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Ce se întâmplă cu o barcă cu pânze după 10 ani de viață la bord? | Înțelepciunea navigată [S6 Ep1]
31 thoughts on “Ce se întâmplă cu o barcă cu pânze după 10 ani de viață la bord? | Înțelepciunea navigată [S6 Ep1]”
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A long list of repairs before watching. 😉
Where did you get the rattan strips to re-do those door inserts
Hendricks Orbium Gin is now infused with quinine so you don’t need to add tonic water!
Looks naked!😂😂 But really good. Haven't seen it like this since Terceira! ❤❤❤
The difference is remarkable! Looks great.
Short hair looks nice.
Boat purge, I remember doing it and kept saying, oh, I was wondering where this was and ah, I've been looking for this forever. and why am I storing this. For some reason purging for me is mentally satisfying. From the looks of it, good call on the new chainplates. Congratulations.
Great job guys, she deservices it
Great idea! A total boat makeover show. It's done with houses, backyards and cars, so why not sail boats? :¬) Webhead USA
Great to see you guys! Glad you're doing the cleanup maintenance on S.W. , the time comes when you have to. Re external chainplate change video – don't miss the opportunity for a sensationalist title to feed the mighty algorithm. Maybe "The real story on our ex's!" (external chainplates, that is) "Sailing ruined our internals" (internal chainplates that is) 8^) Cheers!
Deep clean is what Wisdom needed, Wow. Another great video. Come on warmer weather.
It’s just ballast. Or that’s what we tell ourselves lol
Sad fact…tonic water doesn't contain the same amount of quinine it use to. It's ineffective at preventing malaria nowadays. But..on the bright side, there's no harm in trying 😉 gin and tonic are delicious
Ioecac epsode!
To rummage – to strip all the stuff out until the boat is empty. Supposedly an annual event for laying up but just how many seasonal sailors do it? For live aboards, well, just when is the right time?
Great show glad you are back in the Morgan
You look great! Love your hair! I missed why you're not showing your baby? I think I missed some important episodes a while back…..
Just so you stay safe – most strains of malaria these days are quinine resistant…
After a deep clean of my own beloved rig I appreciate these cleaning videos all the more! Love seeing wisdom again.
That was a pretty remarkable and visually satisfying cleaning montage. Amazing the change that some elbow grease can make. Looking forward to seeing how you guys bring Wisdom back into top form again!
Lol as i am living on my sailboat a fly lands on my screen as you are cleaning your sailboat. Maybe i am due…
Your feathered friends wreak havoc on your boat
Internal chain plates to external chainplates seems to be a steady theme on sailing videos I watch. Designers of future cruising sailboats beware.
The only advantage of internal chain plates is tighter sheeting angles for the headsails.
We played a drinking game today with the key word 'cleaning'. We will be doing it tomorrow again with the keyword 'stuff'. C'mon guys, you can do better . . .
I've cleaned a bird cage.
Too many shorts
Maddy love the hair cut…..looks fabulous….that is a lot of cleaning
another episode demonstrating a total commitment to each others hairstyles
but at least we found out the cause, alcoholism