Defalcarea 36 de ore singur pe mare WHSE131

Defalcarea 36 de ore singur pe mare WHSE131

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45 thoughts on “Defalcarea 36 de ore singur pe mare WHSE131

  1. Hi Holly, you asked what we would like to see about you sailing your boat in the next episode. I am curious how well the windvane works and how you handle things when the windvane is not really steering the boat very well. I am finding with my boat, the autopilot often stops working when there are wind gusts. Is this similar for a windvane and what are the points of sail where the Windvane does not work well? Thanks.

  2. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
    Really appreciate your attitude towards filming! Got a taste of how bad it looks from the other side a few years ago. Was on one of the Caroline Islands, when a cruising yacht with charter passengers came in and proceeded to chase children around with cameras. 😖😡😖
    Taught me a lot about objectification feels…

  3. I've spent time on tiller watch in rivers and seas off Britain, to understand that feeling, that every rain drop is melting you into the cockpit drain, But the first effin ray of sun, that breaks, that spell, only people that, go down to the sea in boats know, Thank you Holly for sharing,

  4. I was looking forward to the waterfall you alluded to. Any chance you brought a camera in a bag for when you might be alone? I am an old timer sailor and I find my photos as bad as they are from the 1970s give me great pleasure remembering the places and people that can’t be replaced. The half dozen sailors I am following are all headed out of your area, some to the Marquesas and Tuamotu archipelago. Places to avoid the coming weather in your area they say. Feeling like some sun I gathered? Worried when I saw the 7.0 earthquake in Vanuatu recently. The Cook Islands and Tonga are shaking too.

  5. Hope you don't mind these unsolicited tips matey,
    I found out there in constant rain nothing beats a peaked hard hat ⛑️, (got mine from a tipshop) It may seem a bit silly and sooo fashionable but you never get wet, can have your ears free if you want, breathes and as a bonus is a little protection in a uncontrolled jibe.
    As for skanky sink tube, fill with white vinegar when on the tack that has the less saltwater in the tube and put plug in, leave for at least 8 hrs, flush out. Nuclear level clean, add tea spoon of bicarb to vinegar in tube just before you drain.
    Come say hi to Tassie when in Aus, I thinkyou will love it.

  6. I’ve been watching your travels since 2020. Over the past year you have really matured in your commentary and observations. Impressive what you are accomplishing and one day you will look back in amazement. Be safe out there and make good decisions.

  7. While solo and sailing through islands and reefs, I set the timer. But I also set my anchor alarm out to 5 or 10 or 15km. So there are no obstacles within the proximity range. Its pretty useful

  8. Love how you make it all go… but old man harping sez, more luff tension on that new mainsail. That makes a better set, softer leech tension, and having full tension on the luff takes the loading off the individual slides by making the luff rope the loaded member. If you constantly load the slides it can tear the grommets and for sure puts extra load on the warp of the material in the sail body.
    A salute to your toughness and spirit. No whine on the Geck

  9. Great vid.
    "Cloudy, squally weather for the past month and a half"?! (8:15). 😲 That's North Sea weather right now! I expected something else where you are.

  10. Thanks again. I think your not wanting to intrude on the villagers with your camera is very Maine of you. Congrats. And I continue to love that you hank on instead of furling even though sail changes are a bane.

  11. Im 58 and going to teach myself how to sail …looking forward to it bc canada 🇨🇦 starting out with a 27 foot …ill keep you posted …i should be a decent sailor by the time im 65 😅

  12. You have become so adept at sailing solo into new, for you, territory. Very inspiring. Your videos are informative and entertaining. I will continue to enjoy them. Thanks!

  13. You are amazing to do it on your own. It must be horrible in the rain. I am desperate to get my own Boat. I have sailed before when I was younger. I am wondering how I will cope as a single lady over 60 I wish I could have done it sooner but just did not have the money and had to work. I am over 60 now but you only live once. I need to do some crewing to brush up my skills and confidence.

  14. Holly, one thing I've noticed about you, following you for a few years now. You're always very cautious, taking your time, enjoying your boat, and sailing to your next destination. You have fun, and are usually relaxed. You take what the weather gives you. It goes back to what you were explaining, at the beginning of this episode. Stay safe girl! ❤️ 🙏 🌊 ⛵

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