fetele vor doar să se distreze (versiunea de navigație) [ep 97]

fetele vor doar să se distreze (versiunea de navigație) [ep 97]

În sfârșit este timpul să ne distram!! După ce am navigat spre Insulele Virgine Britanice din Grenada singur, fără pilot automat, mă pot relaxa în sfârșit puțin. Mă întâlnesc cu @SpearItAnimal @PiratePrincessChronicals în timpul Festivalului Ocean Odyssey și navigăm în jurul BVI pentru câteva zile. Oferă puțin sprijin suplimentar 💞 Circumnavigația abia începe… tot ajutorul tău se îndreaptă către mai mult echipament pentru a face videoclipurile puțin mai bune și barca mai sigură și mai funcțională pentru mine ca o singură mână (și poate un răsfăț suplimentar pentru Mako ) COMUNITATEA PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/laurenlanders Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/souldelamar Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/souldelamar Mako Treats: https: //www.buymeacoffee.com/laurenalanR Marfa: https://www.soudelamar.com/shop/ Lista de dorințe: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/WT5UKPG3ITDP/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_3 Lucruri pe care le folosesc & dragoste (acestea sunt link-uri afiliate și mă ajută puțin): Cremă de protecție solară: codul www.Stream2Sea.com: „laurenalanders” Ochelari de soare: https://glnk.io/y31nz/laurenlanders Amazon: https://www.amazon .com/shop/_laurenlanders Băcănii prin calitatea de membru Thrive: http://thrv.me/WzJrbh Robinet cu filtru de apă: https://www.acuvatech.com/shop/?ref=laurenlandersClothing: www.thesilkco.com cod: „Lauren Landers Sailing” Watermaker!! https://seawaterpro.com?sca_ref=1453027.5f7Jd5tSOL Instagram instagram.com/laurenlanders instagram.com/makoatsea


33 thoughts on “fetele vor doar să se distreze (versiunea de navigație) [ep 97]

  1. Give a little extra support 💞 The circumnavigation is JUST beginning… all of your help goes towards more gear to make the videos a bit better and the boat safer and more functional for myself as a single hand (and maybe an extra treat for Mako)

    PATREON COMMUNITY: https://www.patreon.com/laurenlanders
    Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/souldelamar
    Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/souldelamar
    Mako Treats: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/laurenalanR

  2. Wondering if that wind vane might work, only needs small movements to steer course when sails are well balanced, though I have only used servo units.

  3. Two boats going in the same direction. I know that turns into a race. I saw to keeping an eye on Spear it Animal. Nice that Raff was able to give you a hand. It's cool when several cruisers I watch end up in the same place. Good stuff.

  4. Tell Mako thanks, my cats were chiming in with him. So I fed them a half hour early 😅
    Glad to see you are getting the last few bugs worked out. And don't worry, i tried a Hobie. Seriously? Whats with those things? , ok maybe I was just a little green on such a small boat. But i can do without the healing still laugh when i think about sailing it. Or its better to say snorkle sailed. We spent a lot of time diving to retrieve items😅😅

  5. I love it when cruisers from various channels come together for fun and to support each other! It really brings home the sense of community and like mindedness.

  6. Thanks Lauren for another great video as always. Nice of Sharky (RAF) to fix your electrical probs. Love all your videos . Happy New Year too.

  7. If you think that was fun just wait til you make it down this way off and around our New Zealand shoreline!! Your happy smiles truly do brighten up an otherwise gloomy day Princess – TY 🙏 and wishing you safe landings 🥰

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