S-au făcut greșeli….Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 440

S-au făcut greșeli....Navă cu pânze Delos Ep.  440

Accesați https://drinkag1.com/svdelos pentru a obține o sursă de 1 an de vitamina D + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT la prima achiziție. Mulțumim lui AG1 pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip! A trecut mult timp de când am făcut o astfel de greșeală 🙈 Viața cu barca te ține mereu cu atenție, iar după mai bine de un deceniu de trăit cu normă întreagă pe barca noastră cu vele, ne place să credem că am învățat ceva sau două. ..dar oceanul are un simț al umorului fantastic și neajunsurile vor apărea, indiferent cât de mult te-ai pregăti sau crezi că știi ce faci. Și sincer, în acest caz, noi kiiiinda l-a avut pe acesta să vină pentru noi 😂 Episodul de săptămâna aceasta vă va aduce pe un pic de rollercoaster cu noi, deoarece este plin de suișuri și coborâșuri, inclusiv marea noastră greșeală, un furtună super noduroasă, bommie dodging, unul dintre cele mai tari întâlniri ale noastre cu manta vreodată, o descoperire care ne-a schimbat viața care implică nuci de cocos, niște prăjituri de ciocolată și multe altele! Link către minunata noastră ancoră M1 Mantus: https://amzn.to/46Y1Kzs Și un pivot cu lanț pe care vă recomandăm cu căldură să îl utilizați împreună cu ancora dvs.: https://amzn.to/47YBBS8 Puteți găsi toate echipamentele pentru cameră pe care le folosim, noastre trebuie să aibă elemente esențiale pentru croazieră, instrumente, lectură recomandată, echipament de siguranță și multe altele la vitrina noastră Amazon! https://svdelos.com/amazon Urmăriți seria noastră de documente din 4 părți: https://80northseries.com Protejați-vă de soare! https://svdelos.com/rashguards Susține videoclipurile noastre- Trimite-ne dragoste http://svdelos.com/beer http://patreon.com/svdelos Ne finalizăm navigarea în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut ! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente mai bune pentru cameră, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare 🙂 http://svdelos.com – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat. http://instagram.com/svdelos – În culise. http://facebook.com/svdelos – Like-ne pe Facebook http://svdelos.com/gear/ – Sprijină-ne cumpără un tricou dulce Delos!


43 thoughts on “S-au făcut greșeli….Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 440

  1. Ahoy Delos tribe! Get ready for a doozie of a video 😂 We hope you enjoy our antics this week and if you do, please remember to like this video and subscribe to our channel! This was definitely one of biggest face palm moments of 2023…so we want to know, what was yours???? (Totally doesn’t need to be sailing related) Make us laugh in the comments please!

  2. Haven't really watched any recent episodes, Delos feels a bit dead since these days with no crew aboard ☹ I miss the old days.
    EDIT: Gave up after a few minutes, think I'll stick to older episodes.

  3. A couple years ago brought my son to Hawaii, we live in Alaska, so yes every year we need to defrost our tosses in warm sand🤠. Took him on a night trip to see mana rays, so fantastic, but people got out of the water after 30 minutes. The boat was encouraging us to get out also, and my son yelled back the brochure tells us we get a hour and a half, get back to us when that is up. Needless to say others jumped back in, and we got out one and one half hours, blue lips and probably hypothermic. Probably in the top half of my top 10 experiences in life. As a side note, always watched your videos on a IPHONE, really haven’t had a TV in years, but settling down a bit with a house and all. Got a 72” high definition TV, your photography is stunning!!!! You don’t know people are going way above and beyond until you do!!!!!

  4. Love watching your episodes , your ups and downs , but your life style is amazing .Don't drink toooo many JW,Black label or you will certainly run aground , look forward to the next episode . Merry Xmas to you all and Happy New Year .

  5. Even in my drinking days I only did hard liquor for effect, the taste was awful no matter what. I lived in Europe and the UK so it wasn't always junk. So glad you freed your home.

  6. Can you send a small clip of your drill/coconut idea to Colin on Parlay? Even if you don't get to see his reaction, you can smile at the thought of him kicking himself in the arse for not having come up with that. That kind of goes for all of us. I've nearly lost a finger or limb a time or two whilst staying in the Carib. Brilliant! – Phil (Ottawa, Canada)

  7. I salute you Sir! If you're going to drink a blend, then the black label is about as good as you'll find in most far flung shopping situations… My Grandfather swore by the stuff at the end of any long day, and he lived a lot of long days! 😁


  9. Your family has a great channel. You are the real deal when it comes to sailing the world over AND calling the boat a permanent home. I love your channel-from all of your earliest adventures with younger friends to your latest travels with a newborn(ish). And thank you for NOT selling out like certain other YouTube sailing couples/families (not mentioning names but the ones who totally change their look and make their channel about their boat upgrade just to snag more views). Watching your channel shows us what life on a small boat is really like. Thank you.

  10. Kudos to you and to the researcher who reached out. What an honor to be able to name 2 Mantas in thrie database. What a contribution to science, research and preservation of the magnificant species. See you all next week

  11. What have you done to your videos? I can watch everyone else in 4k no buffering but this video I get buffering at 1080p that I've never had before. It's not my connection cause I was just watching 4k 60 fps video with no problems. Buffering sucks!

  12. Hey guys, it happens to the best of us, and you ARE the best of us! Someday, you'll look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject … ;~P

    Like Bill says, the time goes by so fast with kids. They warned us it would, and they were right! Our daughter was Sierra's age, then I blinked, and now she's 13!

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