O revizuire completă a MSC Meraviglia și Yacht Club. Vă spunem ce am iubit, ce nu am iubit și ce am urât

O revizuire completă a MSC Meraviglia și Yacht Club. Vă spunem ce am iubit, ce nu am iubit și ce am urât

Am navigat pe MSC Meraviglia la începutul lunii ianuarie 2024 și am capturat o mulțime de videoclipuri, imagini și lecții învățate pe parcursul navigării. Nu numai că am experimentat această navă superbă, ci am stat și în conceptul lor de navă în interiorul unei nave: Yacht Club. Oferim RECENZIA noastră COMPLETĂ, inclusiv ceea ce ne-a iubit, nu am iubit și ceea ce am urat despre întreaga experiență. În mod tradițional pentru This Cruise Life, împărțim recenzia noastră în secțiuni mai mici și ne uităm la Mâncare, Băuturi, Divertisment și multe altele! Pe scurt, au fost MULTE de iubit despre MSC și Yacht Club. Atât de mult, încât am anunțat rezervarea nu doar pentru una, ci pentru alte două croaziere MSC în lunile următoare! Ca parte a revizuirii complete, oferim, de asemenea, câteva ori de croazieră pe parcursul întregului, care vă vor ajuta să vă experiența MSC și Yacht Club. Indiferent de ce navă navigați, dacă vă aflați în Yacht Club, experiența va fi foarte asemănătoare și sperăm că aceste sfaturi și trucuri vă ajută să navigați ca un profesionist! Desigur, dacă aveți întrebări despre navă, mâncare, băuturi sau divertisment, vă rugăm să lăsați-le în comentariile de mai jos. Întotdeauna facem un punct să răspundem la fiecare comentariu care vine. Se pregătesc videoclipuri suplimentare pentru a fi lansate pe canal, așa că asigurați-vă că nu numai că vă abonați la canal, ci și că activați clopoțelul de notificare. *Experiență de check-in la MSC Yacht Club* https://youtu.be/KXXw8t1DpAk *Primele 24 de ore la bord* https://youtu.be/7CggyzLrhhM *Tur al camerei Yacht Club Deluxe Suite* https://youtu.be/ vdAx–pVhj8 Ca întotdeauna, vă mulțumesc foarte mult pentru vizionare și pentru sprijinul dumneavoastră continuu! -Mark și Rocky #msccruise #mscmeraviglia #mscyachtclub #shipreview #cruise #cruiselife #fullreview #cruisereview 00:00 Introducere 01:18 Loved – the Food 10:23 Loved – the Drinks 16:27 Loved – The Entertainment – 24:02 Altele 27:13 Nu am iubit – Yacht Club 31:07 Nu am iubit – Altele 35:18 Urât 39:52 Gânduri finale


29 thoughts on “O revizuire completă a MSC Meraviglia și Yacht Club. Vă spunem ce am iubit, ce nu am iubit și ce am urât

  1. Detailed review. Just booked my First Yacht Club experience cruise 🚢 on World America for May 3rd. Can’t wait to absorb the environment. Thank you for your content.

  2. My husband and I have our first cruise on MSC in May and we are on this ship in the yatch club. They matched our diamond status from celebrity. Thank you for such great tips.

  3. What an excellent review. My wife and I are definitely going to look into doing the yacht club in the near future. We are going on the same ship you were just on with the kids in July. This is our second cruise with them. We took one last year, and the kids loved it. We enjoyed it very much and got the same room, believe it or not. It was enjoyable watching you guys. I'm glad you had a good time. I'll be checking in on you here and there. Enjoy and be safe.

  4. This has got to be the most positive review I have seen about MSC Meraviglia Yacht Club here on YouTube and I so appreciate it. I am booked in the Yacht Club for a cruise in January. Other reviewers here on YouTube haven’t been so kind…especially regarding the food… so I was growing concerned. I am a long time NCL Haven traveler. To hear that you spoke to people who said they would not be going back to the Haven blew me away. The Haven, especially the food, is pretty extraordinary. But MSC Yacht Club sounds like it is a lot more bang-for-the-buck…..which is why I wanted to try it. And the butler service on the Yacht Club seems to FAR exceed the Haven. Knowing me, I will probably never leave the Yacht Club. I am not a fan of these 5000+ passenger cruise ships…to cramped, under staffed …and things like ONLY THREE relaxing stone chairs in the spa, that you spoke of, infuriate me. (NCL has a comedy club that accommodates maybe 60-75 people on a ship of 5000 people!! WTF???) So I usually stick to cruising on much smaller ships. Thanks for this review. You two are great!!

  5. Great Video! It's fun to compare it with my own YC-expierience on the MSC Fantasia wich was just similar to yours. Just one thing to mention: the ham and pinapple pizza. Just NEVER EVER try to order a ham and pinapple pizza on an italian cruise ship. In Italy the ham and pinapple Pizza (also known in Europe as "pizza hawaii") is considered as the greatest food-sin you could do. To order a h&p-pizza in Italy is literally like try to commit suicide! They might crucify you for doing that 😃

  6. Thank you for your positivity and fair evaluation of the MSC Meraviglia Yacht Club. I''m going on her in June and I can't wait after watching your video. I'm very excited!

  7. Hey guys – QQ. I’ve heard on at least one MSC Yacht Club sailing they had a problem with a smoke smelling room. I have asthma and that’s a deal breaker. Did you have any issues with your room? Thx! Jeff

  8. You are both great! Very easy to listen to, and full of great information. Thanks! My husband and I are avid cruisers on Celebrity in the Retreat Suites, and are looking to try MSC. You gave us something to think about, for sure!

  9. I don't like the side thruster vibes only because I associate them with the last day of the cruise. Pulling into port, early in the morning, and the ship's waking me up telling me vacation time's over. It's like mom waking me up on a school morning so I'm not late.

  10. I'm so glad you did this video. I was on this ship, but was just in a little balcony on deck 11… which I really loved but I was really wondering what it would be like to be up at the Yacht Club level. I really wanted to another MSC… Don't know enough to know if they all have yacht club. Levels, but I would have to go in on a smaller cabin and hopefully bid into the yacht club. I know some people are probably jealous of you, but I'm not. I'm happy you had such a great time. And I appreciate you sharing it with us.

  11. I appreciate your time reviewing your experience. I'm planning a yacth club vacation. Does the Yacht Club have a good plant-based vegan choice and what is the gratuity fee?😊🛳⚓

  12. Your dislikes for YC were that you didn't see the BIG signage at the port that says YC. Hmm. Your other dislike was that you wanted the best seating reserved for you with no one showing up to block your view. Hmm. Then you complained there were no pool towels in the room. Hmm. There is huge signage flapping in the wind that states YC enter here. If you wanted lower seats, you could have gotten their earlier and not have the guaranteed seats. And, as you at least mentioned, there are towels at the pool for the pool.

    Unfortunately, very few Americans read. The irony that you complained about a library and are doing a video about it is not lost.

    I am glad that you did come around to the 10/10 for YC! We are YC4LIFE. We love the qualitative value that it brings.

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