spinning was beautiful and emblematic of your creative spirit Maya.

  14. Great videos👍😃
    Side note; there's a satellite(Star-link?) about 5:505:59, left of the middle left star…Moving from top left diagonally(to lower right), although it doesn't get past that star position…
    Kinda cool – do you see many satellites, away from city 'light polution?'🙃

  15. Thank you for that tasteful experience. This type of story telling is very comforting for my concussion brain. I find my balance with holistic health and a bit of hard work. A beer always tastes better when the task is complete. Your fair well sail must have been bitter sweet. This beautiful boat is not gone ,,it’s alive thanks to you and am sure will be loved by the new owner because it has a personality from the work you did to keep it alive. We met at a hardware store in Canada, I said hey shouldn’t you be on a boat sailing somewhere not knowing what your plans were to travel and go sailing in Sweden, then we both bought some electrical cords. I didn’t realize how it might have effected you to be recognized and I am happy we did because you were very polite. I can only imagine the feeling and have kept our secret. Winter is knocking on the door and we might get a snow flake tomorrow so I hope you have the mc 2 covered up and some heat on . Merry Christmas to you and good luck, good health , and good fortune to you and everyone you care for in this big world. I hope to get a chance to run into you guys again to say hey,,shouldn’t you guys be on a journey somewhere far far away !

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