IAHT MASIV UMBIT LA INLETUL HAULOVER !! | BĂRCI DE TRANSPORT | WAVY BOATS Cu sediul în Haulover Inlet, filmăm și producem videoclipuri brute cu acțiunile cu barca de intrare. Conectați-vă și urmăriți războinicii din weekend Haulover luptă cu valurile aspre din cel mai faimos val din lume! Vedeți aceste bărci Haulover și abonați-vă dacă vă place videoclipul. Rămâi ondulat! Produse pentru bărci ondulate: https://wavyboats.net/ Haulover Inlet | Boca Inlet | Barci de transport | Haulover Sandbar Consultați mai mult conținut de la Boat Action Network: Boats vs Haulover: https://bit.ly/BoatsvsHaulover Rough Inlets: https://www.youtube.com/RoughInlets Miami Boat Ramps: https://www.youtube .com/MiamiBoatRamps Blue Top Legend: https://www.youtube.com/BlueTopLegend… Miami Boats: https://bit.ly/MiamiBoats Ca întotdeauna, vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Dacă vă place conținutul, apăsați butonul de abonare. Mă ajută să filmez și să produc aceste videoclipuri. Mai sunt multe pe drum! Mulțumesc că ești aici. Instagram: wavy_boats Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Y5HEQT Disclaimer: Prețurile și specificațiile de viteză sunt cercetate online și se bazează numai pe modele noi. Dacă un model nou nu este disponibil, atunci specificațiile se bazează pe piața medie de utilizare. Solicitări media, material de stocare, licențiere video și alte întrebări, vă rugăm să ne contactați la wavyboatsmiami@gmail.com Toate drepturile rezervate | Orice utilizare neautorizată a acestui videoclip sau a capturilor de ecran ale acestui videoclip este interzisă de legea drepturilor de autor.

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Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays from Haulover! Where is everyone watching from during these holidays?

What's my favourite yacht? Gee, that's a tough one, I have so many and I love them all so much that it's difficult to chose just one. Kinda like asking me to choose my favourite kid.
BTL is the best
The Viking IMHO. Timelessly gorgeous.
I'm 95% sure the first boat is the Miami Vice boat..
AS a fisherman, I'm gonna have to go with the Viking, something for the wife, lots for me. lol
I miss the teak wood decks.
When I saw, Smash The Like Button, I thought that was the name of the boat passing by!
Marlow 66e favorite boat
where's the humbling?
That 47 Viking sport fisherman is my favorite
2024 I hope the owners and passengers enjoy this year better than 2023 and past
Where is BTL ?
Vikings are timeless. That 74 is a whopper, we don’t honestly see too many Vikings that big up north either! 50’s and 60’s all day, but that 74 is gorgeous.
Viking of course. No other compares.
In other words the yacht was unfazed
We are in Florida this week and thought about going Thursday or Friday- will there be enough boats out that day to make it worth it?
at 2:30 the boat obliterated something
It's a true adrenaline rush watching them!
I appreciate the stunning visual quality! Thanks for the excellent views!
Didn’t see any humbling. Captains all pretty much did a commendable job. Especially the Boston Whaler as well as the Jenneau in following seas.
My favorite is the Viking 74 and how it takes the waves.
It's all a lie.
born and raised in America and im still amazed how many rich ppl are in this country. too many and they make it look too easy. edit: theyre not all living beyond their means when yrs later nothing has been repossessed, homes foreclosed, ect. credit is only easy if you got the income to obtain it.
Oh Look!!! A boat with flair … and a nice smooth dry ride!
That Scout is a fine looking boat! Somewhat Buddy Davis-ish in style! And that's a compliment!
False Advertising where is the so called HUMBLING
Fav= large Vikings
The Viking reminded me of a nodding donkey!
Where's the "Large Stuffing"???
Cigarette 38