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Jagex dezvăluie navigația

46 thoughts on “Jagex dezvăluie navigația”
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So we sit on a boat for over 300hrs to get 99?
Sailing is going to be such a massive flop, I hope they reconsider before wasting thousands of man hours into it…
Sailing is a distraction. More than half the people are playing are Bots, making gp has become artificially harder for every method competing with thousands of robots. Blatant rwt by tons of people with no stats or boss kc. Some people are paying for skilling/questing/bossing kc, finding a GM that serviced CAs is extremely common, very p2w era with little moderation. Clienters in the wildy with auto-pray, auto-spec and auto-eat, no bans unless a well-known streamer makes a direct report to j-mods. Inconsistent world servers, non-existent customer support for any issue, the list goes on but lets start with these because jagex has 0 plans for these issues, sailing can wait
no more furries
Sailing sounds like a step in the wrong direction imo
Instead of just clicking the mast they should do a quick click thing like vardorvis and if you ace it you get a boost in speed. Just don’t make it too regular.
We're at the top of "phase 2" in Sailing – Customization & crew system (they mentioned this in the video). I'm assuming we go down through Phase 2, hit the tech Alpha, then move to Phase 3
hopefully sailing is like 25% about sailing itself and more about exploring places and doing cool shit
Your reaction to sailing is why I liked this one. Literally my honest reaction too.
If it’s not afk as woodcutting and it’s more like agility. Or runecraft. You guys have already failed the community
Imagine trimming the ship for260 hours
See everyone wanted sailing what a fucking joke….
What a garbage concept sailing..
Why do I have an overwhelming feeling the same people that voted for Biden voted for Sailing?
Get your auto clickers ready boys
Honestly forget sailing what about catching and banning bots? That’s definitely way higher on the priority list…
You should be able to apply a theme to your boats as you can with your POH
I know it's not about sailing and I'm a little late, but PLEASE Jagex don't release While Guthix Sleeps and kill Duradel again. One of the most satisfying moments I had when osrs released was having my boy Duradel back. Seeing his lame ass little brother or whatever always made me feel depressed as hell. Let the cool NPCs live this time if it's going to be released
The best vtuber is brettdog
Sailing sounds fucking shit ngl
sailing will be the biggest L in the whole of osrs clearly going to be bad
if they wanna make sailing actually useful then they should remove charter ships and make those ports only available with sailing lvls
Gen z "sailing is insane"
Thank god i can sail to port khazard, ive not been able to get there yet
leveling sailing should be treated kinda like construction. Let’s us add/remove items on the boat for XP just like a POH and treat the “crew” like the POH butler
Everytime behe showed a clip of sam he said he was a hc and everytime he did i comment that its a fake sign. Thanks for not fucking up
Revenant island update???? WTF JAGEX WE WSNT MULTI REVS!!!!
i hope this skill doesnt get added
Not excited for sailing but ya never know
They should try sailing irl first
Omg wow so sailing is basically construction but your building boats using more materials and pretty much use your boats like a charter (already in the game) makes no sense lol
sailing is gonna suck.
Sailing as a skill
Sailing as a mini game 
And now people hating the skill, shoulda voted NO then innit, bit late now
Hope I can max my iron before it comes out, so I can say I got the real OG cape and quit after that >skill< comes out.
are you hosting behemeth from now on?
Sailing stupid meme nothing more to bad it got passend in poll
Sailing looks like everything sailors said it wouldn't be and everything haters said it would be.
Bad place to start, tbh.
Literally do not see how it is a 'skill' and not a minigame; and they're actively making the case for themselves worse, not better.
I feel like the first sailing bug is going to have something to do with tutorial island and i dont know why lol
Shamanism sounded so cool but it was giving me summoning vibes and all I remember is rs2 was ruined after the new skill summoning
Shamanism pleaseeeeee
how can you possibly think "sailing" would EVER be a cool or attention grabbing skill?? You've got to be mad if so.
So glad everyone was distracted by sailing
wtf a dust and sanguine kit in 5kc? me, a fellow cheese caper who's never done tob, am really mad
Trimming sails isn't "a way to train the skill". Its a core process of each methods.