2023 Emirates Dubai SailGP prezentat de P&O Marinas | Ziua 2

2023 Emirates Dubai SailGP prezentat de P&O Marinas |  Ziua 2

Totul se reduce la asta! Campioana finală a anului 2023 va fi încoronată astăzi pe orizontul emblematic al Dubaiului. Abonați-vă astăzi https://bit.ly/2IZR3n4 Înscrieți-vă la programul de fidelizare a fanilor SailGP, The Dock la sailgp.com/dock Urmărește SailGP pe TikTok, Instagram, Facebook și Twitter: @sailgp Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: http://sail.gp/signup SailGP este de mare viteză, de înaltă tehnologie și de mare impact. Acest campionat mondial de sport combină tehnologia de ultimă oră, locații emblematice la nivel mondial, sportivi de elită și viteze record pentru a crea cele mai interesante curse pe apă. Echipe rivale din SUA, Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Marea Britanie, Canada, Franța, Danemarca, Germania, Elveția și Spania se luptă în locații emblematice din întreaga lume în curse scurte și intense pentru un premiu total de 5 milioane de dolari. Echipele concurează în catamarane F50 cu hidrofoiling identice care zboară deasupra apei cu viteze electrizante care se apropie de 100 km/h. Centrat pe fan și aproape de țărm, fiecare campionat SailGP culminează cu o mare finală de un milion de dolari, cu trei bărci, câștigătorul ia totul. #SailGP #PoweredbyNature


33 thoughts on “2023 Emirates Dubai SailGP prezentat de P&O Marinas | Ziua 2

  1. What a ridiculous end to the race day in the final race, at the final mark.
    Biased umpires did not consider that AUS was late (R18) and for Canada R19 and R20 should have been considered. The close proximity of the finish line to the shore (port mark less than a single boat width away from concrete pier) was wrong and was affecting the safety and fairness of the competition.

  2. My brother or sister, I am entering it on God, then on you, do not return me disappointed. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By God Almighty, I did not write this appeal other than distress and poverty, O world, feel for us. Please, by God Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, it is the food that I have in the house. By God, my brothers. My brothers have been sitting there for two days with no food. By God, our situation is very difficult. We are 4 people inside the house, my father has died, and there is no one to support us. We live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rent that remains on us. ''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Oh good people, I swear I don't mean to be harsh or bother you. By God, there is nothing inside us. The precise kilogram is the origin and the life of the book of God, brother. It has nothing to do with us or with anyone. May God reward you with goodness, oh doer of goodness. I am entrusting it to God. Then you, oh people of goodness, stand with us, oh world. Feel for us, oh people of goodness. Where is the chivalry, where is the brotherhood, and where is the mercy to whom the Prophet Muhammad enjoined? For the sake of the Prophet Muhammad, feel for us. I am asking you to help me, even if it is for the price of food. I am not asking for anything other than to satisfy our hunger. Please, without insults or words that break my heart. I, brothers of the living, by God, do not. May I live in you, be assured, O good people. I am begging you to kiss your hand. Please help me. I hope you are trustworthy. I consider me your sister. Please help me. By God, had it not been for distress and poverty, I would not have extended my hand to anyone among the people. See me. I will cover your honor. May God make you happy with your children and your family and keep you away from distress and sadness. May God put this help in the balance of your good deeds. Help me, if it is for the price of food or for the price of house rent, please, my brothers, people of good conscience, people of generosity and generosity. Please help me, even if it is just a little thing. I beg you, and whoever wants to contribute with me, may God reward him with all the best. This is my number, 00967737767240. WhatsApp. Whoever can help us, contact us. We give him the full name and the address and he transfers it to us. Whatever you can, and my family and I ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late for us, and may God reward you with the best reward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…… ..,… .,. ''''''''; ,,''':: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, My brother or sister, I am entering it for God, then upon you, do not return me disappointed. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation, and God is the Great. I wrote this appeal only out of distress and poverty. Oh world, feel for us. Please, by God Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, the food is what I have in the house. By God, my brothers, my brothers have sat for two days with no food. By God, our situation is very difficult. We are 4 fleeing inside the house and my father is dead and there is no one to depend on us and we are living in… A rented house because we cannot pay the rent that remains on us. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' Oh good people, by God, I do not mean to be harsh or to bother you. By God, there is nothing with us inside the precise kilogram, origin and life of the Book of God, brothers. It has nothing to do with us or with anyone. May God reward you with goodness. Oh doer of goodness, I am inside it. On God, then on you, O people of goodness, stand with us, O world. Feel for us, O people of goodness. Where is the chivalry, where is the brotherhood, where is the mercy for what the Prophet Muhammad commanded for the sake of the Prophet Muhammad, feel for us. I am asking you if you help me, even if it costs me food. I am not asking for anything other than that it satisfies our hunger. Please do not offend me. And words that break my heart, brother, I am living, I swear. May I live in you, be assured, O good people. I am begging you to kiss your hand. Please help me. I hope you are trustworthy. I consider me your sister. Please help me. By God, had it not been for distress and poverty, I would not have extended my hand to anyone among the people. See me. I will cover your honor. May God make you happy with your children and your family and keep you away from distress and sadness. May God put this help in the balance of your good deeds. Help me, if it is for the price of food or for the price of house rent, please, my brothers, people of good conscience, people of generosity and generosity. Please help me, even if it is just a little thing. I beg you, and whoever wants to contribute with me, may God reward him with all the best. This is my number, 00967737767240. WhatsApp. Whoever can help us, contact us. We give him the full name and the address and he transfers it to us. Whatever you can, and my family and I ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late for us, and may God reward you with the best reward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…… ..,… .,. ''''''''; ،،''':: ،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،……………… ،،،،،،،، ،،،، ،،،،،،،،،،،،،

  3. I don't know what was worse, listening to the bonehead commentators, or the pathetic umpiring. I am almost done watching this terrible coverage

  4. I can't believe Ben risked that slingshot manoeuvre in Race 5 when everyone who'd tried it before got black-flagged and a mid-fleet finish would have got GBR into the final, with upwards momentum too. 😮

  5. Typical bonkers umpiring we've come to know and love with SailGP!

    Canada were ROW boat at the last mark but required to give mark room. Both other boats were able to round inside of them without any collisions, so in what way did they fail to give room? Both the other boats were give way to Canada, so were entitled to room to round but no more. "Having their rounding compromised" is not in the rules!

  6. Cracking end to the regatta. Not sure what Ainslie was thinking but ended up being a thrilling final. Ps YouTube. Thanks for bombarding me with adverts every 3 minutes. I am literally never buying good or services from UPS or Boots again.

  7. Glad to see USA was able to find one top-half finish, but not a terribly auspicious start for the new team. Not sure what dictated the course plan, finishing right at the sea wall, but…

  8. Edit to add: I see that SailGP already has a "rules" video, so may as well start linking that in the info for each new video. I still think there could be a more comprehensive video that covers most key rules/terms/strategies.

    A suggestion for SailGP (inspired by answering a comment from the previous day)… It would be great if every SailGP video included a link to a resource SailGP video that illustrates the key rules, terminology, and strategies of the sport, broken into video chapters for easy navigation.

    I imagine it could be fairly confusing for novice to understand who has the right of way, why it's good strategy for a pointing boat to push out upwind boats at the start, what starboard vs port tacks are etc…

    I'd bet that SailGP could make the most exciting video illustrations of rules & strategies that have ever been made for sailing and it could help grow interest for novice viewers, but that's just my 2 cents worth.Thanks for the amazing coverage!

  9. Canada could have won that last race if they'd just held their line after that last turn back towards the finish; instead they swung way over towards the aussies inexplicably, bad call on their part ;-( That wall was way to close to the last marker to even be safe though

  10. Stop, with the 'Canuck' crap. It is insulting. Do you know what we used to call American atheltes internationally? DFA's 'Dumb F–ing Americans' Start calling them that, and then you can use nicknames for other non-DFAs. Also, it isn't Canuke, it is Canuck as in 'What the –uck is wrong with that commentator.

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