Sfârșitul Vlogurilor

Sfârșitul Vlogurilor

Vlogurile la nivel general au scăzut în ultimii 3 ani din mai multe motive. În opinia mea, este din cauza preferinței YouTube pentru scurtmetraje, noua tehnologie Ai și furtul de IP de la actori răi.


46 thoughts on “Sfârșitul Vlogurilor

  1. Love your content can’t wait to see you out on some island-some day. Amanda is incredible definitely all woman. Not hard to see why those asset always pay off over time. Do you think Steph will ever be back she just added so much to the show. She was so real and you could tell she loved you. Do you still stay in contact with her?

  2. Bobby, I think youtube overall is going downhill. It is not just you. My own video watching is down 95+%. For me, mainly the ads are now ridiculously intrusive, but you are right about them trying to shove shorts down my throat and not being able to turn them off. But the user interface is going downhill as well. There are certain settings that don't stick when you change them like auto-playing the next video and auto-playing a video when your mouse is held over it. They just go back to the way youtube wants them to be, even if they allow you to change them at all. I've moved over to Reddit for the most part, which has it's own problems, but it's way better than youtube.

  3. I will be honest with you Bobby I don't watch you podcasts I don't like them I find them boring and they are always to long
    I have followed you from pretty much the the beginning I have watched some of your podcasts but usually end up fast forwarding
    to shorten it up. You give your paytrens so much credit so why don't you just do paytren only YouTube?

  4. Personally for me i like the longer vids. The short 5 minute ones just arent long enough. Ill watch them but give me 30 to an hour and im down. I watch camping ch that pus out 2 and 3 hr vids and i watch those when im at work. I did see the e foil before this and thought the jumping was kinda cool but i like long format. Maybe im just one of the rare ones.

  5. All I can say is I have been following you for a long time and I will continue. Thanks for educating us on the industry. Majority of time I watch the whole video.

  6. Oh Yeah! Humans are devolving with shorter attentions spans – so let's appeal to that. F. the future of humanity. Let's cash in by promoting it…. gotta give the people what they want.

  7. Who would ever watch a video that was completely AI generated of a Sailing channel? Or any channel?

    I sure wouldn’t .
    The only reason it’s interesting is because it’s REAL.

  8. I have been following you since the very beginning. Megan, Maverick, and Goose were awesome for the content of your videos. I've had sailboats, was a diving instructor, traveled the Bahamas and Caribbean. I'm interested in seeing travel and adventures. Sailing Doodles has slipped to just T&A as your main content. Parlay Revival, Spearit Animal, La Vagabond have far more sailing and adventure content.

  9. Not much mentioned about the dilution of creators…everybody and their brother being goaded on at boat shows, for example, to just do it and start their own channel. Whether they have worthy content or not, bound to pull viewers away. Look at the bright side, you’ve faired quite well considering no sail boat ownership for some time now…

  10. For me the watching trend is down because, in the beginning the channels were authentic,
    Then the content changed to contrived, precured, click-bait. Formula for success.
    I do feel the content providers fell into a trap set by yt to produce content more frequently, including the "shorts".
    I would say stop believing corporations algorithms;
    Create what is in your hear.
    love is not a job or obligation

  11. Hey Bobby. Been following you for years and enjoy your vlogs. I have a different perpective though on what's been going on with the downturn for the "big" sailing Vlogers. I began watching Delos back in the day when they 1st started out, same with La Vegabond, and same with you. Those 4 or 5 years of videos featured ocean crossings to remote locatations, dealing with bad weather, things breaking out in the middle of knowwhere, and island locations not everyone ever gets a chance to see. Exciting content. As the years have gone by these bigger channels aren't doing that so much anymore. It's more Island hopping in Greece, Bahamas, Thailand, etc. Anyone can hop a flight, charter a boat and do these things reletively on the cheap and without much of the "danger" factor involved as when we used to see these long passages. So..not to be a dick but, maybe it isn't so much the "end of the Vlogs" but more the aging (mellowing) of the Vlogger? It's all about the content. I just watched a great Vlog fom a channel i've never seen before, Sailing Tela Ru. Very exciting content that I think will garner a lot of views. You should check it out!

  12. So you are unhappy because you earn less living sailing in paradise with with incredibly nice looking girls….hmmm… for a minute you almost got me…dear Bobby here a virtual handkerchief. Keep up the good work. Love your content.

  13. Ive enjoyed all of your video's Bobby. You and all the girls and of course Goose and Maverick (RIP Pups) have kept me entertained since you started this journey. I hope you don't quit doing the videos completely. Please keep up the good work.
    Randall Lawless

  14. Bobby,
    Have you looked at total YouTube views to see if the downtrend is the same as what you’re seeing in the Sailing channels? You know it’s probably not. Google will sooner or later be shifting traffic to channels that make them more money especially content they own. This is just the beginning of the transition. They did the same thing with Websites. They hate paying you any revenue whatsoever. Your traffic is probably shifting to other content.

  15. Regarding the number of views being down over the last few years, can't that be largely attributed to the COVID lockdowns ending and more people going back to work? Fewer people are spending the day at home with time to spare to watch YouTube videos. From my limited understanding, the pandemic was a boon for many online creators as there wasn't much else we could do while sitting at home in lockdown. Personally, in my case, I never followed any sailing YouTube channels until the pandemic, and I only did so because unlike other travelers, sailboats had a more freedom to move around than other travel vloggers.

  16. YouTube is digging their own grave with blocking the ad blockers people use now. They won't show the video unless you turn off your ad blockers. I'm not sitting through force fed propaganda bullcrap every however many seconds. What a load of crap they are unloading on people.

    With Covid, they pulled the "we are the censor of what is real science" baloney, and tons of people got strikes for mentioning anything other than the government lies they spewed every week.

    TikTok is controlled by the Communist Chinese. You are a fool if, you as an American, are participating on that platform. But most people are uninformed sheep who don't read in depth on anything nor have any understanding of the political environment they are in.

    The Wynns just did what amounted to a travel promo video on China. Apparently they are having a sailboat built there. I wonder if they realize they are probably being followed by multiple people from the government while they travel about. I wonder if they wore T-shirts that said "1989 Tiananmen Square" if their view of how great China is would change. I wonder if they started talking about the Uyghurs and Muslim mosques being destroyed, how well received they would be. Then they would experience what the real China is behind the scenes. You would not see it on their cleansed videos however. The government would see to that. Start taking videos of something the government doesn't want uploaded to the internet, and those shadowy people watching them will approach and demand erasure of the video footage, or just confiscate the equipment, or arrest them. What you are seeing is a smoke and mirrors propaganda travel video.

    YouTube is going downhill fast. If I can't circumvent their blocking me unless I am forced to sit through advertising propaganda nonsense, I will soon discontinue any use of the platform at all. They can go F themselves.

  17. I actually like to listen to you. Talk more than I like watching your recent videos. I think you have a lot more to offer than what you show in the videos. I'll check out your podcast. Thanks!

  18. Thanks, Bobby. I think you're on to something when you note that short-form content is something to target if you want to appeal to younger audiences. I am older and like the opportunity to immerse myself in a single video for longer periods, so I gravitate to those types of content. Perhaps what is coming down the road is an increasing separation between those two types of mediums. It would likely be a mistake for YouTube to sacrifice the appeal of longer-form content creation for the sake of pushing the short-form product. There should be room for both, properly handled.

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