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42 thoughts on “PLANURI DE NAVIGARE! Te pregatesti sa TRAVERSATI OCEANELE?? Ep 346”
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They are taken yachts be careful and you will be a prisoner in yemen
Tanzania and Kenya are fabulous. You must go on safari. The town of Arusha in Tanzania is a great starting point. Botswana is also fantastic near the Okovango Delta. I suppose you will leave Marly behind again ??
Oh! you ARE taking Marly. That's great. I should have waited. Re Sth Africa. Capetown is great with weather very much like Adelaide. J/Burg is a waste of time. The Island of Zanzibar is a wonderful place to visit as well. (Just off the coast of Tanzania.)
bassas da India is a must go dive their
Nice to see it all coming together for you guys ! We will do the rally to the east starting from Rebak in April and end in Borneo in September.
Depending on time of the year I would still consider going from the top of Madagascar across to At least Zanzibar then Tanzania before heading down to Richards Bay. We loved our time up there as Maja often says our best cruising as yet. We are currently in Nai Han bay chilling for a few days.
we say root lol not route
Nice , we plan to sail to Faliraki in Sommer
Excellent news,can’t wait for this,keep up the good work

Come on
I sail out of Melbourne
Go to tassie often etc
Winter sailing is some of the best
Toughen up
Really looking forward to your travels.. perhaps a hair cut before you leave?
Starlink roaming is going to be a game changer for your viewers during the crossing.
Please come to South Africa and make a stop in Durban and we can organise a little meet up. The summer starts in September I can show you my boat build it's a compass 47 and you can even video it and make an episode for YouTube
Shane Leibach
Sailing Skulls
Amazing! So nice to see some further travel! You guys will do amazing.
Fantastic to see you moving. It’ll be great to see love you guys. Go Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi
You must try and get into Knysna. Great lagoon and you will not be disappointed. Great marina and plenty to do. Also close to JBay for surfing.
Yacht is looking great
I like how Marley gets a say, very cool to be cruising with your dog
30 over night , bit cold with the A/C on
SV Nahoa just did that trip
Exciting much! Look forward to it

You are amazing totally love following you Africa sounds amazing good on you Carol king xx
I’m so glad you’re not going anywhere near the Red Sea because it sure sounds like it’s ripe for all kinds of Criminal activity and there seem to be lots of illegals that are trying to leave their own Countries. They’ve just found a catamaran in Grenada, that was probably boarded while the missing couple was sleeping, so be careful.
You guys rock! Been watching since the start and can't believe how well you have both done.

Exciting adventures… best wishes!
YOO the map on the humbnail reminded me that you should do a quick video on your thoughts on "flatearth". Just an idea. Been subbed for years. Blessings.
Yosh, love the Prince Valiant haircut matey.
I live in Mtunzini, just south of Richards Bay. The last Cyclone we had here in Zululand, was in 1984 – Domoina – which was really damaging. It was followed shortly by Cyclone Imboa that was a lot of rain, but not too damaging! Cyclones generally don't come as far South as Richards Bay, although in 1984, we were warned to expect Cyclones in Zululand on average, every 7 years!
South Africa is hot, nothing like South Australia. Tomorrow, on the West Coast above Cape Town, it will be 41c
Say hello to Somalian pirates.
We will wait for you in Cape Town
The East Coast of Africa weather is influenced by the warm Mozambique Current. Richard's Bay and Durban are hot and humid from November through to the end of February with sea temperature in the mid 20s centigrade! The mosquitoes in Richard's Bay are hellish and it is a Malaria Region. You will definitely appreciate your Aircon!
I live in Durban and have my aircon running almost all year around. The only difference between Summer and Winter apart from the days being shorter in winter is warm cloudless days with low humidity in winter. Day temperatures are in the low 20s Celsius. Summer temperatures can get up to 36 degrees Celsius but the humidity is really high and makes it feel just like the tropics! Zululand Yacht Club are a really friendly bunch of sailors and in Durban the two bigger Clubs are Royal Natal Yacht Club and Point Yacht Club. I am a member of Royal Natal and am happy to help you out with whatever information you may require. If you look at "Drifting Sailing Adventures" sailing channel on YouTube, they are a Richard's Bay Family who have been exploring East Africa over the last year and are currently in Madagascar! The East Coast of Africa is incredibly beautiful with many options in terms of Anchorage – you will see this on their videos! I will post you a link to Royal Natal Yacht Club on your Facebook Page! 

Good route mate,definitely stay at Richard's bay,stay away from durban,definitely would love to meet up with you legends,but December you'll be sweating bullets
If I remember correctly, "Sailing Brickhouse" caught COVID in Madagascar, and hubby died by the time they reached S. Africa, the bug is still out there and morphing, so be careful !
So very excited for you! What an awesome trip it will be, an amazing adventure. May I say this solong: welcome to South Africa!!
So much nervous excitement. I will be awesome!!! Living life to the fullest. Thats how it should be
I did this route many times during my childhood aboard my parents’ boats – the common route we took was Sri Lanka/Maldives/Chagos/Madagascar/mainland Africa. If you pass the northern tip of Madagascar, give it a wide berth, it always seemed very rough up there – that’s why we often headed towards Mayotte first. Cheers!
You missed doing the Kimberly's in Australia before you left . See Slim & Soph – Sailing Nakama