Streaming acum la Kathy Brandel și Ralph Hendry, un cuplu american dispărut în Caraibe, se aflau în vacanță în Grenada, când trei bărbați și-ar fi furat barca.
Un cuplu american dispărut în Caraibe după ce fugarii le-ar fi furat iahtul, a spus poliția

46 thoughts on “Un cuplu american dispărut în Caraibe după ce fugarii le-ar fi furat iahtul, a spus poliția”
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Hate crime
Shark Bait…
My prayers to the family, and for the UMPTEENTH TIME, you do not go out on a boat on vacation without a weapon and the skill to
use it. Even thought it's the 22nd Century, there are still pirates out there who are renown for killing innocent victims without
batting an eyelash. PLEASE, DO NOT become a member of the "….It will never happen to me….." club. Regards, Denis Berte' USMC/SF
Damn colored people killing other humans.
Don’t visit primitive countries.
Maybe Granada can use waterboards.Looks like these guys were attempting to flee by boat during bad weather.Probably HYJACKED the Captain and his first mate to sail the boat. The Captain may have managed to put out a SOS on the sly,Is the dingy or life raft missing? I hope so.
The Caribbean has always been a dangerous place, the rule is don’t touch the tourist,, smh these dirtbags, didn’t get the memo
To many crimes are taking place all over the world. No one is safe.
What do you expect? They are all animals in Grenada!
Bahamas very unsafe also CIA base in Bahamas
Tragic! Unfathomable but not surprising in this day and age. Sad`~ sooo very very sad!
“Seasoned boaters” sailing the Caribbean. Retired, per another article. And silly people are donating to a gofundme me.
Make it make sense.
On Grenada …, We heard they confessed to killing and dumping them at sea
Please give us updates
Omg I do hope they’re found safe
12 year trip plan that had no self-defense plan, just sitting ducks out there. I’m sure this guy didn’t even have a single firearm on board. Rich people like this are so naive.
I am from grenada
and these guys dont leave to far from me couple miles away and ik dem will pay for wat dem did
So these thugs dumped them at sea……what low lifes! Just stay right here…enjoy being at home….in a country with many privleges and a justice system …
With all of the technology today no one should be able to break out of a jail or prison. This is the falut of the police, the country and one or more people drictly. Yet it still happens everywhere!
Please please please please please please form a group not just via radio. Sail in groups. Plan to sail a few boats at a time together. Stop sailing in single yachts.

. Sail with others in their own yachts. 

Look like another Brandon crime. Sailing is open sea with no way of protecting yourself?
Usual suspects… It’s become a global pandemic and no one is saying anything about it… why?!
What a crying shame, God Bless…
they waved, someone waved back, just being friendly, oh and no we're not armed, we're rich and liberal
You have to be careful where you travel. Your money, whiteness, privilege doesn’t necessarily transfer the same way in other places…
Keep going to Banana
Dump Countries 

Two decent people encountered Three demons .
This is why after studying South America, I was afraid to even go into Mexico.
If you don't have a family with money or connections that will look for you. Your dead or rotting in some prison till you die.
Don't venture out of America without lots of protection.
This is no longer 1950.
Usual Suspects™. Shocking, isn't it?
Safe to assume that they didn't have firearms onboard so they couldn't defend themselves and were easy meat for hijackers…..
I feel absolutely no sympathy for them … who knows how many people like stole from conned to afford to be able to cruise on a freaking yacht while the rest of can’t afford groceries…. Some crimes seem so
The 13 percent strikes again, nothing new here folks..
Firearms and ammunition are declared on entry and returned before leaving. Protect yourself!!! Condolences to family.
Are they adrift in the lifeboat? Do they have emergency supplies?
once you leave the gulf of mexico or even go past midway near cuba all bets are off.
Guaranteed these scum were trying to get to the US open border and join the rest of the fugitives
Too bad yachts can’t be legally armed.
Prisoners dont escape without inside help and/ or $$$
Guess who
Oh no….GRENADA such a fun island with dance happy folks. God so frustrating these 3 animals will get the country branded negatively
I pray for the couples miracle survival
Who thinks there should be measures used to make these men each give their sworn testimony, investigated fully, then the crime punished swiftly?
Alleged? Weren't they arreated with the yacht? What type of shoe size IQ reasoning is this
Shark food.