Tur de iaht explorator de 9,5 milioane de lire sterline: Arksen 85

Tur de iaht explorator de 9,5 milioane de lire sterline: Arksen 85

Este acesta cel mai bun explorator offshore pe distanțe lungi? Vedeți acest incredibil Arksen 85. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ În asociere cu: https://www.completemarinefreight.com/ https://www.vircru.com/ https://www.garmin. com/ https://www.ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Prețul este doar cu titlu orientativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificație Cu mulțumiri către: https://www.arksen. com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vedeți mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


36 thoughts on “Tur de iaht explorator de 9,5 milioane de lire sterline: Arksen 85

  1. I can't get used to the raw aluminum, but otherwise, what a boat! And what a refreshing change, touring a boat not at a boat show! Hope you can do more of that.

  2. It's a great yacht but I don't think i'd use it for warmer climates. Exploring the arctic and tough seas seems more appropriate for it to me.

  3. I think the outer hull and superstructure is going to look a bit 'Greyer' after a while in the salty , wamer climes. Painting it might not have been a better idea long term. But owners choice. I;d love to see the first boat for contrast between the interiors and exterior. It sounds like the first boat might be a more comfortable propasition. Personally I think it looks like a costal ferry inside and wouldnt like to spend a 7000 mile voyage on it.
    Flopper Stoppers, I havent heard that term in years and nothing to do with ladies garments. I read about them and accompaning diagrams somewhere; it may even have been M B & Yachting back in the 1980's. Showing my age now !

  4. One of the great things about the 2 watertight doors from Captain Cabin to Engine room is that you can open one, shut it, open the next, and not disturb guests with engine room noise or pressure changes.

  5. Looks like you've divorced Maggie and replaced her with a newer younger model. So I've actually started using Squiggie, I guess now I'll be referring to my wife's braziers as Flopper Stoppers. I love the aluminum build, the solar, and the range is awesome, but it's just too commercial or industrial feeling for me. I don't need something that can survive in Antarctica when I have no desire to ever go there or to ever be cold again. Great in-depth video, and congrats on remembering so much of the technical stuff. Thanks Nick.

  6. What was your impression of this compared to the bigger Nordhavns you've been on Nick? Awesome tour as always!

  7. I’m sure this has been said before, but you my friend are the David Attenborough of boating. Never miss a video – I am not even a boater and this is my favorite channel!

  8. It's good to see you cranking out content. Moving on 101, that's how you do it son.

    As for this boat, as much as I love the super yachts and weekend pleasure craft, this is what really impresses me. A serious mini-ship with a more proper bridge than many supers, excellent creature comfort and facilities, a decent amount of leisure space, and surprisingly stylish, given it's no nonsense exterior finish, and almost any contingency covered.

    It had me at formal navigator station. Make it so, Lt…

  9. I'm shocked that it only burns 6.6 gph that's absolutely insane thats less fuel than my cessna 172.. Mind blown…What an incredible yacht.. I absolutely love this. This is my type of ship.. I need one

  10. JACQUES!!! 1:46 This is stunning! So many cool things to mention but I'll limit it to one: CABLE MANAGEMENT. All the wiring is sexy LOL. I enjoy all your videos but this one is very memorable. Thanks Nick! (PS you forgot the wave LOL no worries)

  11. I was on the USNS Comfort, many years ago. It is a converted oil tanker. Long story short, I stood Bridge watch several times and the ships wheel was just like this one.

  12. Not sure on this yacht but I have seen those "flopper stoppers" being used as stabilizing fins while the yacht was running , so no need to have the fin stabilizers running or even have them at all. Thanks for the video. Very interesting yacht.

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