PROBLEME OFFSHORE. Va trebui să-l canalizăm pe McGyver pentru a scăpa de acesta… Traversare din Galapagos – Insula Paștelui – velă ruptă, piese pierdute, fabricație de urgență… Acesta este ceea ce înseamnă navigarea de aventură! Sprijină acest canal: vino la navigație cu noi! Patreon: T-shirts:
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Companii pe care le iubim: OC Tenders: https://octenders. Seawater Pro Watermakers: Garnitură de etanșare fără picurare Lasdrop: Dispozitiv de tăiere a arborelui Spurs: Sonar orientat spre înainte:
: Epidemic Sound
Acest lucru nu este bun | S4E10

24 thoughts on “Acest lucru nu este bun | S4E10”
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Save me from society
Doldrums are only dull if you don't have a fishing pole and some sweet meat
Oh yeah don't forget beer
mcgyver the sails , nice job ,
I have been watching Ur channel for years now. With that being said. You know I have done a few tattoo's on U back in Maine and afew other sellers that have utube channel. I have always liked Urs tho. Just so u know I have Pirets in my family tree.! Being a Welch davis… rock on brO ..Tattootim……
Captain James channel has the phrase of the week!! "Calm Down, Let The Shit Do The Work" Just so calmly stated. I LOVE IT!!! WELL DONE CREW!

I was stoked you guys didn't drop the grinder overboard! Great sail repair crew!
This might be a dumb question but when you're in a submarine in rough water do you feel the waves like you do floating in a boat? I'm guessing not nearly as much but do you feel any rocking motion when underwater like that?
You're always up to no good lol! we had somethign similar happen to our headsail crossing to the Bahamas last week.
Im going crazy
… aren't we all at one time or another 

Or just all the time.
Hello from Siesta Key Florida
James, I'm not sure lack of sleep is causing you to look 'CRAZY'. It just might be you.
Nice home made dog point set screw
awesome. LOLed
Tape??? I'd stitch and then use the stick-it-to-the-next-guy GOOP (3m 5200)////// James!!!
2 hands on the grinder with the cutting wheel and face mask plus safety glasses while cutting! Also, there's no guard on the wheel! If it grips and gets stuck, it could throw the whole grinder out of control cause serious injury.
Excelent video
“Your advice is to calm down…you obviously have never seen my show”
This is gold. Loved how the shark music from Jaws followed not long after.
I'm actually beginning to repair fabric problems with Jeans. You get that tape and use various stiches. Gotta start somewhere ! Without that extremely thin cutting wheel nothing probably would have happened , at least nothing good.
What dies land smell like? Just curious…
Great thumbnail and opening flip!

this is a repeat? where is the hot blond chick?
Great video James. The jaws intro nearly got me.
By far my favorite sailing channel. I actually learn a lot watching James and his crews of skallywags.