Bătălia de la Golful Vella s-a încheiat cu o victorie americană perfectă

Bătălia de la Golful Vella s-a încheiat cu o victorie americană perfectă

(Partea 8) Urmărește videoclipul nostru „Bătălia Golfului Vella s-a încheiat cu o victorie americană perfectă” și explorează poveștile nespuse despre curaj, strategie și onoare pe marea liberă în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce ne adâncim în experiențele unui renumit comandant naval imperial japonez, oferind o perspectivă unică asupra războiului din Pacific. Asistați la provocările, triumfurile și spiritul de nestăpânit al celor care au navigat în apele agitate ale unuia dintre cele mai semnificative conflicte din istorie. Scufundă-te adânc în complexitatea războiului naval, pentru o explorare captivantă a laturii umane a războiului, în care fiecare episod dezvăluie un nou strat de rezistență, onoare și spiritul de nestăpânit care a predominat în mijlocul haosului războiului din Pacific. Link către lista de redare https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjbe3ikd0XEgpZaJTo25BGLPJDrer821


39 thoughts on “Bătălia de la Golful Vella s-a încheiat cu o victorie americană perfectă

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Part 8 of memoirs of a Japanese Destroyer Captain, He was an Imperial Japanese naval commander during the Pacific War and the author of the IJN manual on torpedo attack techniques, notable for his skill in torpedo warfare and night fighting. He was a survivor of more than one hundred sorties against the Allies and was known throughout Japan as the Unsinkable Captain. A hero to his countrymen, Captain exemplified the best in Japanese surface commanders: highly skilled, hard driving, and aggressive. Moreover, he maintained a code of honor worthy of his samurai grandfather. He was as free with praise for American courage and resourcefulness as he was critical of himself and his senior commanders. He was the only IJN destroyer captain at the start of World War 2 to survive the entire war

    Here is the link of the playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjbe3ikd0XEgpZaJTo25BGLPJDrer821

    Link of Part 1 https://youtu.be/3UcMnCkCawM

    Link of Part 2 https://youtu.be/ODvaNAw-po8

    Link of Part 3 https://youtu.be/CW2UlbuvAgY

    Link of Part 4 https://youtu.be/J0Drg8PanfA

    Link of Part 5 https://youtu.be/vCWxRnKZSIo

    Link of Part 6 https://youtu.be/dhSM6DNUflg
    Link of Part 7 https://youtu.be/YHxcdbV94Jw

  2. If you have an interest in a deeper perspective of the Pacific war, use these chronicles to understand more of the mistakes made to better understand the dynamic of the course of the war. If you need video, may I recommend The Unauthorized History of the Pacific War on YouTube.

  3. This doesn’t completely jive with any other account I’ve read on this battle. The only torpedoes fired by the Japanese were when this captain retired after the American divided force had decimated the convoy — not during the action.

  4. This is excellent. Really enjoying hearing the other sides perspective of actions long familiar only from American accounts. Don’t mind at all that it is only audio. I appreciate that it is available on YouTube. Can’t wait for the next episode. Thanks!

  5. During the conference at the beginning this episode, the Japanese show a lack of crew resource management, where everyone’s ideas are entertained and considered. With input from everyone, a better strategy may be proposed and implemented.

  6. Listened to the entire account of this IJN Destroyer commander .. and one constant is evident. He can not stop blowing his own horn the entire length of dialog.

  7. I am struck by those who criticize inaccuracies in this telling. What we see here in any inaccuracies is what is known as "the fog of war." Any errors need to be forgiven, as such are seen in almost all the accounts of almost all commanders of almost all battles of almost all the wars. As an addendum to this history, the destroyer Shigure, having withdrawn with steering damage, was a survivor of the battle of Surigao Straight, which was a subset of the battle of Leyte Gulf Shigure was at that time under the command of a commander Niishino (i cannot say if Catain Hara was present at that battle, but I doubt his presence) and part of a force under the command of Admiral Nishimura when they were ambushed by the American force built around the battleships that were repaired and returned to service after the attack at Pearl Harbor. This was also the battle that finally claimed the cruser Mogami, a well known photo of which showed the horrific damage she received at the battle of Midway.

  8. Love this channel!!!
    One suggestion. Maybe instead of just one still image for the duration of the episode, could you put up like half a dozen still images and just put them on a loop, kinda like a Screensaver?
    Happy new year everyone!!!

  9. When he mentions in first minute that destroyers AMAGIRI "had her nose blunted by ramming a torpedo boat" – that was PT-109 of FUTURE U.S. PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy!
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrol_torpedo_boat_PT-109 This is actually a fantastic series off the book "Japanese Destroyer Captain." His comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the Japanese vs the American war fleets should be studied and known by every student at Annapolis. For example, his dissection of the shortcomings of Yamamato's complex Midway operation, in particular how the diversionary aircraft carriers sent to the Aleutians should have been part of the Midway operation, instead of thousands of miles away on a wild goose chase. Yamamoto SHOULD have COMBINED the two air groups from the Shokaku and Zuikaku and included the later in the fleet steaming to Midway, but as ever Japanese cultural considerations got in the way of common sense. Speaking of which, Commander Hara (author) was AGHAST at Japan's military culture of BRUTALITY by NCOs towards low ranking soldiers and especially recruits, which violent brutality impaired training and literally wounded thousands of Japanese soldiers and sailors.

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