Proprietarul de iahturi Lamborghini din San Diego îl pierde la Marina. Apoi, vedeți videoclipul său de la Super Bowl pe canal

Proprietarul de iahturi Lamborghini din San Diego îl pierde la Marina.  Apoi, vedeți videoclipul său de la Super Bowl pe canal

La cererea populară, atribui în mod explicit o licență CC acestui videoclip pentru a-i permite utilizarea și partajarea liberă. Acest comportament nu este nicăieri și cu siguranță nu în San Diego! Distribuie și refolosește pentru a ajuta la eliminarea unor astfel de persoane. Iată încă unul dintre actele sale de clasă:


40 thoughts on “Proprietarul de iahturi Lamborghini din San Diego îl pierde la Marina. Apoi, vedeți videoclipul său de la Super Bowl pe canal

  1. We used to say that all the time when we were kids. Now it's a terroristic threat. Ugh, I miss the old days. Ha!

  2. Ajay Thakore of CEO of Doctor Multimedia, threatening peoples lives !! Unreal …… And this guy is the CEO of a Medical company …… instead of helping people he wants to KILL People

  3. The kid didn't have to give the finger and could have let him just parked there for a minute it could have made some good money I wanted to be a superhero instead

  4. "I'm gonna have you K*11ed" – whether it's cleaning the toilet, moving the lawn, or the 'M" word, the Rich Man always has to hire someone to do it for him.

  5. The dock worker did a great job! The boat owner will answer for his actions someday, it will catch up to him. Give the dock worker a big raise!

  6. No consequences when you are rich. Can delay. Delay. Delay. Followers find out the hard way when they go to jail. Abandoned. Lied to. Still making excuses for the remainder of their sentence. Blaming the justice system for their own illegal acts. Learned from the leader. Rich and famous always treated with special consideration by courts. Court Corruption systemic. Many judges having lifetime jobs. Ensuring same.

  7. Imagine having a Lamborghini yacht and still being that pathetic of a person. No amount of money can fill his infinite insecurity

  8. Death threats are a crime, so you have that, plus that seemed like roid rage, that guy was super angry. If I was rolling around on a yacht I dont think you could get anything but a smile from me.

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