Ne străduim drumul prin Caraibe

Ne străduim drumul prin Caraibe

Cel mai bun mod de a susține acest canal: NOUA NOAȘĂ BARCĂ – the NAHOA 55: ABONAȚI-VĂ LA NEWSLETTERUL NOSTRU LUNAR: https://sailingnahoa.substack .com Îți place pescuitul? URMĂȚI-NE PE INSTAGRAM: URMĂȚI-NE PE FACEBOOK: Stay Wild, Stay Free, Ben. Ashley. Willa. Bodhi.


22 thoughts on “Ne străduim drumul prin Caraibe

  1. I just loved everything about this episode, guys. Jumping around with the kids, describing getting wacked around and disturbed sleep schedules, natures boat-wash. This was a bit of a mini-vacation for us bc it was so fun. Love ya guys, be safe!

  2. Please please please stop filming your daughter without a top. Predators are literally licking their chops over seeing your little girl bare chested. For her safety and ya'lls future securith keep her covered. I hope you take this to heart and understand that its not something i would normally do so publically, but there are so many children being exploited whether through snap shots or through other exploitative measures. Whats innocent for you and your family is fodder to the whackos out here in the bricks and sticks land. Im just saying to be very careful with what you show to the world. Ive seen the damage a sincle image caused a family and the hell they went thru because of it.

  3. Love the video – Didn't see the snail you stopped to see, but be careful, the Giant African Snail ( an invasive species) can have slime that can cause menengitis.

  4. What’s up with these people. They have a small child standing near the transom WITHOUT life jacket or harness (as far as I can see). And this not the first time. And in a previous video when they are pulling in a fish (and sharp lure) a kid is standing right there and almost gets smacked in the face when the fish and arm come flying up. As a parent who has sailed (quite extensively) with my own 2 children, I can say these types of risks do jot demonstrate good seamanship. I don’t care how far they have sailed. Just poor seamanship

  5. If you open a marine business down there, let me know! I owned a marine store, power boats, and worked in a store that catered to the sailing community so I know quite a bit about sales, parts and service! I’d move in a heartbeat!

  6. Funny I recognized the tackle shop you were in on Martinique. Got some lures and a Yoyo there before an Atlantic crossing, but couldn’t run the line because it kept getting attacked by birds.

    And definitely had the lee motoring and compression zone sailing experience when going through the windward islands. Luckily not 25 knots . . .

  7. My understanding is that dolphins can’t see you as well at night time as they can during the day. So they jump to get a better view. Who knows If that’s right or not.

  8. I thought I should tell you that I found I was no longer subscribed to your channel and when I did subscribe again the notification bell was odd. I resubscribed. Thanks for the content!

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