Experiență de check-in la MSC Yacht Club (2024) – MSC Meraviglia, terminalul de croazieră din Brooklyn

Experiență de check-in la MSC Yacht Club (2024) – MSC Meraviglia, terminalul de croazieră din Brooklyn

Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce vă oferim o privire asupra procesului exclusiv de check-in VIP pentru membrii Yacht Club la bordul unei nave de croazieră MSC. De la manipularea dedicată a bagajelor până la serviciul de șampanie, veți vedea cum lucrează MSC pentru a crea o experiență exclusivă chiar de la început pentru oaspeții Yacht Club. Am plecat cu MSC Meraviglia în ianuarie 2024 din terminalul de croazieră din Brooklyn din New York și am surprins procesul de check-in și îmbarcare pentru a vă oferi o privire asupra modului în care procesul Yacht Club diferă de check-in-ul standard în croazieră, suntem cu toții obișnuiți. la. Bucurați-vă de intimitate, exclusivitate și câteva surprize pe parcurs! -Mark și Rocky #mscmeraviglia #yachtclub #msccruise #imbarc #cruiseship #exclusive #vip #mscyachtclub #cruise #cruiselife


20 thoughts on “Experiență de check-in la MSC Yacht Club (2024) – MSC Meraviglia, terminalul de croazieră din Brooklyn

  1. Believe it or not Brooklyn is probably the worst place to experience YC onboarding. PC, Miami, and most European locations offer a significantly better experience. As MSC continue to grow its presence in Brooklyn I’d expect it to evolve and get better!

  2. My husband and I have been teetering on the edge of booking YC on Seascape (SO excited she is coming here to Galveston!!) and I think this video might have just tipped us over to locking it down. 😀 We have been devouring all your Jubilee videos (just 46 more days!!) and now we're anxiously waiting for y'all to put out the rest of your YC vids. Love you guys! Keep up the great work!! ♥

  3. Arrrrghhhh! So excited to watch these! How the heck am I supposed to wait until October for my turn in the YC on this ship?

  4. So at 9.15am there was standard category guests in line already?.Or were those people all YC? I'm planning to arrive around 10am. We're staying 2 nights over in Brooklyn when we arrive. We live in Spain. Weve been to Manhattan 6 times and done 5 cruises from NYC, including the Meraviligia, but this will be our first time in YC! So excited 😊❤❤

  5. As a former Haven guest, this sounds so much better! Thanks so much for the details on arriving, as it's always a bit confusing, but you have made it look easy with your tips. I'm off to watch your other videos. xx

  6. Love, love, love this ship! I have yet to try Yacht Club, but it's on the bucket list. However, we are Diamond with MSC and the embarkation process was absolutely flawless! I can't speak highly enough about the process.

  7. Just got off the Meraviligia last Thursday after 11 days in Yacht Club.
    Loved all the Crew! Met the beautiful Irish and were friends on Facebook, now. Loved Raj…Darryn, Sumit and Irish kept the drinks in FULL FLOW around the pool. 🎉

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