Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 164 În acest episod al restaurării bărcii noastre, ne conectăm în sfârșit rezervoarele de motorină, astfel încât motorul să ne poată duce undeva când va veni momentul. Dar nu doar le punem cap la cap, ci ne asigurăm că venim cu cel mai tare sistem diesel văzut vreodată! ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: PUTEȚI SUSȚINE PROIECTUL:
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Cine suntem noi? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne în timp ce readucem la viață Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și dezavantajele și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi:
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Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să uimește-ne la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Hélio, Claiton, William, Nezo, Nico, Adilson, Beto și Luiz. SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!
Conectarea rezervoarelor de motorină ale BARCĂ cu vele, odinioară, epapată (proiect de reconstrucție a bărcii) — Sailing Yabá 164

31 thoughts on “Conectarea rezervoarelor de motorină ale BARCĂ cu vele, odinioară, epapată (proiect de reconstrucție a bărcii) — Sailing Yabá 164”
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Comment the name of the fruit if you watched until the end!!
I drive my car so infrequently, I installed a knife switch at the battery, so now I don't need to jump start it when I need to go somewhere….
Loving the vids your making so much progress with yaba its great.
Hi guys. I'm an avid follower of your progress and really wish you well, but as a retired boat safety examiner and marine engineer I feel I have to comment on some serious safety issues with your fuel installation. I appreciate it may be hard to source components where you are, but:
I didn't see any evidence of tank vents. The tanks need to be vented to aid filling, to prevent a vacuum as fuel is drawn down and to prevent pressurisation which WILL cause other components to fail, and to prevent a pressurised fuel explosion in the event of a fire.
Some of the fuel hose was not rated for diesel. This is an issue for two reasons. They will break down in the presence of diesel and become brittle, cracked and may dissolve. They are also not fire-rated and in the event of a fire will just melt quickly.
Talk of fitting clear plastic sight gauges was not good. Even if fire and diesel rated it presents an unnecessary risk of leakage.
The fuel filling arrangement is a nightmare. You need one filler for each tank, or a large bore balance pipe between the tanks with a shutoff valve. As has been said, high flow fuel pumps at docks will not appreciate having to wait while you go below to flip valves.
The tank take off pipes should be fitted at the top of the tanks with an internal pickup pipe, not the bottom. When you get a leak, and you will, you cannot remove the fitting without draining the tank. Also, with the suggested arrangement small leaks will show up as air leaking into the fuel line, rather than fuel leaking out. With bottom drain a small leak over a long period of time can dump a lot of fuel before you spot it. With a top drain, air leaking in will just disrupt the siphon in the pickup.
There is a lot of weight in those fuel tanks when full, are you sure that putting them both on one side and so high up isn't going to negatively affect the CofG of the boat?
Those tanks have no way of accessing the inside for inspection, maintenance or cleaning. A relatively small amount of contamination (fluff, dirt, slime) can block the outlet and as I've already said, you can't remove this without draining the tank and taking the tank out – a massive job.
Don't forget, your system will also need a return line from the engine back to the
You may have considered all this already, but I think your system has unnecessary and avoidable tank.
I would not wish you extra problems or bad outcomes. Best wishes.
I am by no means a pro installer of anything
but at the level the tanks are at now that few inches might be of help
for removal or installation of hoses in the future on the water
maybe I'm wrong but just a thought
{:-) PAV UK
Beer is for the end of the work day, not before.
The video discusses the ongoing reconstruction of a wooden sailboat and the upcoming diesel system installation.
The video shows the installation process of fuel hoses and filters in a machine room.
The video discusses the process of replacing and installing diesel engine parts on a boat, using various tools and sealants.
Preparing and installing hoses for a boat while taking a break and discussing the type of hoses needed.
The video shows the installation process of diesel tanks and transparent level hoses for measurement.
See more at TammyAIsummaries
Remember that fuel tanks need air breather line, without it you won't never get tanks full. And that clear hose should be ok with diesel to test at least, it won't melt right away if never will.
Nice to follow your boat building!
You've got the magic mechanic hands I would say. Congrats. Animo! Saludos
Two things – your diesel filling pipes look a bit small to handle the flow from a fuel pump. (in the UK), and the ground on the car looks very iffy, rusty, not conducive to electricity. Other wise a very interesting video.
Suggest dropping tanks level as this helps the centre of gravity for stability.
It's looking great. What is your timeline to be out on the water? I love the delicious coconut. You might need a new battery for the VW.
.How will you run the vent lines for all the tanks? The small fittings on the panels with the deck fills were probably vents originally. Your would normally not want the vent to be inside your living space though. Also how will you run your diesel return line from the engine? Some folks have another manifold to let you direct which tank the return flows to. Best of luck and have a great holiday.
Rotate the second tank so the inlet is slightly lower, this will bring the hose down and get rid of the uphill part of the hose. Don't scrimp now on hose, if you want to see what fuel level you have, install a sender unit or proper sight glass. That hose will break down. Do it now whilst it's easy to do and the tanks are empty.
Try to place the manifold near the engine, a hatch or entry door to the engine room. So you can quickly reach in by hand and secure the fuel flow in case of a fire in the engine room. So you don't have to enter the engine room without having to enter into it case of a casualty. Thus, a quick response to turn off the fuel. A fire extinguisher outside the engine room door or inside close by the engine to get to would be recommended. Don't get burned in case of a casualty and stay alive. Matthew, Former US navy nuclear submarines.
I hope they’re all gonna be vented outside all your tanks

You should be using "Mikalor" style hose clamps
worried about the temperature there!
I look forward to you launching your boat. Will it be in 2024?
I couldn’t help but notice the diligence Ben gave in explaining every detail of the plans they have for the diesel tanks – likely to desperately assuage the comment section from launching into a sermon of misplaced finger wagging.
But alas, wag they do.
Is the tape you are using rated for petroleum or is it just regular plumbing tape which will deteriorate.
There are things you need to let professionals do. Diesel tanks and fueling system is one of them. Not much room to make mistakes unlike other aspects of the boat building.
Hi Guys, Diesel will dissolve any zinc coating inside fitting, same with diesel stored in galvo/zinced 205 lit. drum, causing blocked filters + damage to elements – injector pump and/or injectors on diesel engine. Filler hoses to tanks – must be vented with vent lines back to inside of filler nozzles – otherwise severe blowback with diesel everywhere. regards Robert Cuthbert
Rest of the issues about amterials are mentioned by the others, I have only one extra recommendation. You have tonnes of room, why do you put all the shut off valves outbord of the tanks? Put them inboard, you have place, do not make your access more difficult if it is not necessary. You do not only install once of these things, you should think about maintenance, if you have a leak, and you have the tank installed, you won't have access to the pipes, and connections. Don't make your (future) life harder than it is necessary!
Muitos aprendizados em tão pouco tempo! parabéns Equipe Yabá!!
i see alot of problems with your install ….. venting ….clear tubing …90s…drainage….i hope you rethink things
Bad news putting any fittings in the bottom of the tank, except possibly a very secure drain. All normal lines: fill, vent engine suction, engine return, sludge suction and diesel heater(if fitted), should always go into the top of the tank, with vertical standpipes of correct length going down to just above the bottom of the tank. Using clear plastic hose for diesel is a no-no. Use correct fuel rated rubber hose.
Ben, when that boat heals or fluel sloshes in waves that hose is going to get diesel in it and is i really safe to risk a diesel spill in the hull with that hose? (Coconut. great seeing you and MP in Annapolis. "The Big Guy"
With one fuel into four tanks you will need a breather tubes to allow the displaced air out. Hope this helps…