Un mini document care explorează starea actuală și istoria Ocean Falls, cel mai emblematic oraș abandonat din Canada! O comunitate unică cu o poveste foarte interesantă care se compostează încet înapoi în natură. Bucurându-se pe margine, acum găzduiește următoarea mare afacere bazată pe tehnologie! Va supraviețui epocii moderne?! Rămâneți pe fază pentru următorul episod!
[Filmed August 2023]
CINE SUNTEM Explorând fiorduri întinse și ancoraje îndepărtate ale Pasajului Interior, trasând un curs spre nord spre Alaska (încet), suntem un duo canadian australian care documentează o viață alternativă bazată pe aventură, în afara rețelei, pe o mică barcă cu pânze „fără preturi”. , Uintah. Fără refrigerare, fără pilot automat, ridicând ancora cu mâna și aventurându-ne în afara drumurilor bătute cu scopul de a trăi o viață mai durabilă, autosuficientă, conectată la natură. Abonați-vă și alăturați-vă nouă în călătoria spre nord! MULȚUMESC pentru că v-ați gândit să susțineți realizarea filmelor, astfel încât să putem continua să producem videoclipuri pentru dvs. în fiecare săptămână, deoarece un mic canal sprijinul dvs. contează cu adevărat ►Deveniți un Patreon https://www.patreon.com/allisonandjames ►Interesat să ne cumpărați un una rece gustoasa buna? Iată linkul nostru Paypal pentru a trimite o donație unică https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/james… ~Recunoaștem și suntem recunoscători locuitorilor inițiali ai Coastei Centrale, oamenii Haiłzaqv (Heiltsuk), ca și cultură și administratori de mediu ai terenurilor și căilor navigabile pe care a fost creat acest film în teritoriul tradițional necedat al Primelor Națiuni Heiltsuk~ https://heiltsuknation.ca/our-history-and-story/ Ahoy! Suntem Allison & James 👋 un duo canadian australian care a lăsat în urmă viața convențională pentru a trăi un stil de viață alternativ bazat pe aventură aici, în nord-vestul Pacificului! Ne urmărim continuu visele de a ne aventura în afara drumurilor bătute și de a trăi o viață mai durabilă și mai autosuficientă. Ne-ar plăcea să ni te alături! La ce te poți aștepta în acest sezon👉 https://youtu.be/9Qe4aVhz1zY ABONAȚI-vă ca să nu ratați următorul episod! 🔔Dacă vă plac aventurile în aer liber, navigație, schi, drumeții, case mici, locuințe în afara rețelei și proiecte de bricolaj, atunci veți dori să dați clic pe clopoțelul de notificare pentru a nu pierde niciun episod! Vrei MAI MULT conținut de navigație? Binge ceas de la început! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnZU0VokI3bdr0eu6ttN04Vqgm_9O_xf7 Urmărește-ne pe Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/AllisonandJames.Youtube Conectați-vă cu noi pe Instagram pentru actualizări în timp real A Instagram https://www.instagram.com/allisonmcisaac J Instagram https://www.instagram.com/james_stce Muzică de la Epidemic Sound #sailingadventure #sailing #oceanfalls
Ocean Falls is by far one of the most interesting places we've ever sailed to. Definitely a must-stop on your adventure North!
Erm., UNSUBSCRIBED – As a native indian, it is time to dump this junk of leftism – white people are so so sad and self-hating. They simply hate themselves and say things like this:." We recognize & are grateful to the Central Coast’s original inhabitants, the Haiłzaqv (Heiltsuk) People, as cultural & environmental stewards of the lands and waterways on which this film was created in the traditional unceded territory of the Heiltsuk First Nations" Whites will get wiped out, as they are being wiped out across Europe, as they can't even recognize their own lands. I will not subscribe to such people's youtube accounts.
Looking forward to it and Happy New Year . Our March boat move is getting real as we went out to see the Dash 34 Balderdash . Turns out i had the style of the boat rong . Have to do a lot of walking as there was a bit of groaning getting over the stanchions I'm on PWD retired so to speak need to walk more . Its great to have a friend with a boat and he is looking forward to sailing with us .
Thanks so much for giving us this great tour. I lived in Gold River where a lot of the Ocean Falls people came to work in the pulp mill. They formed a core of brotherhood in Gold River. Everyone had stories of life in Ocean Falls.
Thanks again.
Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the film please give it a thumbs up, write us a note in the comments and don't forget to Subscribe so you don't miss part two! If you've visited or grew up here we'd love to hear from you down in the comments 🙂
That's really awesome you guys! Great video!
I don't see a follow button. I would like to experience more of you videos. Are the couple Expedition Evans visited after sailing acrosd the Atlantic to Europe?
Opps, I am following you two. Yip 😂🎉
If you get to Haida Gwaii there is an abandoned mining town on the west coast (Tasoo). I went there as a teenager- very cool. Although maybe not quite as cool as Ocean falls-which I want to go to some day. Looks amazing.
We love your channel, look forward to each video
Thank you for the history behind this beautiful place!
Thank you so much for posting this. I was born there in 1963. My mom worked in the café and my dad worked in the mill. My 2 sisters were born there as well. One in 1964 and the other in 65. When the mill shut down in the late 60's my dad sold our home in Martin Valley and moved away. It's heartbreaking to watch what you posted but, it's reality. Thank you so much.
Tyvm, quite a fascinating place
Hi James and Allison. I'm Alison and just want to share with you how much my husband Nick and l have enjoyed your channel. You travel to all the places we want to see, and you capture the beauty of these places in a way that inspires me on our own channel Navigating the Next Ten. We moved to Vancouver Island in the spring to buy our dream boat and explore the Pacific Northwest coast with her just last spring. Summersong is a 50ft cabin cruiser, and we had just completed a major overhaul that took over 4 months to complete. On launching day (sea trials) Nick fell off the boat onto the hard. He's been in ICU in a coma for 3 weeks now, and our future is so uncertain. I just feel compelled to tell you how inspiring your stories are, and we watched for your new video uploads with baited breath. Sometimes we get so much enjoyment out of our own adventures, but never really know what it means to the people we inspire. We've always wanted this for our channel, much like how you've inspired us.
I don't know what 'Navigating the Next Ten' is going to look like going forward. I may be navigating my life on my own, or with a husband who may never be himself again. Please continue to dream, explore, and share. You may never know who lives your adventure with you vicariously!
So sad people build things just to let them sit unused and rot away…..