The Shake Down Sail Ep7

The Shake Down Sail Ep7

Cum este cu adevărat să pleci în străinătate pentru predarea bărcii? Am achiziționat un Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47 nou-nouț și suntem în Franța pentru predare. Barca este scoasă pentru o scuturare în jos pentru a vedea ce probleme apar, astfel încât să le putem remedia. Continuăm să cumpărăm lucrurile de care avem nevoie pentru barcă, cu puțin ajutor, și ne confruntăm cu unele dintre problemele proprii cu barca? Este aproape timpul să ne întoarcem în Australia, așa că vă lăsăm cu câteva gânduri despre procesul de a merge în Franța pentru a obține o nouă barcă. Site-ul web – trimiteți-ne un e-mail – Rămâneți la curent pe rețelele noastre sociale @oceanpeoplesailing https://www. ––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––– Muzică folosită: Soundstripe Royalty Free Music Artiști: VAULTZ- Happy Thursday KGTNH3XWVEYJHFOM PALA – Buchet CVZEQEX4ROGIMHN9 HEARTLAND NIGHTS – În fața mea FII4PR81IGFDVHTX REST & SETTLE _ Dovetails Product link: MV4X8FML / –––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––- Marcaje temporale ale acestui videoclip: 00:00 Introducere 00:38 Mai multe despachetare 01:46 Shake Down Sail 01: 59 Spațiu de parcare îngust 03:05 Pregătirea de navigare 04:36 Instalarea fabricii 05:30 Primul la volan 06:29 Puneți pânzele! 07:18 NAVIGARE! 08:21 La spălătorie 09:00 Lucrări suplimentare 09:59 Unelte și piese de schimb 14:09 Am găsit o problemă cu barca? 15:34 La mulți ani 16:15 Să găsim un instrument 18:11 Ceai și reflecție 24:28 Outro –––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––- #sailingfamily #familysailing #sailingtogether #barca cu pânze #catamaran #fountainepajot #Tanna47 #shakedownsail #boattest –––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––-


39 thoughts on “The Shake Down Sail Ep7

  1. As a boater myself I have always found it mind blowing that you can pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on a fibreglass boat and it’s not fit for sea upon pickup, spend $30,000 on a car and you drive it off the forecourt 😅 I feel your pain but you will have a beautiful boat in the end!

  2. I prefer as a long time electrician a Makita. They are really super. Or a "Hilti". But the small screwdriver from Makita are really strong.😊

  3. Has to be Jimmy Buffet…..A Pirate looks at Forty, Changes in Latitudes, Son of a Son of a Sailor, It's 5 O'clock Somewhere are just a few ideas.

  4. Lets face it if you would have asked a Brit they would have said don't buy in France we know what they are like you only have to look at Renault or Outremer.

  5. Best departure song – "We'll meet again" by… some woman. TV shows like to use it when a serial killer disappears right before they wanted to arrest her. Weeeee'll meet again, don't know wheeeen, don't know wheeeeere… Nice. A slightly more down-to-earth option – Don't cry by Guns'n'Roses.

  6. SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS to sew up two sheets of canvas!!!??? Is that what 7-hour 4-days work week looks like? Germans would do it in 6-8 days. Chinese would probably take 6 to 8 minutes. Including installation.

  7. 19:20 It will NEVER feel like it's ended. Not even in a year. 🙂 Get used to the constant feeling of "What did I forget?". Like Harry's socks. 😛 Damn, I need a mischeivous smiley here.

  8. So there are… let's say 5,000 sailing channels on youtube. About a third of them is people buying new boats. And you didn't watch ANY of them? Oh, well, you didn't even research the ones you BOUGHT. 😀 I hope you will edit out the 4-month wait.

  9. How long will you be away from the boat without sailing it? Remember tgat tge warranty keeps running, and issues that will turn up once you start sailing and they always do, might not be covered. La Vagabonde just commussiobed a 2.5 million boat, and on 1st 3 day passafe, discovered that the engine had let salt water in snd was ruined. Oooops.
    Maybe watched Sailing AWEN from the start, they used to own a Fontaine Pajot. They sold it after a year. They had a daily vlog of crossing the Atlantic with professional skippers.

  10. Have same boat and mostly same configuration. From my experience you should : get the flybridge table, it's a new option from FP, if you still there do it now, find a solution for the big kitchen table, it's nice to eat inside sometimes, but when you eat outside would be nice to have smaller table inside, so you can lay down better. You will see soon what I mean…. For the inside table will probably make it change with a foldable one (not yet decided how)

  11. This is a joke right? You don’t actually think you are capable of leaving the marina by yourselves? Way more money than ability. This is going to end badly. The most unlikely sailors in all the thousands of channels out there. And you are doing this with kids… Those hardcore French boat builders must be really conflicted selling a boat to you nubes. This is like watching a train smash in slo mo…… And to all those cheering you on…. evidently know as much about sailing as you….

  12. Congrats on your new boat! After you return from Australia where will you go? What will you do? How long do you plan to live on board? How far behind realtime are you, i.e., is this fall of 22 or 23? Context helps people, including us get engaged.

  13. I’m soo disappointed in the comments people feel the need to share! Thank you for sharing these special moments of your family’s life. Y’all are an inspiration to me and my family that would also love to take the leap of faith and join the adventures on the beautiful ocean with y’all one day. Your family is beautiful, happy and healthy and I can only imagine the joy that you all shared taking your beautiful new home out for the day. Thank y’all again and one last thing! Buy all Milwaukee cordless tools so you can interchange batteries when needed. After many of worn out tools that’s what I did and couldn’t be happier!
    God Bless and good wind!
    The Tuckers

  14. Dewalt is a good reliable power tool. I was given an 18V cordless drill back in 2013. I still have it and use it just about every day at work. I have abused the hell out of that drill and it keeps going. Also own the Dewalt XR line of 20V cordless tools; circular saw, saber saw, jig saw, orbital sander, impact wrench and grinder. The grinder does drain a 6 amp hour battery fast so I'd recommend getting one that plugs into AC power. The XR is suppose to be the contractor series. Only had that line since 2019 and so far they have performed great on the job site.

  15. So great to sea real people displaying real emotions, especially the excitement of buying a new boat. I am sure that you have found out already that the electric and electronic systems required to keep a single modern sailing boat fully functioning are really complex. Add to that manual systems that are exposed to UV and salt water and boat life becomes understandably a labour of continuous maintenance… but also a labour of love. Buying a new boat will shield you from excessive maintenance for a short while, but it will always be there. Your comments about the boat “not being ready” resonate completely with me and I often wonder what the state of charter boats are that just get shipped out to the Med and Caribbean without the detailed scrutiny that an owner operator demands. Lastly, please don’t let the trolls on YouTube get you down, you are a beautiful family sharing some great moments in your life and the vast majority of viewers will appreciate that. As I said on an earlier video you can mange negative posts through your dashboard and perhaps you should look at that because the more popular you become (which you will) the more you will attract people who want to knock you down.

  16. I'm sorry, but that's not a shake down sail. To shake down the boat you need to push everything to it's limits. You need to sail it for a couple of days, spend nights at anchor, sail in over twenty knots with some waves, (and reef late!) To put the rig under pressure. Run the engine under high revs, make water, even. A tootle in no wind outside the harbour wall in flat calm will teach you virtually nothing. For example, were there concerning bulkhead noises? I know that's more of a Lagoon issue but it's not something you wait to discover when you're thousands of miles away from the broker!

    My rule of thumb with shopping for hardware is if I'm going without the wife, I do all my research in the store… I play with every drill, hold every hammer.. So much fun. If I'm in the unfortunate position of going in with the wife, and worse the kids, I research on line, call to make sure they have the item, and then it's like the SAS: go in, complete the mission objectives as far as possible and get out, hopefully leaving nobody behind!

  17. We’ll be in La Rochelle at the end of April, cruising down towards the Med. Hope to see you guys on the water. Don’t let some comments bring you down! Go for it, live should be an adventure.

  18. Hi Guys.

    Great video work. Thank You for sharing. Just a hint but You might already know. Cruisers use Disposal nappies in the bilge to soak up oil spills. There are dozens before You who have gone through this process before You who are on Youtube. Reach out to Caltalpa for any handyman fixes. Leigh is very good at coming up with solutions.

    David. Down Under.

  19. Oh my..3 hrs in a tool store looking for a drill! LOL Would James/Jim go clothes shopping with you for 3 hrs? I bet he would. I also follow another family sailing videos..Sailing Zatara that have been sailing for I believe 7yrs and their children were small as well. They also have a tutorial channel you might check out…if you haven't seen them already. I'm very excited watching you guys in your travels and learning your new boat. Claudie/Texas

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