Cel mai rău coșmar al meu! Trezirea în miezul nopții și descoperirea că barca noastră lipsește! Am ridicat ancora și am pornit în căutarea ei și, în mod miraculos, am găsit barca plutind în josul vântului pe ocean, la aproximativ o milă distanță. În acel moment, unul dintre motoarele noastre a pornit, indicând că era supraîncălzit. Am oprit motorul și ne-am întors șchiopătând la ancoraj și am petrecut următoarele două zile lucrând pentru a rezolva problema. Acest canal este finanțat de spectatori ca tine. Vă rugăm să ne ajutați să menținem acest canal să creeze conținut grozav devenind un patron. Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDwexrF43p_1QurfKFBCBA/join http://www.patreon.com/sailingdoodles Donați prin Paypal pentru a ajuta http://www.paypal.me/sailingdoodles
Am pierdut barca pe mare în miezul nopții!

28 thoughts on “Am pierdut barca pe mare în miezul nopții!”
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You have a lot of patients Bobby. It's something that has to be done to keep the boat going. Glad you found the Dinghy. Certainly helps to have a crew mate like Amanda to keep you sane. Good work!
Hell of a day at sea sir… cheers to da crew

Air Tag anyone?
Thanks for sharing the non-glamorous parts of boat-life with us. It's always nice to see some reality amongst the romanticized ideals.
You know, being n the Bahamas and having a smoking hot lady waiting for you after the repair makes it all that much better
Son of a, yeah I'm going to need a drink after watching this video. Please check your battery connection's.
engineers will walk past 5 naked ladies just to screw a working man
i am sure Amanda can shrink u to 1/3rd the size in 1hr
better loose wire than a cooked engine and it has new impeller so safe maintenance
You need to go play the lottery!
Joys of boating
Hey Bobby, have you considered using wire rope hardware on that rope? A stainless steel wire rope thimble for a loop and wire rope clips or squeezable clamps should hang on just fine.
Great job Bobby
Several year’s ago while sailing in the BVI we backed the sail boat up and accidentally wound the line to the dingy around the sailboat prop
I had to dive down and unwind the line in strong wind and currents. WOW things happen fast but everything can be overcome with patience and perseverance 
It wouldn't be a bad idea to fix a waterproof tracker tab on the dinghy in case it comes untied again or if someone pinches it.
They are brilliant and have had ours for 3 years now, It is one of the best things I have brought.
You can always know where your dinghy is from the app connected to your phone but nobody else knows its got a tracker on it as its so small and can be hidden under the dinghy seat, fuel tank or under the engine cover.
That's what Pisses me off about engineers, they never give any thought for Maintenance or repairs.
To be done.
I'm back again, that clicking noise could be the starter motor like you said, but it could be a low or dead battery or even loose terminals on the battery or a loose earth cable.
Always something on a boat…constant maintenance…just changed my fuel filters, engine oil and filter, transmission fluid, and antifreeze, impeller…time to go sailing.
Sadly, this is the 2nd time you lost your dingy. This time you found it! Congrats! Ever think of putting a gps tag into the dingy to find n track faster IF this ever happens again? Hopefully it never happens again! Congrats on finding it. Keep up the great vids n content!
I would have overheated also
Booby – things break – you know that – if you keep changing yachts and boats all the time – and you get to fix the same issues on all of em – two things are going to happen. a lot of happy (future) owners out there on the back of your efforts – or your are going to get the "sh1ts" fixing all the rubbish. all the time
2 for 2 getting back the dingys good job
I bet that generator and that starboard engine were contaminated with skank.
Probably something to look at when buying a boat how difficult it is to change an impeller.
I have impellers separate (de vulcanized) off the collar. They looked brand new but seem to not be mated to the collar very well.
This is the stuff I need to learn. My wife and I hope to set sail in about 6 years. This is the stuff we dont know and need to learn about. I assume there is a program or school we could learn more about repairs and maintenance?
Cramped work area down there. You having 454s makes it even more cramped than my Sea Ray 300DA with Merc 350s. Doing the work yourself. WOW! Your the man. Thank goodness for marine mechanics that come to me. I am in the San Francisco Bay Area so getting a mechanic is never a problem. Great show, sorry your 24 hours of yuk happened. Big CHEERS! Good job.
Gawd, what a pair of twats
At least you did not have to drop the outdrive
they always seem to have the worst design on a part that needs to be replaced on a semi-regular basis.. SMH