Am avut câteva zile frumoase de soare, așa că am primit Antifoul Coppercoat pe prima carenă! Așadar, vino alături de noi în timp ce lansăm antifoul pe S/V Lynx, catamaranul nostru de 50 de metri de performanță/croazieră, bricolaj, de la Schionning Designs. Amiralul Marianne, Căpitanul Blood și XO al nostru, Brian, împreună cu mulți alți membri ai echipajului de-a lungul drumului, plănuiesc să ocolească planeta Pământ, dar mai întâi trebuie să terminăm barca cu pânze! Site-ul web S/V Lynx: Patreon (ajutați-ne devenind parte din echipajul nostru patron!) 0:00:00 -Introducere în videoclipul acestei săptămâni 0:00:22-S/V Lynx Logo 0:00:36-Înlăturarea leagănelor terminate 0:01:15-Slefuirea stratului de barieră 0:02:40-Montarea cortului nostru de acoperire cu rouă 0 :06:45-Aplicarea Coppercoat Antifoul 0:25:40-Tragerea benzii 0:27:04-Încheierea cu amiralul și căpitanul
Kit E71: Aplicarea antifoul Coppercoat

8 thoughts on “Kit E71: Aplicarea antifoul Coppercoat”
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One step closer to flipping the hulls! Well done!
Watching your videos, I often wonder how your electrical system manages with the consumption. Do you ever use mains power (from one of the neighbors) for the power tools?
I need to do my own coppercoat paint job in May in Napa and I'm a bit overwhelmed by how I'll organize all this. I don't have a lot of hands to help! How long is the window between when it's tacky and when it's too late to overpaint anymore?
Sure looks great! I like your tent solution, can't wait to see you flip the hulls over. I bet your arms are tired after this job!
Coppercoat looks great. What size is the area you applied and how long did it take
Хорошая работа! Удачи в вашем проекте !!!)))
Did you guys come back and sand the Coppercoat a couple of days after this application? Isn’t Coppercoat really finicky about the application process and following the directions to a T? I really like what I’ve heard about the product and I plan to repaint the bottom of my boat with it. However, it seems folks that don’t comply with the directions end up with the product not working as well as hoped. Best of luck, z.
Bravo! Gazebo cluster will do the job! Unicorn Mad Scientist – what a callname! go Mike go!
Exactly! Why not to paint easy rather then up side down? Let Schionning learn from you!
So do you have to give it a light sanding before it's dropped in water to activate the copper?