Winter Sailing Alaska (nu pentru cei slabi de inimă)

Winter Sailing Alaska (nu pentru cei slabi de inimă)

Începutul sezonului nostru de navigație de iarnă! Am avut câteva probleme tehnice cu site-ul mai devreme și unii oameni nu au reușit să primească comenzile, îmi pare rău pentru asta! Din această cauză am prelungit deschiderea tirajului până la miezul nopții de 8 ianuarie. Așa că facem deja ore suplimentare aici, dar aceasta este ultima șansă de a obține unul dintre amprente, acestea sunt disponibile la . Obținerea unuia dintre printuri este, de asemenea, o modalitate excelentă de a sprijini realizarea acestor videoclipuri! Scheletul de balenă pe care l-am găsit în Norvegia acum câțiva ani: Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Nu în amprente? Consultați pagina Patreon la: Patronii au acces la videoclipuri fără reclame, la un grup de chat WhatsApp și la o hartă de urmărire a bărcilor cu o listă cu toate ancorajele și porturile de până acum 🥳 Organic t- cămăși și hanorace + autocolante: Instagram și Facebook: Întrebări de afaceri:


45 thoughts on “Winter Sailing Alaska (nu pentru cei slabi de inimă)

  1. This is the start of our winter sailing season! Happy New Year everyone and thanks for watching throughout the year. I went "full time" with video creation this year and it wouldn't have been possible without all of you that watch these videos, and special thanks goes to all the patrons.

    Regarding the aluminum prints, I had some technical issues with the website earlier and some people were not able to get the their orders in, sorry about that! Because of that I've extended the opening of the print run until the midnight of January 8th. So we're on overtime here already but this is the last chance to get one of the prints, they are available at . Getting one of the prints is also a great way to support the making of these videos!

  2. Vauhdikasta uutta vuotta! Ihan mahtavaa kun teidän videoitten kautta pääsee matkalle, lähtemättä kuitenkaan mihinkään😎 venelehdessäkin oli hyvä ja todenmukainen juttu aluksen kunnostuksesta👍 Kiitos kun jaatte matkanne, kaikkea hyvää teille!

  3. Moment when Juho copied sea lion(and Sohvie joking about it too) roaring was brilliant. Thank you for opening a window to this wondrous and somewhat lonesome region. Fair winds, calm seas and 7 feet under the keel!

  4. My understanding is that the numbers on the seals are marked via cryo-branding. I believe that this is less painful / more effective way of marking seals.

  5. Super cool. It's truly stunning but I am happy to be watching from my sofa with my boat out of the water for the winter. Well done both.

  6. It seems like something important is suddenly missing. Did you cover it in a previous video? Is it related to the new year? Was the decision made by Sohvi or was it done jointly? Was there vodka involved in the ceremonial cutting? Do you feel light headed? Did you have to resize your stocking caps?

  7. I will never understand, why ppl buy a boat, for millions, spend thousands every year just to keep it alive, and then use it 2 weeks a year, and then put it in storage for the rest of the year. It's so wasted and like you want to be apart of the boat community, but you are not fully committed. I think it's absurd. You guys are setting a proper example on how it should be done.

  8. After many years of close observation I have learned the language of sea lions. It's a very small language consisting entirely of just one phrase: "Move your butt over!"

  9. Prince William Sound is such a great location. I delivered a 46' power boat to there, from Juneau, 2 years ago and spent a couple of days there fishing for halibut with some friends.
    The katabatic winds are amazing. Locally in Juneau, they're called the 'Taku Winds', and are caused by cold, dense air that accumulates on the ice fields behind the glaciers, which then gets heavy because it's compressed by the cold temps, and when the ice field can no longer contain it, it spills out of the mountain passes and onto the ocean. We had a system move through a few days ago and I clocked up to 50 knot winds in the harbor where my boat is moored. Sustained speeds of 30 knots, with gusts to 50 at time. There's a river south of here where the katabatic winds can sometimes blow at up to 100 knots!
    I'd agree that the whale was probably a minke or a small humpback but certainly was a baleen whale of some type. You did the right thing by reporting it. I doubt that it died in that location, though. Was probably brought in by the tide and then wash ashore. Hard to say though…
    Climate change is having a big impact on Alaska. A friend is a videographer who spends summer months up in Alaska's interior, documenting native habits and habitats for scientific organizations and the older natives have never seen so little sea ice in their lives. Here in S.E. AK, the glacier are rapidly melting, the snowfall amounts are less because of both the El Niño event happening this year AND due to far warmer winter temps so far. Because of the warmer temps, Juneau has had above average rainfall.
    Looking forward to your next video. Be safe out there!

  10. Haven't you seen the cheap USB power bank heated jackets £10 to £25 I've had one for three years best thing ever 🌡️🔥🔥

  11. Happy new year to you both, I hope you have lots of fun exploring this year. Are you going to put more prints up after you finish this run?

  12. You could think 3d printed gears are weak, but they are not.I have chinese mini mill which broke it's gear. I couldn't get spare part, so I modeled the gear and printed it. It's 5 years ago, and it's still holding. While I have bigger mill for real jobs, I use that small one a lot for drillings and such, since it's so much easier to change tools and such.

    I printed the gear from normal pla, and it was meant to be temporary, but it have last longer than the original. It was split in several parts as the drill caught in.

  13. You may have noticed that our storms (where you are) range in the 900 millibars and they are stacked up to Korean.
    Be mindful of blowing rafts of ice in PWS (Price William Sound)

  14. Thank you again for taking the time to do this filming! The scenery is beautiful and most of us won't get a chance to see it in person. Stay warm. Namaste.🙏

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