Constructorii danezi X-Yachts susțin că acesta este cel mai bun crucișător Bluewater construit vreodată. Pe lângă marketing, este un nou design fascinant, bogat în idei și caracteristici practice. Raportul complet de testare este în Yachting World ianuarie 2024 ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și tur știri, vizitați site-ul nostru: ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook aici – ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: ► Simțiți-vă liber să comentați mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut
Cel mai bun crucișător Bluewater vreodată? Acest Xc47 merită cu siguranță o privire mai atentă!

39 thoughts on “Cel mai bun crucișător Bluewater vreodată? Acest Xc47 merită cu siguranță o privire mai atentă!”
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Did I understand correctly that they placed the water boiler above the electric motor with control controllers? Really. What can happen? With all due respect to the company, the diamonds added everywhere create the feeling that Dufour only costs a lot of money. The review itself is great. Thanks Toby.
wonderful boat, as all X-yachts are (former proud owner of the glorious X-332 here)
generator? aha ok… Yanmar it is. not surprised that all the first seven owners choose fossil option. and the forward owners cabin? not my style
can we get a review for contest 59 ? please ?
Simple answer. No. There are always compromises but this design is full of errors not compromises. Oh and to my eyes, not pretty either. Each to their own though!
Looks a lot like a newer version of the Jeanneau Deck Saloon range….imitation is the sincerest form of flattery etc
Looks like a fat floating caravan to me!
What exactly makes it a blue water boat? The weight? What an odd claim
when you hear someone declare something they have made is 'the worlds best' its usually the opposite. personally, i am unimpressed by the layout and aesthetics… would not want to cost substantially more than a Beneteau or Jenneau.
Very nice, but not even close to the best blue water. But I guess the catch phrase will snag some..
I don't understand why they didn't raise the floor of the saloon to provide outside view while being seated inside, as in a Garcia 45/52/60. This would provide additional storage and result in a much nicer experience.
Great looking yacht. Thx for the tour Toby.
Dinghy some 50 cm the water, attached to a folding transom.. What could possibly go wrong? Also have fun removing the dinghy from over there before med mooring. While I'm all for oceanvolt and know it can work, who in their right might would like to be relying essentially on the notoriously unreliable panda genset? I'd agree this is a lovely, albeit slightly ugly med cruiser, as long as you don't even try to make use of the davits.
When did Ikea start making boats?
this is very generic and well bland. Probably a good first timers boat but in no way compares to a Swan or Beneteau or Iman etc. curious on the price? I must have missed that.
Also did I miss the heads? Are they en suites or day head?
Looks beautiful and built well too. Even the cupboard doors look like solid wood. Would be a lovely comfortable and speedy boat to do the ARC in.
Very impressed with XC yachts – giving the boat world a run for their money
"The first seven clients have all chosen diesel"…Realy?
Where's the washer/dryer? Any blur water cruiser this size should have a washer/dryer.
Lovely boat, but you should have challenged the 'best bluewater yacht ever' claim. I am missing some basic items. Staysail, solar, high bulkwark, twin rudders, stability and strength above the EC standard? Slamming?
No protection.. which you want to cross an ocean ??????
the best cruiser is a cat.
Seems like a winner and not a squeak to be heard . Toby if you could pick a sailboat in the million price point what would be your top 3 ?
Blue water? I would chooze a Garcia or an Amel or a Kraken. I would not fool around with an x yacht
Needs a hard dodger at the very least if XC hopes to live up to their claim of best cruising boat ever.
Don’t like layout . She does look good . But I have to say AMEL 60 holds the title as best blue water cruiser bar none . Sorry mate but that’s the way I see it .
150kg x 2 = ?
Lovey review and boat. Always wonder what they understand Bluewater to mean. I tend to think they mean crossing The Med and coastal waters around the Baltic and Europe. Perhaps doing the ARC rally which is what 90% of their customers would do. For high latitude or exploring the coast of Peru I'm not sure this is the boat for you. As a small issue – why do some engine compartments seem to have a small – 2 inch maybe – window, or circle of some kind, under one of the stairs.
Great video ! But a Blue Water boat ? I dont think so .
A perfectly beautiful boat for a weekend sail in nice weather during the summer season it sure may be, but it is no blue water cruiser at all. And why do all these modern boat builders try to fix, what people do not need a fix upon? It may be smart to hide all the halyards on a gigantic charter boat, where you only really sail in perfect conditions and motor the rest of the time, but on a supposed blue water cruiser it is just silly! What would you do, if one of the those halyards break in the middle of those under deck tubes and in rough conditions at open sea? According to Murphy's Law, that is also, when they will break! So many boats solve this much more clever, for instance by making the run of the halyards as short an direct as possible, but always accessible. It is just one example. Anyway, the price make this irrelevant: It is even more expensive than the 50 feet Kraken, which is the supposed ultimate blue water cruiser and quite a big bigger! The much more spacious Allures 51.9 are much cheaper, and that one is a marine grade aluminium hull build on the same shipyard, as builds Garcia boats!
Not a big fan of those soft closing drawers, if you’re caught in a heavy sea way working in the galley having to force the drawers closed to make sure they are latched. Too much effort when you’re getting bounced around and trying to hold on.
Great walk through! Forty seven foot bluewater cruiser and not a proper aft owners cabin, why? Seems like a well thought out boat stowage wise. And good looking in my opinion. As far as being the best. Maybe at sailing, but to compromised to be anything other than a short term cruiser. In my opinion.
1 Million?
best sailing yacht, Toby? No, dont thing so, nby want to stand w/o any shelter on the rudder and have rain or sun on his head during the sail. Try an Amel50 (or 60), thats more or less best blue water yacht in my opinion. Perhaps more expensive than your recommended 47
I'm not convinced about the ocean volt electric drive with a 30kw lithium ion phosphate battery bank and 11kw diesel generator (is the 600 odd litres of diesel tanks removed and replaced with batteries) 110k euros is a lot of money for a 30 mile range, an 80hp yanmar probably costs maximum 30k, no wonder all the new orders have gone diesel, what's the point of having an electric drive train if you need a generator to charge your already excessively large battery bank, and you'll never be able to fit enough solar to assist in charging so you'll realistically be running your generator if not daily then at least 4 days a week. False economy and buying into the so called green energy bulls$#@. Not a great blue water boat and definitely not the greatest blue water boat ever built by a long stretch IMO
Nevermind that the water heater is directly above the electric motor with massive victron installation just forward of both, good thinking , what happens when your water heater springs a leak, just saying……??? Sorry but that's just stupid
She can come first in the soullessness competition.
Beautiful boat; just wish t had a master's cabin. Excellent review as always
According to a friend of mine who has had 4 Xyachts, he is of the opinion that they are nowhere near as well made as they used to be.
You get what you pay for. It’s no Swan or Oyster, but then it’s half the price