Un cuplu de pensionari din Virginia se teme că va muri după ce barca lor a fost deturnată în Caraibe. Autoritățile spun că este posibil să fi fost uciși de trei prizonieri evadați, care ulterior au fost recapturați. Raportează Liz Kreutz de la NBC. » Abonați-vă la NBC News: https://www.youtube.com/user/NBCNews NBC News Digital este o colecție de mărci de știri inovatoare și puternice, care oferă știri convingătoare, diverse și captivante. NBC News Digital prezintă NBCNews.com, MSNBC.com, TODAY.com, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline și aplicațiile și extensiile digitale existente ale acestor proprietăți respective. Oferim cele mai bune știri de ultimă oră, acoperire video live, jurnalism original și segmente din emisiunile tale preferate de știri NBC. Conectați-vă cu NBC News Online! Alerte de știri de ultimă oră: https://link.nbcnews.com/join/5cj/breaking-news-signup?cid=sm_npd_nn_yt_bn-clip_190621 Vizitați NBCNews.Com: https://www.nbcnews.com/ Găsiți NBC News pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBCNews Urmăriți NBC News pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/NBCNews Primiți mai multe despre NBC News livrate în căsuța dvs. de e-mail: nbcnews.com/newsletters #Caribbean #Grenada #Yacht
Mister asupra unui cuplu care a dispărut pe iaht în Caraibe

40 thoughts on “Mister asupra unui cuplu care a dispărut pe iaht în Caraibe”
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To the sons, so sorry for your loss, sending healing prayers from a California sailor.

There's been Youtuber after Youtuber chasing the Youtube sailing dream prior to this sailing to the Caribbean first
Pure, undiluted evil. The prison officers are to blame.
Thank god they didnt have any weapons on board to protect themselves with… wouldnt want law abiding citizens to have a means to save their own lives from thieves and murderers….
Not really a mystery, they were killed
Hey just like in America.
Love and support from Richmond, Virginia. I’m so sad your family is going through this nitemare.
Unfortunately is our everyday way of living. In the past three day's, three kid's have been lost, two from Broward County and one from Palm Beach County

More black on white crime eh?
All because prison guards fail to do their jobs
Grenada is an awful place
Blacks killing Whites, how unusual!(heavy sarcasm)
Did they know hillary clinton
My Prayers for you all!!! Try to find your faith in God.

This kids talking but not crying definitely happy all the millions left in bank for him
Those BLM'fers murdered them.
They are now neighbors of Natalie Holloway.
If thats whay really happened
The sea will take her own revenge
The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the gospel. Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is God, the only way, truth, and life. There is no one else but him to save us.
The suspects look similar no matter where you are in the world.
Arm yourself. The World is being tested
Wait, doesn't this station hate rich people?
This is terrible!
Rich, white, straight people have a right to play around and goof off wherever they want, free of the dangers that plauge the rest of the world!
I am outraged!!
So sad
If I was rich only my bank teller and I would know it.. people just can’t control their greed when they see someone else doing better..
Fake news info again: Check the big weapons sign at the Nassau port of entry. Inconvenient truth is the seas are dangerous, so ports deal w/sailors carrying very serious weaponry, illegal in many countries.
So..o.o sorry to hear. It sickens me that these men escaped. My people stop doing these crazy things. Hope couple is found alive
Biden says he's ready to give those 3 US citizenship if they promise to vote for him.
The kings of interracial crime strike again. We shouldnt have to live like this.
This was a DEI crime
Those Pestilence something is not yours leaves it's alone, Rather killed Human and destroyed People's beings. Packs Hyneas Pestilence everyday,.
That is terrible lord give there sons peace
These entitled folks need to understand that most of the world doesn't like them. The people from Grenada thought America was invading them again.
That is the problem, "i have never heard of anything like this ever happening".
Quite Unfortunate ..
news. Theres pretty nothing much u can do to protect your self in a yatch.. on water.
only Gods mercy ….
May God’s Peace to you sons…
This is horrible but this is the Risk they accepted,
sailing to dangerous parts of the world, one of the
places with high crime. What were they thinking,
going there.
the leftist facebook group End Stage Capitalism is celebrating the murder of these two as some kind of communist victory because they hate wealthy people
So sad. God don't sleep