Noul crucișător de modă veche | Turul Tide 36 | Yachting Monthly

Noul crucișător de modă veche |  Turul Tide 36 |  Yachting Monthly

Editorul Yachting Monthly, Theo Stocker, face un tur al noului Tide 36, un crucișător de modă veche, cu interioare bine finisate, care contravine tendinței multor lansări moderne. –- Abonați-vă la canalul de Youtube al Yachting Monthly la: Abonați-vă la reviste la: Citiți mai multe articole de navigație la: Apreciați pagina noastră de Facebook la: Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: Urmăriți ne scrieți pe Instagram la:


23 thoughts on “Noul crucișător de modă veche | Turul Tide 36 | Yachting Monthly

  1. Lovely to see a yacht with a tiller. You get so much more feel from a tiller. I grew up when any boat under 32 footish was steered by tiller. Call me old fashioned but at 72 I am. I also have gone full circle and am back to a Contessa 26, mainly for day sailing with a tiller of course. Good video 😊.

  2. She does have nice lines and is well finished but ouch! Half a million for a 36 footer 😬 How well is the hull built vs those built at the cheaper "production" yards?

  3. Congratulations to Theo on only a slight smile when announcing the price. I'd have been doubled up with laughter. X4⁰ for me and satisfy my desire for 'classic' with a Magnum ice cream.

  4. Typical thorough job from Theo, well done. I did not see many elements of this boat that I liked, either in design or execution.
    I find the boat to be unattractive above and below deck. I recall that 'old-fashioned' cruisers were generally more appealing visually.

  5. Super cool! – QUESTION for you Theo – If you were forced to make a decision for a world cruising sailboat, would you pick the Hallberg 50, Hallberg 57 or Amel 50? It would be for a couple to take 5 ro 8 years to do a circumnavigation. Much appreciated.

  6. Half a million Euro for a 36 ft production weekend sailboat with some performance characteristics and painted plywood cabinets, eh?

  7. Almost any used sailboat from the 80s or 90s of this size will have equal or better accommodation, and will sail about as well. For a tenth of the price.
    I like the ambition, and I love that it has a tiller – every sailboat up to 40 ft or so should have tiller steering – but skimping on the beam and headspace makes this somewhat failed.
    The insane price suggests to me that they have their production set up for the military, where everything costs 2-3 times more than is reasonable or justified.

  8. Ooof, not at that price, and that 1.9m draught wouldn't do for me on the UK East Coast, nice looker though.

    Back in the real world, I will stick to my £25k Hunter Pilot 27 thank you.

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