Disconfort, pericol și stres: navigați în SEZONUL UMED din America Centrală [Making Our Way Ep 116]

Disconfort, pericol și stres: navigați în SEZONUL UMED din America Centrală  [Making Our Way Ep 116]

S-ar putea să fim în unele dintre cele mai frumoase locuri de pe pământ și să avem niște înalte uimitoare, dar în culise, există mai mult în poveste. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim câteva cuvinte sincere despre cum a fost viața la bord în ultima vreme, luăm pe cel mai cunoscut pasaj din Panama, suntem înconjurați de puternice furtuni cu fulgere și momentul împlinirii în timp ce navigam spre Panama City. 🎉ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU PE PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/makingourway_ Cumpără-ne o bere: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=A5EL74F283JVA Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailing_via/ Verificați accesați blogul nostru: https://www.sailingvia.com cele mai recente videoclipuri de navigație | cele mai noi vloguri de navigație| navigare vlog-uri pe youtube | navigand cu caini | cele mai bune vloguri noi de navigație | cele mai bune videoclipuri noi de navigație | nou canal de navigație | youtube sailing cupluri | cele mai bune vloguri de navigație de pe youtube | cele mai bune bloguri de navigație | canale de navigație youtube | #sailiing #sailingaroundtheworld #sailingvia #sailingwithdogs #sailingvideo #boatlife #nouestsailingvlogs #sailingpanama #cruisinglife #panama


24 thoughts on “Disconfort, pericol și stres: navigați în SEZONUL UMED din America Centrală [Making Our Way Ep 116]

  1. It’s ok to be tired & run down sometimes Taylor. Really it is. 😘❤️ Find some place that makes all 4 of you relaxed, put your video editing aside for a few weeks & just relax😊 loving you, Mike, Penny & Lucy.

  2. i sailed from NZ to Australia with my dog . . even though he was used to living on a yacht in nz he struggled. now in the tropics he finds the heat as i do overwhelming . everyday burning heat is hard on yourself and the boat . it’s certainly a hard life but as we know it’s truly living . not sure what your plan is but getting to a place we’re the weather is easier would serve you all better

  3. Well, you went through both countries during the rainy season…. What did you expect? 🤣 Rolly anchorages because of swells coming from the southern hemisphere and thunderstorms is the usual during that time of the year… in Costa Rica many boats from Guanacaste and Quepos usually go to gulf of Nicola to seek shelter from the big storms…

  4. Hi Mike and Taylor, its good to see you again, as always stunning views from Panama congrats. I know you are still in Central America, and are already berthed alongside the Panama City marina, but I am not sure you have realised that you are currently sailing very close to the Amazon Rain Forest, in fact there is an area in Colombia, next to where you are located at this time, which goes by the name of Choco, which if I am not mistaking got the highest rainfall rate in the world, so don`t be surprised for the amount of thunder and lighting storms you are seeing at this time, its pretty normal for that area. I after 22 years living in USA, am back living in Colombia, and I already know my way around here very well by now, so if you desire you can always get in touch with me when or rahter if you get closer to Colombia, and maybe we can meet. Enjoy your stay in Panama, rgs

  5. Good afternoon, first of all they are out of season in that region, ALL of Central America has a tundra, JUNGLE climate, it rains a lot and especially in winter the humidity is considerably high. If you plan to go to the Pacific, know that you will not be able to cross the O.P. until mid-March. I think the best option is to sail to the Pearl Archipelago, where you will rest and there is more activity of all kinds. great anchorages, small marinas etc. Everything in life has its charm, there is no reason to enslave yourself.

  6. What? Life isn't perfect in the rest of the world either? Who would have figured that you have to make the best of life everywhere you go?

    I get the feeling too many of the cruising crowd are spoiled and expect life to be perfect in paradise.

    Is it better than where you left to go cruising?

  7. Congratulations on making all the way to Panama!!..its been one hell of a trip for you four..been with ya all the way an just love all the vids..safe passage through the canal..all the best..Mike an Taylor!

  8. I think I'm hearing you are on the Pacific side going south In fact, I'm sure of that Lightning is high on both sides of Panama, but, I've only heard of Gators on the Atlantic side. If you were on the Atlantic side there are some amazing places you where you can hang out. One is an island off the Nicaraguan coast, but owned by Columbia . People love that island even though it doesn't have much of a marina and not much of a harbor. The islands name is San Andres. Due to the fact that a very accomplished sailor and now his family had spent a ton of time there, and actually had become quite famous on the island (names on request) they are VERY friendly towards sailors. Another somewhat experience sailor, although not as great with boats (he is awesome with spear fishing) has spent a ton of time on the Atlantic side, and spent a lot looking for Gators. He had a really tough time finding them ! He dove constantly. He's now in Vietnam building a boat. Lots to see on that trip down the Atlantic Panamanian coast. That said its best to hunker down in some sort of anchorage during some of those storms. One thing I can say about lightning is 1 an antenna disconnect, best outside on the deck for the vhf. Connected to a wire that goes over the side of the boat and into the water, during storms. The VHF antenna will possibly get hit directly, although, if you do what I said, there's a chance the antenna will act as if its a lightning rod, and contrary to what people actually understand about lightning rods, they are seldom hit. They act as a way to discharge an area of the lightning cloud as small amounts of energy, sort of like static, maybe a little more than that. If you have another radio inside , a walky talky for instance, you can hear that discharge, it sounds like a long zappy sound. Some antenna's can be slightly damaged but if hooked to a radio, those antenna will be blown apart ! Literally ! . And all your equipment at the same time, or a lot of it. Best to disconnect like I said, you have to have s connector separation outside at the bottom of the mast to do it.

  9. When in CR we fish the trash lines. It’s disgusting and sad….. my theory on all the flip flops and water bottles are the high tides and people on the beach loosing their stuff on the incoming tide…..

  10. Since we are seasoned cruisers we appreciate the reality that you described in this episode! There are so many young newbies that think they want to cruise around the world with no experience. They are some of the scariest cruisers to encounter. For instance the time a power boat hit us as we were tied up in our slip having lunch. They backed into our steel boat going full throttle. We got a dent in our stern rub rail but they lost their entire swim platform. We are older now and prefer to island hop here in the PNW and then go home to our seattle condo but we have so many memories and maybe it selective memory or just plain old age but we mostly only remember the good parts of our cruising life.

  11. Thanks for being genuine. We watch for reality, not made up fun and glory. We plan to follow in your wake so to speak and want to see what happens living full time. Keep up the great videos! 😁

  12. I don't see you trying to pick up any of the trash. What's your point of calling out all the trash when your NOT a good custodian of this earth? What say you?

  13. We appreciate your honesty – I hope you rest up in Panama City and set off fresh for the Caribbean! Looking forward to watching you put your feet up and enjoy the sunshine and blue water once you are there.

  14. An excellent episode. Sailing is not all Gin and Tonics, there are champagne sailing days but they are the minority. You have to keep analysing the weather and sea state to keep yourselves safe, this is a 24 hour constant. Good to get into a marina from time to time to relax.
    The good days make up for all the stressful days😊
    Keep smiling, there are a lot more fun days and great sailing experiences ahead.

  15. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the challenges that go with the lifestyle. It is not always sunshine and clover even though there are ofttimes incredible experiences.

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