La mulți ani din Bahamas!

La mulți ani din Bahamas!

Acest canal este finanțat de spectatori ca tine. Vă rugăm să ne ajutați să menținem acest canal să creeze conținut grozav devenind un patron. Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: Donați prin Paypal pentru a ajuta


42 thoughts on “La mulți ani din Bahamas!

  1. I'm surprised Amanda doesn't know how to wear sunglasses. Hollywood types never show their eyebrows. Learned that from Elvis.

  2. Amanda every lady should be respected especially by her man so demand the sleezeball show respect . The comment about " being real " was out of line and invites comments of the same.

  3. The Seuz Canal should always be open to International Shipping. Sorry to hear the delivery of your yacht may be affected by weak international policies. Hopefully the countries preventing free shipping will never be able to create this problem again. Cheers!

  4. I clicked on the video for the sailing tips, not sure if I heard any ……. even after watching the entire video 😇😊

  5. ok, you said "a little slow". Was she a little SLOW getting her shit together? Women work like that!
    CAREFUL! They try to manipulate like that! Sure they have all that glamore and makeup to try to put on and pretend it's for US while they're on ONLYFANS… Sorry! Trying to be funny! It just seems to be true!

  6. OF COURSE YOU SHOULD TAP THAT! YOUNG! NAIVE! NICE BODY! FUCK YEAH! You'll pay for it later! Learn the judicial system! I'm sure Epstein Island has some tricks!

  7. Happy New Year! Shakedown cruises are about find8ng the problems, actually really impressed with how the Rapido handled 45+kts despite all the problems.

  8. Wishing everyone at Sailing Doodles a fantastic new year ahead. Amanda, we appreciate your natural beauty and positive "vibe" – here's to an incredible 2024 with you on the channel! Keep sailing and spreading happiness! 😊⛵️

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