Din nou pe cont propriu!

Din nou pe cont propriu!

Amanda a trebuit să meargă acasă, așa că sunt singur pe barca în Bahamas! Ce am de gând să fac acum? Vrei marfă? Accesați https://www.sailingdoodles.com Mai sunt câteva cabine în flotilă: https://navigare-yachting.com/en/events/other/join-sailing-doodles-on-a-bvi-yacht- charter-with-navigare-in-ianuary-2024 Acest canal este finanțat de spectatori ca tine. Vă rugăm să ne ajutați să menținem acest canal să creeze conținut grozav devenind un patron. Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDwexrF43p_1QurfKFBCBA/join http://www.patreon.com/sailingdoodles Donați prin Paypal pentru a ajuta http://www.paypal.me/sailingdoodles


27 thoughts on “Din nou pe cont propriu!

  1. Enjoyed your live cast Bobby, hopefully Amanda can rejoin you there soon. You're a great couple together. Be safe always from the Philippines 💞

  2. I laugh when someone says there isn’t any recurring cost to charge a battery in comparison to filling up a gas tank. You’re still paying an electric bill to charge that battery.

  3. Youtube Shorts…so awful. I think Doodles my only channel with bikinis, but all my Youtube Short recommends are thirst traps. No spooky shots, no science shorts, etc….

  4. One thing I love about your channel is that you aren’t a “monohull, catamaran, sailing, etc snob”. You are open to any mode of floating and realize that each of them have their purpose. I used to be almost Anti sailing…have been an express cruiser lover for decades but since 2016 channels like your and Parlay, Delos, etc have me appreciating sailing A LOT! …after the “sea ray season” is done I would love to see a video of your thoughts of pros and cons not necessarily compared to sailboats but also not avoiding it…your opinion and thoughts are valuable because you have done it all and aren’t just speaking about an opinion or limited perspective. Thank you for sharing your journey.

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