Ne îndreptăm spre țărm pentru a găsi mormintele scafandrilor de perle. Găsim o galerie uimitoare, asemănătoare cu arta, de formațiuni de artă rock. După ce am văzut o altă plajă uimitoare, ne îndreptăm spre gaura albastră din apropiere pentru a o verifica. Trecem la ancorajul neobișnuit de la Crocodile Creek și Magnus discută despre cum procedăm pentru ancorarea de siguranță în gaura de acolo. Multumesc pentru vizionare. Până data viitoare… Wendy și Magnus —— Unde suntem acum: Vezi unde suntem în timp real Dacă vrei să ne menții în mișcare și să ne sprijini, poți deveni un Patron pentru doar 1 USD pe lună. Fiți la curent cu ceea ce facem și unde ne aflăm. Ne poți susține canalul pur și simplu dându-ne un like pe Facebook! Dacă doriți să ne cumpărați o bere: paypalme/ Suntem și pe Instagram! Consultați site-ul nostru aici: Urmărește-ne pe Twitter! Music Credite Velvet Uniform, Epidemic Sound Dreaming of Tomorrow, Francis Wells, Epidemic Sound Lost Again, Trevor Kowalski, Epidemic Sound Feel So Right, Dag Anderson, Epidemic Sound Time for Brunch, Clarke Russo, Epidemic Sun as We Saw the Ocean, Epidemic Sound #CrocodileCreek #PearlDiversGraves #Australia #Kimberley #SVNutshell BUTON DE ABONAȚI CLIC pe link-ul către 00:00 Îndreptare către țărm în Peanut pentru a vedea mormintele scafandrilor de perle. 02:45 O galerie de artă cu formațiuni stâncoase uimitoare 04:55 Explorarea unei plaje din apropiere 07:24 Privire uimitoarea gaură albastră 11:12 Plecăm la Crocodile Creek 11:41 Magnus discută despre sistemul nostru de ancorare în siguranță pe uscat. gaură blocată de 10 m 15:18 O modalitate alternativă de a verifica ancora!
Ep 351 | Înapoi în HOLE la Crocodile Creek, Sailing Nutshell, Kimberley

23 thoughts on “Ep 351 | Înapoi în HOLE la Crocodile Creek, Sailing Nutshell, Kimberley”
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Nice video, are you happy with the new tinny? Will you be putting a collar on it? Cheers.
Wow! Sure seems to not express what this video shows. Should be on National geographic! What sights. The stone formations i can see being reproduced as flooring, wall covering etc. The hidden hole! So special! Not destroyed by ugly people. Thank you for sharing your life!
USN retired, sailor from 6yrs old in 8ft dingy. Last boat 30 ft sail. Now no longer to do adventures except on utube. Thank you
Yes. What a fun spot. Sounds like if the sun is behind the cliff, then it's time to put your feet up and open a beer. Cheers. Larry
Fascinating drone pictures, you're really good with it. Stay safe.
Wow what fantastic scenery.
I would like a video from u guys giving a rundown for somebody thinking of doing a trip like u guys have done. Advice and general expectations of what onw would encounter up there. I think a great deal of people like myself would find it interesting and helpful.
Love ur work and how you tell your story.
Bloody fudging amazing, my darlings!

Thanks so much for sharing
Absolutely stunning drone footage, and a cracking episode. Thank you guys.
The stratification through the rock formation defies comprehension,considering most of the Kimberly’s has a horizontal formation which is consistent with flooding over the millions of years but a vertical push suggests plate boundary intrusion which could be much older or actually an anomaly in the earths plate itself,rather interesting.
Guys super curious as we will get there one day. Crocodile creek looks like it meets the swimming hole level at high tide? even if its a few metres below, wouldnt crocs get up into the swimming hole?
Absolutely loved this episode guy's! Totally beautiful place especially crocodile Creek!!
Very nice love u both But ur husband looks great with long hair and a short beard. And sweetie u look great all the time. God bless and speed to ur future
Beautiful video, The Kimberly’s are calling me, one day soon I hope, thanks for sharing your amazing adventures
Amazing places you visit lovely thanks.
That hole at Crocodile Creek is amazing. Peaceful Paradise.
I think we saw you yesterday in Airlie. Would love to catch up if you have some time.
Great vlog Magnus and Wendy. The shots of the blue hole are amazing from the drone footage and what a great mooring you found. Excellent… Keep safe until next time…
What is the water depth in the hole at low tide?
I just can't imagine Barry going into that hole, he would be pooping himself.
Beautiful drone shots, peaceful, stunning and a welcome reprieve from the noise of today. Thank you so much.
Amazing place. Thanks so much for posting. Truly beautiful
Loved it!
Brilliant video thank you