Navigand pe Hudson

Navigand pe Hudson

Navigare pe râul Hudson într-un vânător, 29.5. Un sfârșit frumos al unei zile frumoase cu cea mai bună companie. Mulțumiri speciale: Gina Duane Falcon Alte platforme: Instagram: Contactați-mă: E-mail: Instagram: /samantha_2662?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Dacă doriți să trimiteți ceva prin poștă, informațiile mele despre căsuța poștală sunt: ​​PO Box 1041 Cairo NY, 12413


36 thoughts on “Navigand pe Hudson

  1. No vests? I spent a weekend once long ago with a good friend on the gulf inland water way on a boat about that size. Extremely memorable.

  2. If you can't sleep watch this video it sent me to sleep before the end. Because of that I had to watch it another twice to see it all the way through. After the first time my daughter switched it off and I had to watch it again when I woke up!

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