Navigand peste Oceanul Atlantic

Navigand peste Oceanul Atlantic

Ei bine… nu mă așteptam să postez acest videoclip. Începem traversarea Oceanului Atlantic și vă fac o recapitulare a ceea ce am făcut din vara trecută când am navigat pentru prima dată. Nu îmi pot conecta instagramul încă în videoclip (am nevoie de mai multe ore de vizionare), așa că l-am legat mai jos. Instagram – Muzică – Asigurați-vă că vă abonați pentru videoclipuri în fiecare miercuri🤙🏼


34 thoughts on “Navigand peste Oceanul Atlantic

  1. Hey Luke 👋 Believe it or not, my first born son is expected in the coming months. My wife and I have decided to name him Luke after watching you. Your admiration and love for the outdoors is great! Please never stop 😺

  2. Great video and I was wondering as you being part of the Med crew when you'll post video's. Now you can give Jack, Finn, Glori, Jaden and Zatara a run (WAVE) for their money. Good luck young man have fun live life to the fullest.

  3. I've been "Sailing Zatara" since episode One. I had fun bingeing to catch up. Luke, you were a great part of one Med Crew and it is brilliant to see you back. Every one has a different take and a different perspective on life. That what all the vlogs show us. I'm glued on Luke. Keep sailing.

  4. Someone once told me, let the wind be your guide but i let responsibility be mine, I should've went with the wind just don't live your life with regrets and make GOOD choices. MED CREW ROCKS ⛵

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