Am terminat de acoperit catamaranul meu de ocean.

Am terminat de acoperit catamaranul meu de ocean.

Folosesc terasă foarte simplă pentru catamaranul meu de proiect de 42 de picioare. cât de departe mă va duce această punte? Instagramul meu: @boat.fella Facebook:… Întrebări de afaceri: Mulțumesc foarte mult oamenilor incredibil de generoși care folosesc linkurile de mai jos PayPal: https:/ / Ko-fi: Patreon: Lista de dorințe Amazon: /hz/wishlist/ls/155FC0QR78BGF?ref_=wl_share Muzica pe care o ascult de fapt:


21 thoughts on “Am terminat de acoperit catamaranul meu de ocean.

  1. Hey Mark, you may already have a solution for the covering the decking…if not, I would try FlexSeal. It is a rubbery compound that lasts for ages and looks great. White, Grey or Black. Not cheap though. About $110 (CDN) a gallon but you won't need much. Vey grippy to walk on as well. Just a thought. I did all the steel pontoons on my boat with it and it is terrific. – Phil.

  2. I would leave Deck to weather to silver. Treat with some oil every so often. Worked for 20 years for us. retains its grip. Paint requires maintenance.

  3. Question, is the deck only loose fitted or is it bolted on? I ask this because if you plan to go out at sea and have rough weather, you will loose your deck and all your hard work.

  4. Hey Mark

    Good looking work this past week. Happy to see you going hard at it.
    Im gonna throw out a suggestion for your deck.
    If you take some wood filler putty and spread in the gaps
    and then sand it nicely.
    Then , what I would do is buy a very HEAVY Fiberglass Cloth and lay it with a Moderate Epoxy Resin.
    Then after that you can paint it with a paint and Silica anti-slip mixed it. Then that deck would look and feel very professional and last YEARS.
    The Epoxy will need to appropriate hardness so it doesn't spider crack with the flexing of the wood.
    I would guess that would cost about £350-400 total
    and about 30 Hours labour to do nicely.
    But Boy o Boy it would look nice thereafter for Years to come.

    Option 2 – Just fill the gaps and use a couple gallons of Thompsons Water Seal and do several coats to last 4/5 years ,,,,

    With you Deck getting completed, after you finish your wood , start with your deck hardware.
    Another forethought is to have some 1" Stainless Tube and wherever you need a Deck-Thru hole drill the hole with a 1-1/8" holesaw and then cut the Stainless Tube
    and Insert and Glue into the Holes.

    DONT Skimp on the Deck Mark , You can keep that wood you've laid already by coating or covering or doing the Fiberglass Covering ….

    Cheers Buddy.

    Keep Going Hard !!!

    Chris & Stella.

    SV Jaz
    SV Hydra

  5. In the USA the screws are called torx. Definitely my favorite. Slot, phillips,square & now torx. Cheers from Northern California.

  6. Giant step forward… looking lush ar Mark! Onwards! Having a new deck to swan around on triumphantly completes the perfect 'back to business' spurt you were clearly looking for over the last couple of episodes! June sea trials will be epic… crack on skipper!
    P.S. Your essential droneshots show her true size now… she's B-I-G! When are those 2 Dutch girls/crew gonna turn up to help you mate?

  7. Don’t worry about the aesthetics, it gives it character and shows where your true priorities are. Throw some used motor oil on it and be done.

  8. i think if you add a finish to the wood it would become very slippery, what i would do is rent one of those big hardwood floor sanders and sand all the wood down a bit so it looks better.
    The project is coming along great!

  9. So much screwing going on there mate that I was wondering what kind of video I was watching for a moment!!! You seem to have your second wind now, keep it going, nearly there!

  10. Don't know if this has already been mentioned but when installing your decking, a small gap should be left between each plank to allow for wood movement and drainage. Same thinking used on decking for a house patio. worse case scenario, adjacent planks 'pop up', so not structural, just annoying.

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