A SAILING ADDICT Partea 2 – O conversație cu legendarul constructor de bărci, Walter Schulz – YH EP04

A SAILING ADDICT Partea 2 - O conversație cu legendarul constructor de bărci, Walter Schulz - YH EP04

Iată partea a 2-a a conversației mele cu Walter Schulz în timpul unei navigări în jurul New Bedford, MA. M-am distrat foarte bine să aflu gândurile lui Walter despre navigație, visul de a naviga, ce este nevoie și alte câteva sfaturi. Înscrieți-vă pentru anunțul de lansare a cărții al lui Walter aici: https://www.yachthunting.com/relax ––- Dacă doriți să contribuiți la fundație, puteți face acest lucru aici: bit.ly/shannonriverfoundation/ –– Pentru a citi mai multe despre Shannon River Marine Heritage Foundation – https://shannon-river-foundation.org/ ============== Sprijină-ne ===== ========= Vă place ceea ce facem și vreți să vă ajutați?? Deveniți un sponsor Patreon și obțineți acces la previzualizări timpurii, conținut suplimentar și multe altele: https://www.patreon.com/captainqyachthunter ============== Conectează-te cu noi ===== ========= https://www.instagram.com/captainqyachthunter/ https://www.facebook.com/captainqyachthunter MERCH ===== https://www.etsy.com/shop/ vânători de iahturi


23 thoughts on “A SAILING ADDICT Partea 2 – O conversație cu legendarul constructor de bărci, Walter Schulz – YH EP04

  1. I know exactly what Walter is talking about. I used to have a nice 13ft'er. I called her my "Tell the world to go to hell boat". No matter what was going on in my life, I would take her out for a few hours and think of nothing else but the boat. No place particular to go to and no schedule for getting there.🙂🙂

  2. Hi Randall, Although I am a professional rigger I am sure that Walter has probably forgotten more about the subject than I'll ever know.
    I learned a lot just watching these videos: that is, the port runner could drive me crazy if I let it. Or I could choose to not let it distract me.
    His example also shows something else that is nothing more than a personal decision: Being Happy.
    Thank You Walter!

  3. Thanks for taking us on your adventure with Walter. He’s an interesting and enjoyable guy. We all need more Walters in our lives.

  4. Great chat and great contrast seeing Walter’s mini yacht in front of the “true” yacht. Yes you guys were having fun doing what boats were meant for.

  5. Fantastic two-part video. I'm so grateful for you making these videos. I came to sailing late in life and it is the ultimate addiction. A couple of points:

    1) if your spouse isn't interested in sailing, buy a boat with a friend. I own a 26' sloop with my best friend. We're both pushing 60. He and I talked of sailing for years and one day decided to buy a boat together. Neither of our wives have any interest in sailing, but he and I are out as often as possible giggling like schoolboys as we bash along. Our boat (plus some upgrades) was around $13,000 CAD. But with a co-owner, the cost and work are halved.

    2) As to sailing being an addiction, we regularly bring non-sailing guests and I always give them that warning. I have powerboating friends who are used to blasting along at 40 knots who celebrate a gust that takes us from 5 to 6 knots. I have a co-worker who came sailing himself and later with his wife. They just bought a sailboat.

    I agree with Walter – sailing is easy. People with big, fast racing boats likely just make it sound hard. Racing may be hard. I don't know because I've never raced. But turning wind into forward motion on a sailboat is relatively easy. Also, the language of sailing is exclusionary. With newbies, I don't expect them to know what a sheet is. I point and call it a rope until they're ready to learn the lingo. I always give any guest a meaningful role like steering or trimming the sails – with guidance, of course. I really think that sailing is baked into human DNA.

    Thank you again for these videos!

  6. Just live how Walter grounds it all in a hurry with his Titanic references. Or what else can you do but drink on that thing? Love it and Merry Christmas from Prospect, Nova Scotia. The home of Rogues Roost.

  7. Randy while I still miss Q as you know and would love maybe a spin off finding cheap boats for sale I have to admit the Walt Shultz episodes are AWESOME. He’s a unique and lovely character. You’re lucky to get to spend so much time with him 🍀

  8. Can you have an episode of taking whiney complainers on a sail. That sounds entertaining. Making them hand pump the bilge, soggy pbj on wonder bread sandwiches, signal a big boat to speed by when they're in the head. Don't warn them when coming about. Afternoon storms. Secretly chum for sharks.

  9. "The Wisdom of Walter on Sailing", would have been a great title for this episode. Walter hit it on the nail on what sailing is really all about. When I find my sailboat in a boatyard or up for sale, I am going to relax and enjoy sailing again. Happy Sailing ⛵

  10. Thanks to all for your positive remarks. I apologize to the worldwide sailing community for my "casual" sail trim. I broke some stuff the week before and had a choice to go out on the water and have fun these last days of summer or spend 4 hours onshore fixing the problems. Obviously, I abandoned proper sail etiquette and chose the former.
    Happy Sailing and Happy Holidays! ~Walt Schulz

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