Super Secrete de iaht! Ai mai văzut asta înainte?

Super Secrete de iaht!  Ai mai văzut asta înainte?

Da! Astăzi primești un acces la toate zonele în jurul @motoryachtloon! M-am gândit că veți vedea întotdeauna elementele frumoase obișnuite din jurul ambarcațiunii, dar în acest videoclip vom aprofunda puțin și vă voi arăta câteva dintre lucrurile mele mici preferate de la bord. Mulțumim lui Blair pentru filmările dronei!


35 thoughts on “Super Secrete de iaht! Ai mai văzut asta înainte?

  1. Coffee machine secret door is phantastic 😂…

    ⭐Now imagine a storage room access hatch under a couch …😄

    …Where is every body gone …?
    They all wen't into the couch 😂

  2. How have I just found your channel?! It's so fascinating to see a 'behind the scenes' look at this life – I'll never get to experience this first-hand – this is the closest I'll get, ha! Looks amazing!

  3. Love it, that the Aussies have discovered biltong & even know how to pronounce the word. I guess that us 'English speakers, from the Southern Hemisphere, are very much alike. 😅

  4. Greetings from a rainy, miserable, grey UK, YUCK! Imagine you guys are enjoying long sunny days in the Caribbean…
    Another great video, thank you; nothing like a good behind the scenes!

    I think you mentioned an up-and-coming Q&A, I just watched the episode on preparing crew food for a week while in the shipyard, which was really interesting. The crew get to eat really well, which must be fantastic, I'd be interested to know while there are no ££ limits to guest food, how does it work for the crew?
    Thank you.

  5. Nina, Very nice video. I always enjoy the "behind the scenes" videos. If I were fortunate enough to charter the yacht, I would probably spend more time with the crew that I would with the other guests. Just me. The alcohol locker was interesting although I have some suggestions for your Whisk(e)y inventory. Cheers and safe travels.

  6. To my Midwestern American ear, I love this ladies accent. When she says these words in the first few seconds, this is what I hear: So: sir/sore hello: hellure, idea:idear, video: vidier, ago: agur. The "r" sound is very unique. Where does the accent come from? I thought about not asking because questioning accents can make people defensive sometimes. When you here me talk, I'm sure the first thing many people would think "Fargo." I mean no disrespect with my inquiry.

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